PA165 Enterprise Integration Filip Nguyen Lab Software Architectures and Information Systems Seminar 14 December 16, 2014 ● Integration ● Motivation ● Integration Criteria and Styles ● Messaging ● SOA ● ESB - JBoss ESB, Apache Camel ● Apache Camel Introduction Today Motivation ● No green field projects anymore ● Systems need to communicate with all the issues that arise: ○ Various protocols/database systems (how to share data between your Haskell application and Java app?) ○ Systems might be down ○ Distributed Transactions must be handled ○ Systems APIs change Integration Criteria 1. Coupling 2. Asynchronicity 3. Data Format 4. Data/Functionality sharing 5. Integration Technology Style - File Transfer ● File is nice common denominator among systems ● Importing/Exporting CSV files is very common functionality ○ Excel ○ Import CSV into MUNI IS ● Easy to generate ● Need to handwrite everything (transformations, import/export) ● Not very timely ● No functionality sharing Style - Shared Database ● High Data consistency ● Timely ● Extremely high coupling ● No functionality sharing Style - Remote Method Invocation ● No asynchronicity ● Lower coupling as opposed to Shared Database. Decoupling provided we have good interfaces ● More extensible ● For example web services that are used as a Service Layer ● REST/SOAP Style - Messaging ● Asynchronous ● Functionality sharing is more complicated ● Solves most problems in distributed systems ● Forces developer to think asynchronously ● Good APIs (JMS) avoid vendor lock-in scenarios Messaging in Java ● Java Messaging Service (JSR 914) ● ● Version 1.0 is prevalent but version 2.0 under adoption ● Apache Active MQ ● JBoss HornetQ, JBoss Messaging ● Every application server bundles some implementation JMS Basics ● Message ● Works over network ● Queue - many clients may insert and retrieve data ● Topic - publish subscribe implementation ● Ensures transactional behavior - the message is not removed from the queue until you acknowledge it ● Implementations use various backing stores: ○ Database ○ Files ○ Memory JMS Message ● ● TextMessage, ByteMessage,... ● Headers ○ JMSDestionation ○ JMSMessageID ○ .... ● Properties ● Payload JMS Message Consumption ● javax.jms.MessageConsumer ○ receive() ○ receive(long timeout) ● For Topics: Asynchronous MessageListeners ● Cubersome, while loops needed etc. ● Cannot receive in multiple threads (common requirement!) ● No transparent fail-over - when brooker goes down it is not possible to recover easily JEE Message Driven Bean public void onMessage (Message inMessage) @MessageDriven(mappedName="jms/Queue", activationConfig = { @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "acknowledgeMode", propertyValue = "Auto-acknowledge"), @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "destinationType", propertyValue = "javax.jms.Queue") }) public class SimpleMessageBean implements MessageListener { @Resource private MessageDrivenContext mdc; MDB problems ● You need container that supports MDB ● You need to know how to configure its JNDI and connection to the Queue - quite complicated Spring JMS handling ● JmsTemplate ● Spring Message Listener Containers ○ can do with POJOs ○ implement onMessage ○ is this enough for message handling? SessionAwareMessageListener public interface SessionAwareMessageListener { void onMessage(Message message, Session session) throws JMSException; } Camel JMS from("jms:queue:foo").to("bean:myBusinessLogic"); Other Messaging Implementations ● Amazon SQS (SOAP API), cloud ● AMQP (protocol level interoprability, not only interfaces as in the case of JMS) Amazon SQS ● Bindings to several languages ● sqs.sendMessage(new SendMessageRequest() .withQueueUrl(myQueueUrl) .withMessageBody("This is my message text.")); Apache Thrift ● Interprocess integration ● You generated stubs to different languages from 1 contract file *.thrift ● struct UserProfile { 1: i32 uid, 2: string name, 3: string blurb } service UserStorage { void store(1: UserProfile user), UserProfile retrieve(1: i32 uid) } Integration Patterns ● Introduced by Gregor Hophe ● ● 65 patterns ● Notation ● Usage ● Many implementations exist Message Channel ● Identified by name ● Usually a JMS Queue or Topic Message ● Body, Headers Pipes and Filters ● Sequence of actions done on a message Message Translator ● Reformatting of a message Enricher ● Adds data to