View ASN.1 structure of a file: unber csca.der




…. See the content of a certificate: openssl x509 -text -noout -inform DER -in csca.der Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 1 (0x1) Signature Algorithm: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.10 Issuer: C=CZ, O=Czech Republic, OU=Ministry of Interior, CN=CSCA_CZ Validity Not Before: Jul 24 00:00:00 2006 GMT Not After : Oct 24 23:59:59 2021 GMT Subject: C=CZ, O=Czech Republic, OU=Ministry of Interior, CN=CSCA_CZ Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption RSA Public Key: (3072 bit) Modulus (3072 bit): Convert certificate from DER to PEM: openssl x509 -out csca.pem -inform DER -in csca.der Prepare the C and H files for the ASN.1 structures: asn1c –fnative-types sod.asn1 Compiled AlgorithmIdentifier.c Compiled AlgorithmIdentifier.h Compiled LDSSecurityObjectVersion.c Compiled LDSSecurityObjectVersion.h Compiled DigestAlgorithmIdentifier.c Compiled DigestAlgorithmIdentifier.h Compiled LDSSecurityObject.c Compiled LDSSecurityObject.h Compiled DataGroupHash.c Compiled DataGroupHash.h Compiled DataGroupNumber.c Compiled DataGroupNumber.h Symlinked /usr/local/share/asn1c/ANY.h -> ANY.h Symlinked /usr/local/share/asn1c/ANY.c -> ANY.c Symlinked /usr/local/share/asn1c/INTEGER.h -> INTEGER.h Symlinked /usr/local/share/asn1c/NativeEnumerated.h -> NativeEnumerated.h Symlinked /usr/local/share/asn1c/INTEGER.c -> INTEGER.c … Compile a sample DER-XML converter: gcc *.c -o LDSview -I. -DPDU=LDSSecurityObject rm converter-sample.c cp ? sod_sample.c Compile a sample application: gcc *.c -o LDStest -I. Assignment: Modify the sample program displaying the LDS Security object to include verification of the hash of the datagroup (based on the files read from an ePassport). To test your application use the Sample_Data provided. [10 points]