Relevance Feedback Survey Jan Botorek 4.11.2014 Outline of the presentation  1) MUFIN AnnotationTool  Current situation, future direction  2) Relevance Feedback  General overview  Approaches  3) RF for MUFIN AnnotationTool  Specific requirements  RFTool design 1 MUFIN Annotation Tool I.  Main goal = automatically annotate unknown images with relevant descriptive words 2 MUFIN Annotation Tool II. 3 Relevance Feedback I. (Motivation)  Incorporate a human factor to the annotation process  „Iterative evaluation of particular system behavior conducted by system users“ 4 Relevance Feedback II.  Relevance Feedback idea:  take results that are returned from a given query processing  provide results to users for relevance evaluation  utilize user-provided information about whether or not those results are relevant to perform a new (improved) query 5 Relevance Feedback III.  First application: documents search  Relevance evaluation of retrieved documents  Most of RF studies aimed to text-based application  Developed into a widely used technology  Text retrieval – social networks  CBIR – evaluation of visually similar images 6 Relevance Feedback IV. (Basic Terminology)  Query object (Qo):  The „original“  The object that the retrieval process is based on  “Query subjects are meant to be as similar as possible”  Query subjects(Qs):  Subjects of user‟s relevance evaluation  Iteration (I):  An evaluation run performed by user of the RF system  Evaluation (E):  Relevance value assignment by user to particular query result 7 Relevance Feedback V. - Approaches  Boolean model  The simplest one – based on the strict match of query/documents  Vector-space model  A document is represented by a vector  Model is based on vector operations in particular vector space  Probability model  A document is also represented by a vector BUT the vector space is replaced by a probability function  Logic (language) model  Utilizes logic interference in conjunction with some knowledge source (e.g. ontology) 8 Vector-space model I.  Selected as a base to our further consideration  Relatively simple; widely used approach to RF  Vector space  allows vector operations  Document (object) needs some vector representation  Defined byTf-idf values of words within document space  Each vector has particular dimension  Each element of a vector represents a tf-idf value of a particular word from within a set of all words of a particular database  Distance may be measured among documents (vectors)  E.g. Cosine distance 9 Vector-space model II.  tf-idf  tf(t,d) - (Term Frequency) = integer number expressing a frequency of a term t in a document d  idf(t) (Inverse Document Frequency) =  N = number of all documents in the collection  df = number of documents containing term t  log = more frequent terms have lower value then less frequent ones  tf-idf(t,d) = tf(t,d) . idf(t) 10 Vector-space model III. (Similarity measure)  Cosine similarity  The most fundamental approach to measure similarity of two vectors  Nominator:“dot product” / Inner product  Denominator: Euclidian distance  Normalization of vector lengths 11 Vector-space model IV. (Rocchio)  Rocchio‟s formula = baseline of theVector model approach  Related/unrelated documents  Constants a, b, c influence the importance of particular equation component (original, positive, negative) 12 Vector-space model V. (Rocchio Example) 13 RF for annotations I.  Text object RF vector:  If in document collection C(d), there are only 6 words (w1.. w6) repeating,  then Vd = (10,0,3,1,7,0)  document d contains 10x w1; 3x w3; Ix w4 and 7x w5  Document is composed of text pieces = words are repeated  Evaluation of documents as a whole  The evaluator evaluates same objects (documents) as he/she searches for (document) 15 RF for annotations II.  Image object RF vector:  If in image collection C(i), there are only 6 words (w1 .. w6) repeating,  thenVi = (1,0,1,1,1,0)  image c annotation consists of words w1,w3,w4,w5  Image description is (typically) composed from separate keywords; not repeating  Photos can be considered as a SHORT text document  Composed of only keywords  Evaluation of textual descriptions of image  Evaluators evaluate different objects (keywords) than he/she searches for (images) 16 RF for annotations III. (Our situation)  Our situation:Visual query(image) + textual description  I. Iteration = image + (user-provided) optionally textual description  II. Iteration = image + (RF-based) textual description  III. Iteration = image + (RF-based) improved textual description  …  RF is utilized ONLY in the textual part of the query 17 RF for annotations IV. (Our demands)  Include also negative RF  Short description  only positive evaluation probably is not sufficient; it is desired to handicap the non-relevant concepts  Better scalability of evaluation  Incorporate more levels of evaluation  Ability to emphasize the positivness or negativness of particular word  So far (Rocchio) only 2 scale levels = we require more general approach 18 Proposed Image Annotation RF Approach I. (reminder) 19 Proposed Image Annotation RF Approach II. 20 Proposed Image Annotation RF Approach III.  RF: First iteration:  Initial vector Q0 is empty  former query was not evaluated  User evaluates words  relevant (Qr) & non-relevant (Qnr) query vectors are constructed directly  1) Animal: 0,5  2) Dog:1  3) Plant: -1  Qr : (0.5, 1, 0)  Qnr: (0,0,1) 21 Proposed Image Annotation RF Approach IV.  RF: Subsequent iterations:  Initial vector Q0 is NOT empty  former queries were evaluated  Qr : (0.5, 1, 0) – (animal, dog, plant)  Qnr: (0,0,1) – (animal, dog, plant)  Qr„ and Qnr„ are constructed as follows:  If new word occurs, is added into Q‟  If already presented word is evaluated  average value is constructed  1) Animal: 1  2) Plant: 0,5  3) Poodle: 1  Qr„= (0.75, 1, 0, 1) Qnr„=(0, 0, 0.25, 0)  (animal, dog, plant, poodle) 22 Proposed Image Annotation RF Approach V. 23 Proposed Image Annotation RF Approach VI.  Text Ranking:  Visually similar images are transformed into word vectors  visually similar images LIMITS the scope of text ranking  Cosine similarity is computed between the query vector and similar image vectors  Both for relevant and non-relevant initial vectors  According to the similarity values similar images are ranked into two lists: by relevance and by non-relevance  Output of the Text Ranking component is formed by combination of constructed two ranked lists 23 Proposed Image Annotation RF Approach VII. 24