Topic – WHAT? Objective – YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO… Book Ref. – READ! Actions – DO THIS! Evaluation – CAN YOU DO THIS? To know the current leaders, how they function, and be aware of new developments p19-27 Download CP: “A comparative analysis…” (2011). Combine and interpret Figure 6 and 7 from this CP Can you compare the major Search Engines? Can you interpret the potential effect of new developments? Identify and understand how little/much value each analytic has p17 - 18 Can you find a website with Google Analytics code? Read book reference Can you interpret each analytic measure? How does the one affect the other? Can you determine whether a website uses classic or UA Google Analytics? To know the differences in the way in which SEs present their results p30-37 Engines/Search-Engine-Optimization/Bing- vs.-Google-5-Real-World-SERPs-Analyzed- Part-1.html Can you view SERPs as your user sees them? Popularity Analytics Search Engines SERPs MW Nov 2015 b-WebVisSE-9-Grid Grid – Module b Search Engines + Metrics COPYRIGHT: Melius Weideman 2015