Lecture 2: Connectivity and Spanning Trees
- Connections and searching through a graph
principles of the depth-first search and breadth-first search algorithms,
walks and paths in a graph, connected components - Minimum spanning tree (MST) problem
definition of MST, Jarník's algorithm (later known as Prim's algorithm) - Higher levels of connectivity
k-connected and k-edge connected graphs, characterization of 2-connected graphs ("ear addition"), Menger's theorem (see also Lecture 4) - Connectivity variants for digraphs
weak and strong connectivity of digraphs, reachability, strong components - ~optional~ Eulerian tours and trails
tours (closed) and trails (not closed) in a graph - no repetition of edges, Eulerian graphs ("seven bridges") and the even degree condition
The lecture continues on Lecture 1, showing how to systematically handle a graph — so called graph search routines (algorithms). The related theoretical notions are those of connectivity and of spanning trees which are traditional and very common in applications of graphs. More advanced content includes dealing with higher levels of connectivity (i.e., with "redundance" of connections in the graph) and with the notion of graph minors (generalizing subgraphs).
Study materials
Course book [Invitation to Discrete Mathematics (by Jiří Matoušek, Jaroslav Nešetřil)]
Study the beginning of Section 4.2, and Sections 4.6 and 5.4-5.5.
Go to [Diestel] below for further study of higher graph connectivity and of the notion of graph minors.
Advanced course book [Graph theory (by Reinhard Diestel)]
Study Sections 1.4 and 1.7-1.8, for more advanced also Sections 3.1-3.3
Algorithmic aspects of the lecture
The presented (and rather simple) algorithmic part of Lecture 2 - searching through a graph (DFS, BFS, etc...), is not primarily covered by the course books, and we instead refer to some great online resources below.
Some other literature and online resources use terms "path", "circuit", or "cycle" in a context where repetition of vertices (not edges though) is allowed. This is WRONG, and we shall always use the correct terms "trail" or "closed tour" there - see also the course books.
Interactive tutorials
IS Questionnaires