Advanced GPU Programing with Unity3D What is this course about ? • Overview of Unity3D • How to use Unity3D for advanced GPU programing • Overview of a few CG techniques & implementaion in Unity Course overview • Unity3D 101 • Introduction to shader programing • Custom shaders • Post processing • Compute shaders • Volume rendering Content may be subject to changes Assessment • 100 % project-based • Reimplementation of a CG paper in Unity (offered topic available soon) • Deadline for topics 1st of November • Lab hours every two weeks Why Using a Game Engine ? • Universal • Ease of use • High level scripting • No maintenance costs • Extensive documentation • Many out-of-the-box features • Develop once deploy everywhere (in theory) • ... Why Unity3D? • Vanilla OpenGL is too cumbersome • Other game engines are too high-level • Right balance between flexibility & ease of use for graphics programing Caution ! Game engines are not perfect all-in-one solutions. For developing professional softwares or programs requiring heavy CPU computation, Unity3D might not be the best choice. Highly recommended for prototyping. What is Unity3D ? • Unity is a multi-platform, integrated IDE for developing games, and working with 3D virtual worlds • WYSWYG editor • Asset manager • C# Scripting integrated with Visual Studio Unity Crash Course 1 – Scene 2 – Hierarchy 3 – Inspector 4 – Game 5 – Project Game Objects • Everything is a Game Object (lights, cameras, characters,…) • Contains components (mesh, audio, script, physics, etc.) • Transform component by default • Game Objects may contain other game objects (placeholders) Game Object - Cube Example Scripting • Scripts must be attached to a game object to live • Some game objects may only contain scripts Scripting using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class CustomComponent: MonoBehaviour // The base class of all components { // Use this for initialization void Start () { } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { } } Scripting using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class CustomComponent: MonoBehaviour // The base class of all components { public int myValue; void Start () // Use this for initialization { } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { } } Scripting Scripting • Useful stuffs this.gameObject; // The reference to the game object this.transform; // Position, rotation, scale of the game object this.GetComponent(); // Get component attached to game object GameObject.Find(string name); // Find another game object in the scene • Useful callbacks void Start () {} // Called when the game starts to play void Update() {} // Called every frame void OnDestroy() {} // Called when the game object is destroyed ... many more, check the documentation Scripting Demo Rendering with Unity Introduction to Shader Programing Introduction to Shader Programing Unity Rendering • In order to be rendered Game Objects need: • Mesh Filter • Mesh Renderer • Mesh Renderer contains a reference to a material • Materials are simply an interface to the shader program Unity Rendering Pipeline Unity Legacy Pipeline Unity Scene Post Processing Final Image Unity Legacy Shaders • Wide variety of legacy shaders • Work out of the box, no need to script them • Interface with shader parameters via the material properties Writing Custom Unity Shaders • HLSL/CG – cross compiled to GLSL for certain platforms • Out of date OpenGL version (update announced soon) • Advanced GPU stuffs only with DX11 • Windows platforms (7,8,10) with recent GPU is prefered Writing Custom Unity Shaders • Surface Shaders • Custom to Unity‘s pipeline • Specific syntax • Desgined to interact with complex ligtings setups (deffered lighting, shadows, global illumination) • Vanilla Shaders • Shaders as we know it, vertex, fragment, etc. • More freedom, but no out-of-the box lighting • Compute Shaders • GPGPU computation made easy • Simple interoperability with DX11 Useful Links • HLSL Documentation • Unity Shader Reference Simple Color Shader Shader "Custom/ColorShader" { SubShader { Pass { CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag #include "UnityCG.cginc" float4 vert(appdata_base v) : POSITION { return mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex); } float4 frag(float4 position:POSITION) : COLOR { return float4(1,0,0,1); } ENDCG } } } Simple Color Shader Shader "Custom/CustomShader" { Properties { _MyColor("My Color", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1) } SubShader { Pass { CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag #include "UnityCG.cginc" float4 _MyColor; float4 vert(appdata_base v) : POSITION { return mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex); } float4 frag(float4 position:POSITION) : COLOR { return _MyColor; } ENDCG } } } Shader Scripting Demo Advanced GPU Programing with Unity3D Part 2 Overview • High level drawing • Compute Buffers • Procedural Drawing • Instancing • Billboards • Compute Shaders Unity Rendering Pipeline Unity Legacy Pipeline Unity Scene Post Processing Final Image Hacking Unity‘s Pipeline Unity Legacy Pipeline Unity Scene Custom Draw Calls Compositing Post Processing Final Image Custom Geometries High-Level Drawing Functions • Important Game Object Callbacks: • OnRenderObject() // To draw stuffs • OnRenderImage() // For post-processing • Important Drawing Functions • Graphics.DrawMeshNow() // For drawing meshes stored in the project • Graphics.DrawProcedural() // For drawing custom geometries, procedurals meshes, lines, particles... • Bind shader via Material.SetPass() Code + Demo • DrawMesh.cs Compute Buffers • GPU buffer to store generic information, ints, floats, vectors, matrices, custom types • Easy setup of the CPU