Design of Digital Systems II Combinational Logic Design Practices (1) Moslem Amiri, Vaclav Prenosil Embedded Systems Laboratory Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic Fall, 2014 Circuit Timing • Outputs of real circuits take time to react to their inputs • Most digital systems are sequential circuits • Operate step-by-step under control of a periodic clock signal • Speed of clock is limited by the worst-case time that it takes for operations in one step to complete • The greatest challenge in completing a board-level or an ASIC design is achieving required timing performance Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II Fall, 2014 2/35 Circuit Timing: Timing Diagrams • Timing diagram • Illustrates logical behavior of signals in a digital circuit as a function of time • Arrows are drawn to show causality • Which input transitions cause which output transitions • The most important information is a specification of delay between transitions • Different paths through a circuit may have different delays • Delay through any given path may vary depending on whether output is changing from LOW to HIGH or from HIGH to LOW • Since delays can vary depending on voltage, temperature, and manufacturing parameters, delay is seldom specified as a single parameter • Minimum, typical, and maximum values Moslem Amiri, Vaclav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II Fall, 2014 3/35 Circuit Timing: Timing Diagrams (a) GO ■ ENB ■ READY ■ DAT (b) GO READY V \ — *RDY —- - tRDY — --'dat-- --*DAT-- GO READY _m www 'RDYmin --tRDYmax —- ->- ^DATmin-- "-^DATma>! WWW /////// Figure 1: Timing diagrams for a combinational circuit: (a) block diagram of circuit; (b) causality and propagation delay; (c) minimum and maximum delays. Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II Fall, 2014 4/35 Circuit Timing: Timing Diagrams • For any signal that carries a bit of data, timing diagram needn't show whether signal changes from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1 at a particular time, only that a transition occurs then • A group of data signals in a bus is often processed by identical circuits • Hence, all signals in bus have same timing, and can be represented by a single line in timing diagram Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II Fall, 2014 5/35 Circuit Timing: Timing Diagrams (a) WRITEL DATA IN DATAOUT \ h-' must be stable \ , old XXXXXXX) new data ^setup T -řl •oUTmin L 'hold ^— 'oUTmax —— (b) CLEAR P\ COUNT A_A_ÍY STEP[7:0] FF j| 00 ]| 01 ]( 02 ](" 03 Figure 2: Timing diagrams for data signals: (a) certain and uncertain transitions; (b) sequence of values on an 8-bit bus. Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II Fall, 2014 6/35 Circuit Timing: Propagation Delay • Propagation delay of a signal path is time that it takes for a change at input of path to produce a change at output of path • A combinational circuit with many inputs and outputs has many different paths • Each one may have a different propagation delay • Propagation delay when output changes from LOW to HIGH (£pz_h) may be different from delay when it changes from HIGH to LOW (tpHL) 7/35 Combinational Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs) • There are a large variety of ICs that can have their logic function "programmed" into them after they are manufactured • Most of these devices use technology that also allows function to be reprogrammed • If you find a bug in your design, you may be able to fix it without physically replacing or rewiring device Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II Fall, 2014 8/35 Combinational PLDs: Programmable Logic Arrays (PLAs) • Historically, first PLDs were PLAs • A PLA is a combinational, two-level AND-OR device that can be programmed to realize any sum-of-products logic expression, subject to size limitations of device • Limitations are • Number of inputs (n) • Number of outputs (m) • Number of product terms (p) • In general, p is far less than number of n-variable minterms (2") • Thus, a PLA cannot perform arbitrary n-input, m-output logic functions • Its usefulness is limited to functions that can be expressed in SOP form using p or fewer product terms • An n x m PLA with p product terms contains p 2n-input AND gates and m p-input OR gates Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II Fall, 2014 9/35 Combinational PLDs: Programmable Logic Arrays (PLAs) 11 -£§= "3 —ÓS= I4 —pS= P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 Figure 3: A 4 x 3 PLA with six product terms. 