Client side presentation PA 165, Lecture 12 Martin Kuba 2 Outline ● JavaScript basics ● TypeScript ● JSON, REST API ● jQuery ● AngularJS ● browser APIs SaaS architecture ● Software-as-a-Service can divide presentation layer to two locations – server and client ● traditional approach – thin HTML client, HTML generated on server – use SpringMVC and JSPs ● recent approach – server provides REST API – fat client in HTML5+JavaScript or native app – use SpringMVC for REST API – use some JavaScript framework for browser JavaScript 5 JavaScript for Java programmers ● syntax of both is based on C 6 Java / JavaScript differences ● types – Java is strongly statically typed – JavaScript is weakly dynamically typed 7 Java / JavaScript differences ● types in JS: Boolean, Number, String, Object, Null ● literals 8 Java / JavaScript differences ● Object orientation – Java is based on classes – JavaScript has no classes, only instances – JavaScript is prototype-based language – in JavaScript functions are first-class objects and can be passed as arguments 9 Class-based vs Prototype-based 10 Console in Chrome (F12) 11 TypeScript ● ● strict superset of JavaScript which adds optional static typing and class-based object-oriented programming ● existing JavaScript programs are also valid TypeScript programs ● transcompiled to JavaScript source during development ● definition files for existing JavaScript libraries 12 TypeScript example 13 Variable scopes in JavaScript ● JS does not have block-level scope ! Only – global scope ● outside of function (with or without var) ● inside of function without var – function-level scope ● inside of function with var ● function parameters 14 Closure in JavaScript ● a closure is a function having access to the parent scope, even after the parent function has closed ● in other words, the function defined in the closure remembers the environment in which it was created 15 Exceptions in JavaScript 16 Threads in JavaScript ● a single execution thread ● no multi-threading ● can use setTimeout(func,timeout) for scheduling in the single thread ● can use WebWorkers API for executing a separate JS file in a separate thread (requires MSIE 10+, Android browser 4.4+, Chrome 4+, Firefox 3.5+) - still a W3C Draft as of 2015-11 17 Google Web Toolkit (GWT) ● allows writing JavaScript applications in Java ● provides – cross-compiler from Java to JavaScript – JavaScript implementation of classes in the java.lang and java.util packages – Web UI class library for creating widgets – development mode browser plugin 18 JSON ● JavaScript Object Notation ● in essence JavaScript literals without functions ● combination of objects, arrays and primitive values (string, boolean, number, null) ● lightweight data-interchange format ● easy to parse in any programming language ● in Java, use the Jackson JSON processor ● in JS, use JSON.parse() and JSON.stringify() 19 20 REST and AJAX ● REST – Representational State Transfer – architectural style for highly scalable APIs – today uses JSON messages carried by HTTP to resources identified by URLs ● AJAX – Asynchronous Javascript And XML – catchy name, but in fact uses JSON instead of XML – Ajax is a Greek mythology hero from Trojan war – XMLHttpRequest asynchronously communicates with a REST API 21 Hypertext Application Language ● format for JSON messages in REST APIs ● HATEOAS (Hypertext As The Engine Of Application State) ● Richardson maturity model Level 3 – Level 3 introduces discoverability, providing a way of making a protocol more self-documenting ● every object has _links property ● collections are wrapped in _embedded 22 HAL example 23 Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) ● the same-origin security policy in browsers disallows scripts to access data from URLs with different protocol, host or TCP port ● thus AJAX requests to other sites are disallowed ● CORS ( allows cross-origin requests ● based on special HTTP headers ● browser asks server using Origin: HTTP header ● server may allow with Access­Control­Allow­Origin: response HTTP header 24 JavaScript Frameworks 25 jQuery ● cross-platform JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML ● the most popular JavaScript library in use today ● DOM element selections, traversal and manipulation ● DOM (Document Object Model) is a tree-structure representation of all the elements of a web-page ● jQuery invented “selector engine” which led to the standardization of “Selectors API” by W3C ● can be hosted locally or used from a CDN (Content Delivery Network) 26 jQuery AJAX 27 Node.js ● open-source, cross-platform runtime environment for developing server-side web applications in JavaScript ● uses Google V8 JavaScript engine ● operates on a single thread, using non-blocking I/O calls ● has a package manager npm for publishing and sharing Node.js libraries ● apps can be written in JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, Dart or any other language transcompiled to JavaScript 28 Bower ● package management system for client-side programming on the World Wide Web ● depends on Node.js and npm 29 AngularJS ● open-source web application framework for single-page applications 30 AngularJS terminology ● a template is HTML with Angular-specific elements and attributes ● a template is processed by the compiler and rendered into a view that a user sees ● a directive is a marker on a DOM element (attribute, element, comment or CSS class) that attaches a specified behavior – e.g. the attribute ng­repeat repeats the HTML element ● markup in {{expression|filter}} is replaced by its evaluated value ● model are values in variables used in expressions ● a filter formats the value of an expression for display to the user 31 Two-Way Data Binding ● automatic synchronization of data between the model and view components 32 Two-way binding in AngularJS 33 Dependency injection in AngularJS ● controller functions get parameters injected by their names 34 URL routing in AngularJS ● AngularJS is intended for single-page apps ● links are not to complete URLs, but to URL fragments, e.g. #/product/1 ● main HTML page has just an empty
with ng-view attribute ● each view has – identifying URL fragment – a JavaScript controller – an HTML template in a separate file ● module ngRoute provides the routing 35 AngularJS routing example 36 ng-repeat directive ● repeats the enclosing HTML element 37 ng-click directive ● evaluates an expression when clicked ● expressions are evaluated in current scope 38 Forms in AngularJS 39 AJAX in AngularJS 40 Own directives 41 Summary of AngularJS ● AngularJS has – ability to extend HTML with custom directives used as elements, attributes, comments, CSS classes – two-way data binding between model and view – dependency injection – URL routing – AJAX service – directives (ng-app, ng-repeat, ng-show, …) – much more ... 42 Browser APIs 43 HTML parsing ● document begins with version declaration () ● browsers mostly ignore it and treat HTML as tag soup, but affects box model 44 CSS selectors ● used in CSS rules, in jQuery, in standardised Selectors API ● #x selects the element with id=”x” ● .x selects all elements with class=”x” ● anchor can have a:link, a:hover, a:active,  a:visited ● multiple selectors in a rule separated by – space → descendants – , → multiple rules – > → direct child – + → siblings 45 JavaScript API in browser ● Document Object Model ● events (onload, onclick, onmousedown, onmouseover, onkeypress, onsubmit, …) ● many APIs described collectively as WebIDL (Interface Definition Language) – see – XMLHttpRequest API, HTML5 Canvas, , Web storage API, File API, Indexed Database API, Progress Events API, Selectors API, Screen Orientation API, Device Orientation Event, Web workers API, Web Sockets API, Geolocation API, HTML Media Capture API, Vibration API, Battery Status API, WebRTC API, ... – always check usability on 46 e.g. Vibration API (W3C Recommendation) 47 Browser update policies ● Chrome updates automatically every 6 weeks ● Firefox updates automatically every 6 weeks ● Opera updates automatically every 6 weeks ● MSIE new version released together with a new Windows version ● Safari new version released with a new OS X 48 Web Storage API 49 Web Storage API Example 50 Geolocation API 51 GeoLocation API Example 52 Summary of browser APIs ● W3C releases some recommendations ● browser developers implement what they deem useful ● Chrome and Firefox are the most advanced ● MSIE is the most backward ● use what works for your users 53 Thank you for your attention