PA165 Seminar 2, September 23rd 2014, Persistence 1 In this seminar you will work mostly independently. If you get stuck with any task, please ask your neighbour first (there just too many students in the room) and then feel free to ask a tutor, they will provide you with an explanation. To start solving the problems you need to obtain a Maven project and import it into Netbeans. The project is in GitHub repository. Follow the following steps to get it: 1. Open terminal, navigate to some directory into which you want to save your for todays seminar 2. Add the netbeans module (module add netbeans-7.3.1-loc) so that you have the local netbeans and all the settings for the tools prepared. You must add this module in each terminal in which you gonna run next commands 3. execute the following command: git clone --branch tut1 4. change directory to /pa165-persistence 5. Run command “git checkout tut1” 6. change directory to /pa165-persistence/persistence-app 7. To test your project issue “mvn clean install”, you should see SUCCESS 8. Now open Netbeans. 9. Open the following project in Netbeans /pa165-persistence 10. If the modules do not appear, you will have to use context menu option “add existing modules” 11. You will need to open the submodules of the project by rightclicking them and selecting “Open” 12. Follow the following list of tasks