01 02 03 Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 10 / 35 Combinational PLDs: Programmable Logic Arrays (PLAs) • Each input connects to a buffer/inverter that produces both a true and a complemented version of signal for use within array • Potential connections in array are indicated by X's • Device is programmed by keeping only connections that are actually needed • Selected connections are made by fuses, which are not actually fuses, but nonvolatile memory cells that can be programmed to make a connection or not Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II Fall, 2014 11 / 35 Combinational PLDs: Programmable Logic Arrays (PLAs) 11 -Cr 12 —pS= I3-Č*: I4 —p§= 000000 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 01 02 03 Figure 4: Compact representation of a 4 x 3 PLA with six product terms. Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II Fall, 2014 12 / 35 Combinational PLDs: Programmable Logic Arrays (PLAs) • PLA in Fig. 4 can perform any three 4-input combinational logic functions that can be written as SOPs using a total of six or fewer distinct product terms, e.g. 01 = 11-12 + II' ■ 12' ■ 13' ■ 14' 02 = II- 13' + II' ■ 13- 14 + 12 03 = II- 12 + II-13' + II' ■ 12' ■ 14' • These equations have a total of eight product terms, but first two terms in 03 are same as first terms in 01 and 02 • Programmed connection pattern in Fig. 5 matches these logic equations Moslem Amiri, Vaclav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II Fall, 2014 13 / 35 Combinational PLDs: Programmable Logic Arrays (PLAs) 11 -D§= 12 —p§= i3-b= i i-ä s- 000000 pi p2 p3 p4 p5 i S-ä í-äŕ p6 01 02 03 Figure 5: A 4 x 3 PLA programmed with a set of three logic equations. Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II Fall, 2014 14 / 35 Combinational PLDs: Programmable Logic Arrays (PLAs) 11 -t* "3 —Ds= 14-tS: -9Í--SÍ- 000000 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 ■o- 01 1 02 0 03 0 Figure 6: A 4 x 3 PLA programmed to produce constant 0 and 1 outputs. Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II Fall, 2014 15 / 35 Combinational PLDs: Programmable Array Logic (PAL) • A special case of a PLA, and basis of today's most commonly used PLDs, is PAL device • Unlike a PLA, a PAL device has a fixed OR array • PAL devices also use bidirectional input/output pins » One of today's most commonly used combinational PLD structures is " PAL16L8" Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II Fall, 2014 16 / 35 Combinational PLDs: Programmable Array Logic (PAL) Figure 7: Logic diagram of the PAL16L8. 17 / 35 Combinational PLDs: Programmable Array Logic (PAL) PAL16L8 11 I2 Ol I3 I02 I4 I03 I5 I04 I6 I05 I7 IO6 I8 I07 I9 O8 110 Figure 8: Logic symbol for the PAL16L8. Moslem Amiri, Vaclav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II Fall, 2014 18 / 35 Combinational PLDs: Programmable Array Logic (PAL) • PAL16L8 • Its programmable AND array has 64 rows and 32 columns and 64 x 32 = 2048 fuses • Each of 64 AND gates in array has 32 inputs, accommodating 16 variables and their complements • Eight AND gates are associated with each output pin • Seven of them provide inputs to a fixed 7-input OR gate • The eighth (called output-enable gate) is connected to three-state enable input of output buffer • Buffer is enabled only when output-enable gate has a 1 output • An output can perform only logic functions that can be written as sums of seven or fewer product terms • Each product term can be a function of any or all 16 inputs • Although PAL16L8 has up to 16 inputs and up to 8 outputs, it is housed in a dual in-line package with only 20 pins, including two for power and ground (pins 10 and 20) o This is result of six bidirectional pins (13-18) that may be used as inputs or outputs or both Moslem Amiri, Vaclav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II Fall, 2014 19 / 35 Combinational PLDs: Programmable Array Logic (PAL) • PAL16L8 • Six of output pins, called I/O pins, may also be used as inputs • If an I/O pin's output-control gate produces a constant 0, then output is always disabled and pin is used strictly as an input • If input signal on an I/O pin is not used by any gates in AND array, then pin may be used strictly as an output • Depending on programming of output-enable gate, output may always be enabled, or it may be enabled only for certain input conditions • If an I/O pin's output-control gate produces a constant 1, output is always enabled, but pin may still be used as an input too o In this way, outputs can be used to generate first-pass "helper terms" for logic functions that cannot be performed in a single pass with limited number of AND terms available for a single output • With an I/O pin always output-enabled, output may be used as an input to AND gates that affect