side • public ComputeBuffer(int count, int stride); • public void SetData(Array data); • public void SetBuffer(string propertyName, ComputeBuffer buffer); • Easy setup on the GPU side • StructuredBuffer myBuffer; • Must be cleared when terminating the program Procedural Drawing • Draws arbitrary geometries on the GPU • Data must be uploaded on the GPU memory first • Must specify topology before hand Code + Demo • DrawRandomProcedural.cs • DrawMeshProcedural.cs Instancing • Store all information on the GPU • Reuse same geometry to draw multiple times • Position / rotation differ for each instance • Drawing can be issued in a single draw call • Much faster than issuing one draw call per instance Code + Demo • DrawMeshInstanced.cs • DrawInstanced.cs Textured Billboards • Billboards are 2D elements incrusted in a 3D world • Camera facing textured quads • Usfeful in game for populating backgroud elements • Must faster to render than meshes Code + Demo • DrawBillboards.cs Compute Shaders • GPU parallel computing for generic purposes • Computation is done outside the rendering pipeline • Similar to CUDA, OpenCL • nteroperability with DX11 • Same HLSL syntax as shaders Compute Shader Example // test.compute #pragma kernel FillWithRed // Kernel declaration (entry point) RWTexture2D res; // Read-write Buffer [numthreads(1,1,1)] void FillWithRed (uint3 id: SV_DispatchThreadID) { res[id.xy] = float4(1,0,0,1); } Code + Demo • DrawBillboardCompute.cs Advanced GPU Programing with Unity3D Part 3 Suggested Topics • Caustics • Referactions • Sub-surface scattering • Ambient occlusion • Translucent object with depth-peeling • Relief/parallax mapping • Non-photorealistic Rendering • Physics-particle system • Water simulation • Hair simulation • Cloth • Shadow Mapping • Smoke effects • Terrain real-time tessalation • Any reseach paper from SIGGRAPH, EGSR, EG, SIGGRAPH-ASIA, I3D, GDC, SCA, IEEE Vis Volume Effects Volume Effects High-Level Drawing Functions // Create a render texure in which it is possible to render RenderTexture(int width, int height,int depth, RenderTextureFormat format); RenderTexture.GetTemporary(int width, int height, int depth) // Static - Sets current render target for rendering to an offline texture Graphics.SetRenderTarget(RenderTexture rt); // Static - Copies source texture into destination render texture with a shader Graphics.Blit(Texture source, RenderTexture dest, Material mat, int pass = -1); GPU Ray Marching in Unity • Demo alpha blending Transfer Function GPU Ray Marching in Unity • Demo transfer function Iso-surface rendering • Do not aggregate value along the ray • Stop ray marching at a given intensity value (iso) • Faster than full traveersal & allows optimizations • Also used to simulate fluid effects Linear/Binary ray marching • Too much small steps = too much time • Split the ray casting in to parts • Linear sampling first, with large steps • Binary sampling afterwards to find the exact surface position GPU Ray Marching in Unity • Demo isosurface Metaballs • Iso-surface rendering of density field • Used in visualization and games • Density field can be discretized in a texture • Density threshold arbitrarily chosen Metaballs and Isosurfaces with OpenGL - YouTube GPU Ray Marching in Unity • Demo metaballs + volume construction Volumetric Billboards • Uses 3D textures instead of traditional 2D for billboards • Full-parallax effect, without artifacts • Combine with mip-mapping for Level-of-Detail • Low amount of vertex processing GPU Ray Marching in Unity • Demo instanced volumes Marching Cubes Marching Cubes on the GPU • unity/ Real-time Metaballs Find density value for each cell Real-time Metaballs – Option 1 • For each voxel, evaluate each atoms and see if the density distance field overlaps with the cell • Complexity increases greatly with the number of atoms • Possible to use efficient neighbouring search to only sample atoms in neighboorhood of the cell, drawbacks complex to implement and to somewhat the most efficient approach Real-Time Metaballs – Option 2 • For each atoms, update the density in the neighbouring grid cells • Advantage: no need for neighbooring search • Drawback: we must prevent concurrency issues GPGPU Computing - Atomics • In the parallel world, instructions are computed simulateneously int a = 0 Thread 1 Thread 1 a++ a++ ? GPGPU Computing - Atomics • Use atomics to prevent threads to access resources simultaneously void InterlockedAdd( in R dest, in T value, out T original_value ); void InterlockedMin( in R dest, in T value, out T original_value ); void InterlockedMax( in R dest, in T value, out T original_value ); void InterlockedCompareStore( in R dest, in T compare_value, in T value ); … Other problems • Atomic is only available for integers • Density sampling required floats • Solution: use two textures • One for gathering density • One for the rendering • Copy density from int to floats • Nasty solution (increase memory footprint) • Alternative solution: implement custom atomic addition for floats Demo Sphere impostors • Commonly used in molecular rendering • Also use for other shapes like „sticks“ • „Standard“ billboards are simply 2D textures facing the camera • No interaction with light & flat feeling Sphere impostors • An alternative is to raytrace the sphere in the fragment shader • Custom lighting + custom depth output Principle • Use custom UV to solve the sphere equation • First step is to cut a hole in the billboard via discard • Second is to compute the normal vector of the sphere • Finally output correct depth for blending with other spheres x h -1 1 r 1 n Demo Follow up topics • Realtime volume convolution • Realtime volume update (metaballs) • Realtime marching cubes • Post processing