VB035 – Week 6 VB035 – Week 6 Signposting 1) Match the phrases with functions 1-5: For instance As you can see So moving on to look at Next I’d like to look at In my presentation today I’m going to look at OK, that was For example I’ll then move on to look at firstly …, and secondly … So if we look at the slide 1. Introducing the structure of the presentation 2. Introducing new point 3. Referring to a visual 4. Moving on to a new point 5. Giving an example 2) You are going to prepare a group presentation on possible solutions to the future problem of finding additional sources of energy. Work in pairs and discuss the following: 1. Which countries are the biggest consumers of energy used in the world today? 2. Which countries are likely to be the main consumers in the future? 3. What does this mean for world energy supplies? 3) Read the text and complete the notes relating to the situation and problems. Situation: - Current global energy consumption: 3 CMO per year, of which: o 1.0 CMO from oil, 0.8 from _________________, _______________________________ - USA has 1/20th of world’s population, but uses _______________________________________ - Global energy demand ___________________________________________________________ Problems: - Expected annual global demand for energy in 2050 is __________________________________ - _____________________________________________________________________________ 4) Work in groups and discuss the following: a) What did you find interesting or surprising in the text? b) What is your evaluation of the main problem? c) According to the text, what needs to happen in order to provide a solution to the problem? d) What is likely to happen if the problem is not dealt with? Consider this question from some of the following perspectives: economics, society, health, the environment, politics Wh- clauses (structures beginning with what, why, where, how, etc.) are often used at the start of a sentence to introduce or draw attention to specific information. This can then be introduced in the second half of the sentence with is/are. a. What we want to do is to show that there are concerns about … b. Where the wind turbines are located is important. c. How this can be achieved is still not clear. As they clearly signal new information for the listeners, sentences starting with wh- clauses are well suited to spoken presentations. 5) Rewrite the following sentences so that they start with a wh- clause. A) I’m saying that environment and economic considerations need to be balanced. B) It’s now possible, but expensive, to capture and store CO2. C) I’d like to emphasize the difficulties involved in dealing with nuclear waste. D) It’s hard to see where 1,200 new wind turbines a week can be situated.