the very same output • That is, we can embed a feedback sequential circuit Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II Fall, 2014 20 / 35 Combinational PLDs: Generic Array Logic Devices • Sequential PLDs are programmable logic devices that provide flip-flops at some or all OR-gate outputs • One type of sequential PLD is called generic array logic or a GAL device • GAL16V8 • Can be configured to emulate AND-OR, flip-flop, and output structure of any of a variety of combinational and sequential PAL devices • Can be erased and reprogrammed • Its fuses are nonvolatile memory cells • When configured as a combinational device (similar to PAL16L8) is called GAL16V8C Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II Fall, 2014 21 / 35 Combinational PLDs: Generic Array Logic Devices Figure 9: Logic diagram of the GAL16V8C. 22 / 35 Combinational PLDs: Generic Array Logic Devices • GAL16V8C • An XOR gate is inserted between each OR output and three-state output driver o One input of XOR gate is pulled up to a logic 1 value but connected to ground via a fuse • If fuse is intact, XOR gate passes OR-gate's output unchanged • If fuse is blown, XOR gate inverts OR-gate's output • Fuse controls output polarity of corresponding output pin • Given a logic function to minimize, we find minimal SOP expressions for both function and its complement • If complement yields fewer product terms, it can be used if GAL16V8's output polarity fuse is set to invert Moslem Amiri, Vaclav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II Fall, 2014 23 / 35 Combinational PLDs: CPLDs • Complex programmable logic device (CPLD) • A collection of individual PLDs on a single chip, accompanied by a programmable interconnection and input/output structure • Individual PLDs have at least functionality of GAL devices • CPLD fitter • Starting with an HDL description of desired function, a synthesis tool fits the function into an available CPLD device, often the smallest possible • The synthesis tool is called a fitter • Fitter minimizes equation for each PLD output • It also partitions function into individual PLD blocks, and then tries to find the smallest possible device that has enough PLD blocks, product terms, internal connections, and external input/output pins • Fitters allow designer to specify constraints, such as "put these outputs together in the same PLD block" Moslem Amiri, Vaclav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II Fall, 2014 24 / 35 Combinational PLDs: CPLDs □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Programmable Interconnect PLD PLD PLD PLD □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ Q = input/output block Figure 10: General CPLD architecture. Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II Fall, 2014 25 / 35 Combinational PLDs: Bipolar PLD Circuits • Early PLA and PAL devices used bipolar circuits " — 12 -[X 13 -[X 14 —[s: pr vcc —T—AV- V y Ý Ý Ý Ý WW- P2' P3' P4' '-7- 7-7- '-7 P5' P6' .12 ■12' ■ 13 '13' .14 '14' -á H^01 -|7- = --03 Figure 11: A 4 x 3 PLA built using TTL-like open-collector gates and diode logic. Design of Digital Systems II Fall, 2014 Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Combinational PLDs: Bipolar PLD Circuits • In Fig. 11 • Each potential connection is made by a diode in series with a metal link o If link is present, diode connects its input into a diode-AND function • If link is missing, corresponding input has no effect on that AND function • A diode-AND function is performed because each horizontal input line that is connected via a diode to a particular vertical AND line must be HIGH in order for that AND line to be HIGH • If an input line is LOW, it pulls LOW all of AND lines to which it is connected • Each AND line is followed by an inverting buffer, so overall a NAND function is obtained • Outputs of first-level NAND functions are combined by another set of NAND functions • A two level NAND-NAND structure is equivalent to AND-OR structure • A bipolar PLD chip is manufactured with all of its diodes present, but with a tiny fusible link in series with each one • By applying special input patterns to device, it is possible to select individual links, apply a high voltage and vaporize selected links 27 / 35 Combinational PLDs: CMOS PLD Circuits • CMOS PLDs reduce power consumption and are reprogrammable 11 —0= 12 —Ds= 13 -D§= 14 -D§= V V V V V V P1 vcc —T-vW- WW1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 -/I1 ./I2' -/I2 -/I3' "/I3 ./I4' "/I4 A -^—01 -^ -í^02 -í^03 Figure 12: A 4 x 3 PLA built using CMOS logic. Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 28 / 35 Combinational PLDs: CMOS PLD Circuits • In Fig. 12 • An n-channel transistor with a programmable connection is placed at each intersection between an input line and a word line • If input is LOW, transistor is off, but if input is HIGH, transistor is on, which pulls AND line LOW • Overall, an inverted-input AND (NOR) function is obtained • Effects of using an inverted-input AND gate are canceled by using complemented input lines for each input • Outputs of first-level AND functions are combined by another set of NOR functions with programmable connections • Output of each NOR function is followed by an inverter, so an OR function is realized o Overall, PLA performs an AND-OR function as desired • In CMOS PLD technologies, programmable links are not normally fuses • In non-field-programmable devices, such as custom VLSI chips, presence or absence of each link is established as part of metal mask pattern for manufacture of device • The most common programming technology is electrical Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II Fall, 2014 29 / 35 Combinational PLDs: CMOS PLD Circuits • Electrically erasable programmable logic device (EEPLD) • An EEPLD can be programmed with any desired link configuration electrically, as well as erased to its original state • EEPLDs use a technology called "floating-gate MOS" 30 / 35 Combinational PLDs: CMOS PLD Circuits J- floating gate nonfloating gate "H " t' * " t' * "H " ^ H active-low input lines active-high AND lines Figure 13: AND plane of an EEPLD using floating-gate MOS transistors. Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II Fall, 2014 31 / 35 Combinational PLDs: CMOS PLD Circuits • A floating-gate MOS transistor has two gates • Floating gate is unconnected and is surrounded by extremely high-impedance insulating material • In manufactured state, floating gate has no charge on it and has no effect • Hence, all transistors are connected • To program, we apply a high voltage to non-floating gate at each location where a logical link is not wanted • This causes a temporary breakdown in insulating material and allows a negative charge to accumulate on floating gate • When high voltage is removed, negative charge remains on floating gate • Negative charge prevents transistor from turning "on" when a HIGH signal is applied to nonfloating gate • Transistor is disconnected from circuit Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II Fall, 2014 32 / 35 Combinational PLDs: CMOS PLD Circuits • EEPLDs can also be erased • Floating gates in an EEPLD are surrounded by an extremely thin insulating layer and can be erased by applying a voltage of opposite polarity as the charging voltage to nonfloating gate • The same piece of equipment used to program a PLD can be used to erase an EEPLD before programming it • Most CPLDs also use floating-gate programming and erasing technology • FPGAs use read/write memory cells to control state of each connection • Read/write memory cells are volatile • When power is first applied to FPGA, all of its read/write memory must be initialized to a state specified by a separate, external nonvolatile memory • This memory is either a programmable read-only memory (PROM) chip attached to FPGA or is part of a microprocessor subsystem that initializes FPGA as part of overall system initialization Moslem Amiri, Vaclav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II Fall, 2014 33 / 35 Combinational PLDs: Device Programming and Testing • A PLD programmer or a PROM programmer is a special piece of equipment used to vaporize fuses or charge up floating-gate transistors • It includes sockets that physically accept devices to be programmed • To download desired programming patterns into programmer, it is connected to a PC • Many PLDs feature in-system programmability • Device can be programmed after it is soldered into system • Fuse patterns are applied to device serially using four extra signals and pins called JTAG port, defined by IEEE standard 1149.1 • These signals are defined so that multiple devices on same printed-circuit board can be "daisy chained" and selected and programmed during board manufacturing process using just one JTAG port on a special connector • Fuse patterns are verified as they are programmed into a device • Verifying fuse pattern does not prove that device will perform logic function specified by those fuses • Device may have unrelated internal defects • The only way to test for all defects is to put device into its normal operational mode, apply test-vector inputs, and check outputs against expected results 34 / 35 References % John F. Wakerly, Digital Design: Principles and Practices (4th Edition), Prentice Hall, 2005. 35 / 35