PB173 - Tématický vývoj aplikací v C/C++ (podzim 2014) Skupina: Aplikovaná kryptografie a bezpečné programování https://is.muni.cz/auth/el/1433/podzim2013/PB173/index.qwarp?fakulta=143 3;obdobi=5983;predmet=734514;prejit=2957738; Petr Švenda svenda@fi.muni.cz Konzultace: A406, Monday 15-15:50 PB173 Practical assignment – this week • Finalize implementation of your project – Register and authenticate securely against server – Get list of online users securely (privacy, integrity…) – Secure and high-speed communication (multi-threaded CTR mode with pool of keys) between two clients (privacy, integrity, freshness…) – Easy to compile, setup and run example test cases (everything in GitHub repo and single zip in IS) • Prepare slides about your implementations – 10 minutes talk, presented by you at 2.12.2014