a message Content Based Router ● Usually XPath or similar selector Dead Letter Channel ● Error handling! Return Address ● How to do request-reply? Enterprise Service Bus ● Very Important Archtiectural Style ● Helps implementing SOA ● Connects all the resources from the organization in one place Enterprise Service Bus ● JBoss ESB (Application Server + ESB) ● Apache Service Mix (Proprietary server) ● ESB Achieves ○ Mediation ○ Routing ○ Marshalling ○ Versioning Apache Camel ● Integration patterns Implementation, subset of ESB ● ● Book: Camel In Action ● User Manual What Can You Do with Camel from("file://inputdir/").to("file://outputdir") from("file://inbox/order").to("jms:queue:order?jmsMessageType=Text"); from("imaps:// com&password=YOUR_PASSWORD&delete=false&unseen=true&consumer. delay=60000") .process(new MyMailProcessor()); Configuration ● Via XML ● Directly in Spring Config File ● Via Java DSL Java DSL CamelContext camelContext = new DefaultCamelContext(); camelContext.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() { @Override public void configure() { from("file://old-input-orders?recursive=true&flatten=true") .to("file://outputDir"); } }); camelContext.start(); Thread.sleep(100000); Message vs Exchange ● Message ○ Attachments ○ Headers ○ Body ● Exchange: InMessage OutMessage Creating an Exchange manually Endpoint inputDir2 = camelContext.getEndpoint("file://old-input-orders"); Exchange fileExchange = inputDir2.createExchange(); fileExchange.getIn().setBody("xyz"); Camel Components ● Have string identifiers ● We have seen “file” component ● Many components: ○ JMS ○ Mail ○ WebServices ○ Database ○ EJB ○ IRC ○ SSH File Component ● New version: html ● Read Files ● Writes Files ● By setting a message header “CamelFileName” you can control the resulting file fileExchange.getIn().setHeader("CamelFileName", "myArtificialOrder.txt"); Routes and Direct Component ● Java in-memory endpoint, for joining various routes Route1: from("file://old-input-orders).to(“direct:commonPipeline"); Route NameX: from("direct:commonPipeline").id(“NameX”).to("file://outputDir") Processor ● Use Java code to enrich/change the message ● Implementing import org.apache.camel.Processor ● You will get Exchange from("direct:commonPipeline") .process(new TimeAddingProcessor()) .to(... Changing something in a message ● You must copy everything to Out message! Or otherwise you are loosing headers+attachments Wrong: public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { String request = exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class); request = request.replace("", "" + timeElement); exchange.getOut().setBody(request); } Validator Component ● New version: ● Validates XML Payload against data schema on classpath (src/main/resources) .to("validator:orderSchema.xsd") JAXB Marshalling ● Object representation of your XML payloads ● jaxb.index JAXB Class: @XmlElement(required = true) private String created; Camel Route: JaxbDataFormat jaxb = new JaxbDataFormat(OrderBean.class .getPackage().getName()); .unmarshal(jaxb) ... .marshall(jaxb) Spring Integration ● extends SpringRouteBuilder{ .... @Override public void configure() throws Exception { @EndpointInject ● Injects a ProducerTemplate for sending messages to a route @EndpointInject(uri="file://new-orders-input") private ProducerTemplate newFileEndpoint; public void sendSomethingThere(){ newFileEndpoint.sendBody( ... spring-ws component ● Hook to an existing Spring WS and process requests from("spring-ws:rootqname:{}orderRequest? endpointMapping=#endpointMapping") spring-ws component ● ● XSD defines the contract for the service (format of Request and Response). WSDL is automatically generated ● You can create your JAXB classes for Request and Response, based on this XSD, again jaxb.index needs to be created ● Extend AbstractCamelTestNGSpringContextTests ● AdviceWith to mock endpoints retailStoreCamelContext.getRouteDefinition("commonRoute").adviceWith(retailStoreCamelContext, new AdviceWithRouteBuilder() { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { interceptSendToEndpoint("file://outputDir") .skipSendToOriginalEndpoint() .to("mock:sendOrderTestMock"); } }); Camel Testing ● Using various policies ○ Dead Letter Channel ○ LoggingErrorHandler errorHandler(deadLetterChannel("file://errored")) .maximumRedeliveries(3).redeliveryDelay(5000)); Error Handling