PB173 - Tématický vývoj aplikací v C/C++ Domain specific development in C/C++ (Fall 2014) Skupina: Aplikovaná kryptografie a bezpečné programování https://is.muni.cz/auth/el/1433/podzim2013/PB173/index.qwarp?fakulta=14 33;obdobi=5983;predmet=734514;prejit=2957738; Petr Švenda svenda@fi.muni.cz Konzultace: A406, Pondělí 15-15:50 | PB173 - Group: Applied cryptography Portability and memory restrictions 2 | PB173 - Group: Applied cryptography Memory restrictions • Size of the code vs. runtime memory requirements • Depends on the target platform – usually of little concern (RAM is big enough) – sometimes critical factor for algorithms selection • embedded devices, e.g., sensor nodes • Algorithms usually provides possibility for optimization – precomputed tables – speed vs. memory – key schedule vs. on-the-fly key schedule – optimizations may increase risk for side channel attacks • Write correct code first, then optimize – especially true in security 3 | PB173 - Group: Applied cryptography Portability – different operating systems • Usually no problems with algorithms – plain C code • Problems with additional functionality – read file, directory listing, user input, GUI – often cannot be solved by standardized functions or POSIX – abstract and separate platform-dependent functions • move them into distinct modules • easy to replace/extend for target platform later • Data generated by your application should be portable – ASN.1 encoding – TLV encoding – binary vs. text formats – Base64 encoding 4 | PB173 - Group: Applied cryptography Portability – different hardware platforms • Little vs. big endian architecture – usually problem with bit-based operations – e.g., bit rotation – problem with interpretation of binary formats • Highly optimized implementations – e.g., Gladman – may use architecture specific operations and behaviour – multiple byte operations in single tick – special representation of memory data – may use macros heavily 5 | PB173 - Group: Applied cryptography Reference vs. optimized version • Double meaning of “reference” word – reference implementation from algorithm designers (Rijndael) – reference == code you should use • Reference implementation (e.g., Rijndael) – usually simple and understandable API – lower performance – may not protect against implementation attacks – typical usage is as supplementary material to algorithm description document – is used to create test vectors 6 | PB173 - Group: Applied cryptography Reference vs. optimized version (2) • Optimized version of algorithm – same results as reference implementation – portability usually impacted • Techniques used – pre-computed tables often – may use whole size of the architecture registers • e.g., AES is byte oriented, but x64 can perform eight xor of single byte per tick – may use special instruction of particular CPU – may use specifics of target architecture (e.g., cache size) • Typically for the production environment 7 | PB173 - Group: Applied cryptography Choosing the right length 8 | PB173 - Group: Applied cryptography Length of keys/block/hashes • Choose length with some reserve – many things can go wrong • Choose algorithms with corresponding lengths – key derivation by MD5 of keys for AES256? • Do not protect keys distribution by keys with lower entropy – AES key encrypted by simple DES key • Asymmetric keys length needs to be much longer – space of possible values is not continuous 9 | PB173 - Group: Applied cryptography Comparable strengths of cryptosystems Source: NIST SP800 10 | PB173 - Group: Applied cryptography Recommended key sizes Source: NIST SP800 11 | PB173 - Group: Applied cryptography Symmetric key cryptography • Key length for symmetric cryptography – 80 bits not secure enough against brute-force – always good to have some reserve for algorithm flaws • flaw => key can be found faster then by brute-force • AES-128 is still OK • AES-256 do not have 256 bits of security • Take your application needs into account! 12 | PB173 - Group: Applied cryptography Making the keys • From what are you making the keys? – password must have entropy equivalent to derived key – e.g., AES-128 key derived from “hello” will not have 128 bits security • What if you create two keys from one with 128 bits of entropy? • Do you really have perfect random generator? – 128 generated bits will not have 128 bits of entropy – generate more bits and use hash function to condense into 128 bits • (2013 - Seems that NSA was involved in intentional crippling of random generators – implementation and even standards) 13 | PB173 - Group: Applied cryptography Asymmetric cryptography • RSA is still gold standard – use (at least) 2048 bits keys – 768 bits broken by brute-force – special number with 1024 bits broken by brute-force – 1024 bits not broken yet, but… • Elliptic courve cryptography (ECC) seems cool – Currently (2013), some doubts about ECC security based on leaked Snowden documents arise – But do you really need shorter keys? – You will face harder portability, more coding problems, lower level of code testiness etc. 14 | PB173 - Group: Applied cryptography Practical assignment 15 | PB173 - Group: Applied cryptography Practical assignment • Finalize codes based on the discussions during lecture today • Write following simple unit tests: – file not exists or cannot be read/written into – encrypted blob was corrupted – wrong decryption key was used – test vectors for encryption and hashing • Any UT framework (UnitTest++, MinUnit, CxxTest, Catch, QTest…) • Code will be used later in architecture – will be used again and extended, so write it well • Best practices – http://blog.stevensanderson.com/2009/08/24/writing-great-unit-tests-best- and-worst-practises/ – http://www.levelofindirection.com/journal/2010/12/28/unit-testing-in-c-and- objective-c-just-got-easier.html 16 Submissions, deadlines • Upload application source codes as single zip file into IS Homework vault (Crypto - 2. homework (UT)) – Finalized codes based on the discussions during lecture – Added unit tests • 0-5 points assigned • DEADLINE 28.9. 23:59 17 | PB173 - Group: Applied cryptography | PB173 - Group: Applied cryptography Questions? 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