Adapted from Fowler, Henrey Ramsey; Aaron, Jane E., and Janice Okoomian. The Little, Brown Handbook. 10th ed. New York: Longman. 2007. Adapted from Fowler, Henrey Ramsey; Aaron, Jane E., and Janice Okoomian. The Little, Brown Handbook. 10th ed. New York: Longman. 2007. Adapted from Fowler, Henrey Ramsey; Aaron, Jane E., and Janice Okoomian. The Little, Brown Handbook. 10th ed. New York: Longman. 2007. Adapted from Fowler, Henrey Ramsey; Aaron, Jane E., and Janice Okoomian. The Little, Brown Handbook. 10th ed. New York: Longman. 2007. Adapted from Fowler, Henrey Ramsey; Aaron, Jane E., and Janice Okoomian. The Little, Brown Handbook. 10th ed. New York: Longman. 2007. Adapted from Fowler, Henrey Ramsey; Aaron, Jane E., and Janice Okoomian. The Little, Brown Handbook. 10th ed. New York: Longman. 2007. Exercise: Analyze the introductory and concluding paragraphs in the following first and final drafts of a student essay. What is wrong with the first-draft paragraphs? Why are the final-draft paragraphs better? Could they be improved still further? Adapted from Fowler, Henrey Ramsey; Aaron, Jane E., and Janice Okoomian. The Little, Brown Handbook. 10th ed. New York: Longman. 2007. Adapted from Fowler, Henrey Ramsey; Aaron, Jane E., and Janice Okoomian. The Little, Brown Handbook. 10th ed. New York: Longman. 2007. Exercise: Read extracts 1 and 2 from the introductions to two different students essays related to consumption. For each extract, decide on the purpose of the essay, A or B. 1. Consumers behave very differently from a generational perspective. In particular, older consumers differ greatly from the younger generations, who are less loyal to particular brands and more suspicious of advertising messages. A. To argue that the older generation are the most important consumers B. To show the similarities and differences in consumer behavior 2. If the whole world consumed at the same rate as the USA, four planets would be needed to maintain the world’s current population. People need to evaluate their current consumption patterns if the world is to have a sustainable future. Adapted from Fowler, Henrey Ramsey; Aaron, Jane E., and Janice Okoomian. The Little, Brown Handbook. 10th ed. New York: Longman. 2007. A. To compare American consumption patterns with others in the world B. To look at the problem of consumption rates and the need for change Linking paragraphs in the essay - Make sure each paragraph contributes to your thesis - Arrange the paragraphs in a clear, logical order - Create links between paragraphs – repetition, restatement, transitional expressions/sentences The following passage from an essay illustrates the third technique, with circled repetitions and restatements, boxed transitional expressions, and transitional sentences noted in annotations.