Client side presentation PA 165, Lecture 12 Martin Kuba 2 Outline ● JavaScript basics ● TypeScript ● JSON, REST API ● jQuery ● AngularJS ● browser APIs SaaS architecture ● Software-as-a-Service can divide presentation layer to two locations – server and client ● traditional approach – thin HTML client, HTML generated on server – use SpringMVC and JSPs ● recent approach – server provides REST API – fat client in HTML5+JavaScript or native app – use SpringMVC for REST API – use some JavaScript framework for browser JavaScript 5 JavaScript for Java programmers ● syntax of both is based on C 6 Java / JavaScript differences ● types – Java is strongly statically typed – JavaScript is weakly dynamically typed 7 Java / JavaScript differences ● types in JS: Boolean, Number, String, Object, Null ● literals 8 Java / JavaScript differences ● Object orientation – Java is based on classes – JavaScript has no classes, only instances – JavaScript is prototype-based language – in JavaScript functions are first-class objects and can be passed as arguments 9 Class-based vs Prototype-based 10 Console in Chrome (F12) 11 TypeScript ● ● strict superset of JavaScript which adds optional static typing and class-based object-oriented programming ● existing JavaScript programs are also valid TypeScript programs ● transcompiled to JavaScript source during development ● definition files for existing JavaScript libraries 12 TypeScript example 13 Variable scopes in JavaScript ● JS does not have block-level scope ! Only – global scope ● outside of function (with or without var) ● inside of function without var – function-level scope ● inside of function with var ● function parameters 14 Closure in JavaScript ● a closure is a function having access to the parent scope, even after the parent function has closed ● in other words, the function defined in the closure remembers the environment in which it was created 15 Exceptions in JavaScript 16 Threads in JavaScript ● a single execution thread ● no multi-threading ● can use setTimeout(func,timeout) for scheduling in the single thread ● can use WebWorkers API for executing a separate JS file in a separate thread (requires MSIE 10+, Android browser 4.4+, Chrome 4+, Firefox 3.5+) - still a W3C Draft as of 2015-11 17 Google Web Toolkit (GWT) ● allows writing JavaScript applications in Java ● provides – cross-compiler from Java to JavaScript – JavaScript implementation of classes in the java.lang and java.util packages – Web UI class library for creating widgets – development mode browser plugin 18 JSON ● JavaScript Object Notation ● in essence JavaScript literals without functions ● combination of objects, arrays and primitive values (string, boolean, number, null) ● lightweight data-interchange format ● easy to parse in any programming language ● in Java, use the Jackson JSON processor ● in JS, use JSON.parse() and JSON.stringify() 19 20 REST and AJAX ● REST – Representational State Transfer – architectural style for highly scalable APIs – today uses JSON messages carried by HTTP to resources identified by URLs ● AJAX – Asynchronous Javascript And XML – catchy name, but in fact uses JSON instead of XML – Ajax is a Greek mythology hero from Trojan war – XMLHttpRequest asynchronously communicates with a REST API 21 Hypertext Application Language ● format for JSON messages in REST APIs ● HATEOAS (Hypertext As The Engine Of Application State) ● Richardson maturity model Level 3 – Level 3 introduces discoverability, providing a way of making a protocol more self-documenting ● every object has _links property ● collections are wrapped in _embedded 22 HAL example 23 Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) ● the same-origin security policy in browsers disallows scripts to access data from URLs with different protocol, host or TCP port ● thus AJAX requests to other sites are disallowed ● CORS ( allows cross-origin requests ● based on special HTTP headers ● browser asks server using Origin: HTTP header ● server may allow with AccessControlAllowOrigin: response HTTP header 24 JavaScript Frameworks 25 jQuery ● cross-platform JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML ● the most popular JavaScript library in use today ● DOM element selections, traversal and manipulation ● DOM (Document Object Model) is a tree-structure representation of all the elements of a web-page ● jQuery invented “selector engine” which led to the standardization of “Selectors API” by W3C ● can be hosted locally or used from a CDN (Content Delivery Network) 26 jQuery AJAX 27 Node.js ● open-source, cross-platform runtime environment for developing server-side web applications in JavaScript ● uses Google V8 JavaScript engine ● operates on a single thread, using non-blocking I/O calls ● has a package manager npm for publishing and sharing Node.js libraries ● apps can be written in JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, Dart or any other language transcompiled to JavaScript 28 Bower ● package management system for client-side programming on the World Wide Web ● depends on Node.js and npm 29 AngularJS ● open-source web application framework for single-page applications 30 AngularJS terminology ● a template is HTML with Angular-specific elements and attributes ● a template is processed by the compiler and rendered into a view that a user sees ● a directive is a marker on a DOM element (attribute, element, comment or CSS class) that attaches a specified behavior – e.g. the attribute ngrepeat repeats the HTML element ● markup in {{expression|filter}} is replaced by its evaluated value ● model are values in variables used in expressions ● a filter formats the value of an expression for display to the user 31 Two-Way Data Binding ● automatic synchronization of data between the model and view components 32 Two-way binding in AngularJS 33 Dependency injection in AngularJS ● controller functions get parameters injected by their names 34 URL routing in AngularJS ● AngularJS is intended for single-page apps ● links are not to complete URLs, but to URL fragments, e.g. #/product/1 ● main HTML page has just an empty