English for Academic Purposes (doctoral) Course VV041 Autumn Term 2014 VV041 •course –instructor –course objectives –teaching approach –materials –requirements –assessment – •intro to public speaking – • Course Instructor •LIBOR ŠTĚPÁNEK (lstep@fss.muni.cz) • •Masaryk University Language Centre (CJV MU) • Dept. at FF/FSS (room 555) / Komenského nám 2 • •Education: –MA in English / History & PhD in Political Science – •Specialization and Research: –Academic Public Speaking –Academic Writing –Creative Approach to Language Teaching Obrázek1 735771 Course objectives •After completing this course you will be able to: • •determine and explore principles of the effective public speaking; • • recognize various organizational patterns found in academic speaking; • •prepare and give an academic presentation on a topic from your field; • •analyze speech for topics, main ideas, and public speaking significant details; • •recognize different organizational patterns in speech in delivery and reception; • •adjust communication to different tasks. • Teaching approach •+/-13 course weeks • •input sessions –lectures, F2F discussions, online discussions – •practical activities –presentations, F2F discussions, online discussions • Materials •IS Study materials –F2F classes – •IS interactive syllabus –independent study – •IS (or other) discussion forum –collaborative activities • Requirements •Active participation in: • –presentations –F2F discussions –online discussions • Assessment •pre-session presentation information (online) –title –abstract /short info –relevant sources – •20 minute presentation with a follow-up discussion (10 minutes) –informed audience (evidence of preparation) – •peer analysis / peer review •after-session online discussion –obligatory entries • Self-study resources • • •Language Centre Web • • Introduction • Introduction •peer2peer → class • • Introduction •peer2peer → class • • Dances with Wolves Stands with a Fist 930-25471 ANd9GcRs_VDOwvdPGWE8BW47Vxs5k59Oj07d-Et2c9kDHCDZHCzRj2Y5xA Public Speaking Sample •Preparation •Main Point •Delivery •Visuals •Best Point •Weakest Point •Rives Obrázek5 Home activities 1)Search the Internet for videos of academic presentations form your field. Choose a presentation you consider to be of high quality. Post the link to the video to the VV041 IS discussion forum and, in a few sentences (150 words max), explain or justify your choice. • Deadline: 2nd October 1) 2)Watch the videos of your colleagues and comment on their quality. Express your agreement or disagreement or any additional comments you would like to share with your colleagues. • Deadline: 16th October