PA164 Projects
Theme: Homeless here
Czech newspapers (idnes, lidovky, pravo, dennik, hn),
or any of your taste, not only blesk, aha or sip. This choice has to be confirmed by a
Plain text, UTF-8
Title 2013-10-15
from 15.10.2013 to 15.10.2012. If not enough article, continue in the past
Classified to a date and a source
100 documents per a student
If you are in doubts that the text, present it at classes.
pre-processing : 1x feature (attribute) selection
1x feature construction (e.g. N-gramy, phrases, multiword
expressions, …)
Clustering (unsupervised learning)
Association rules
Outlier detection
Keyword extraction (no need for explicit feature selection and feature extraction)