Model selection Learning curves PA196: Pattern Recognition 11. Additional topics Dr. Vlad Popovici Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses Masaryk University, Brno Vlad PA196: Pattern Recognition Model selection Learning curves Bias-variance trade-off Some methods for model selection Outline 1 Model selection Bias-variance trade-off Some methods for model selection 2 Learning curves Vlad PA196: Pattern Recognition Model selection Learning curves Bias-variance trade-off Some methods for model selection Outline 1 Model selection Bias-variance trade-off Some methods for model selection 2 Learning curves Vlad PA196: Pattern Recognition Model selection Learning curves Bias-variance trade-off Some methods for model selection Bias-variance decomposition Hastie et al. Elements of Statistical Learning, fig.7.1 [Penalized regression with various model complexity parameters] Vlad PA196: Pattern Recognition Model selection Learning curves Bias-variance trade-off Some methods for model selection assume some training set Z = {(xi, yi)|i = 1, . . . , n} has been drawn i.i.d. from the underlying fixed distribution P(X, Y) let L(y, h(x)) be the loss function (h is the classifier function) training error (apparent error): Err0 = 1 n n i=1 L(yi, h(xi)) generalization error: the prediction error over a test set: ErrZ = E[L(Y, h(X))|Z] expected prediction error (expected loss): Err = E[ErrZ] = E[L(Y, h(X))] Vlad PA196: Pattern Recognition Model selection Learning curves Bias-variance trade-off Some methods for model selection Loss functions (some): 0-1 loss: L(y, h(x)) = 1y h(x) squared loss: L(y, h(x)) = (y − h(x))2 in the context of MAP: for K groups/classes, 1, . . . , K pk (X) = Pr(Y = k|X) and the classifier is (a monotone transformation of) the estimate ˆph. Then an adequate loss is L(Y, ˆpk ) = −2 K k=1 1Y=k log ˆpk (X) = −2 log ˆpY (X) = −2 × log-likelihood ("-2" is used to make above loss equivalent to squared loss under Gaussian distributions) Vlad PA196: Pattern Recognition Model selection Learning curves Bias-variance trade-off Some methods for model selection Under some model Y = h(X) + ǫ, where ǫ is some noise (E[ǫ] = 0, Var[ǫ] = σ2 ǫ , and using squared loss, the error at a given point x0 can be written as Err(x0) = E[(Y − h(X))2 |X = x0] = σ2 ǫ + [E[h(x0)] − Y]2 + E[h(x0) − E[h(x0)]]2 = σ2 ǫ + Bias2 + Variance σ2 ǫ cannot be influenced by the model the bias: difference between true value and predicted value the variance: the expected squared deviation of prediction from its mean too complex models: low bias, high variance too simple models: high bias, low variance Vlad PA196: Pattern Recognition Model selection Learning curves Bias-variance trade-off Some methods for model selection Model complexity in some cases, it is easy to quantify the model complexity k−NN: 1/k is a measure of complexity for a linear model h(x) = w, x , the complexity is directly related to the number of non-zero coefficients SVM: VC-dimension can be interpreted as a measure of complexity "Occam’s razor" principle (lex parsimoniae): among competing hypotheses/explanations the "simpler" one (with fewest assumptions) should be preferred Vlad PA196: Pattern Recognition Model selection Learning curves Bias-variance trade-off Some methods for model selection Example: Hastie et al. Elements of Statistical Learning, fig.7.2 Expected error Bias 2 Variance Vlad PA196: Pattern Recognition Model selection Learning curves Bias-variance trade-off Some methods for model selection Outline 1 Model selection Bias-variance trade-off Some methods for model selection 2 Learning curves Vlad PA196: Pattern Recognition Model selection Learning curves Bias-variance trade-off Some methods for model selection idea: compute some fitness indicator for a series of models and choose the "best" one for classifiers, the most used fitness indicator is the classification performance → estimate the error rate or AUC or any other performance parameter, for a series of values of meta-parameter(s) and choose the one with lowest error rate (or highest AUC, etc). E.g.: grid search we used for SVM alternative: try to balance the model complexity and its fitness: AIC, BIC, MDL Vlad PA196: Pattern Recognition Model selection Learning curves Bias-variance trade-off Some methods for model selection AIC - Akaike’s Information Criterion In general, for log-likelihood maximization criterion for model fitting, AIC = − 2 n × log-likelihood + 2 d n where "log-likelihood" is the fitted (maximized) log-likehood (by the classifier) and d is a measure of complexity (degrees of freedom) of the model. The best model (in AiC-sense): the one that minimizes AIC. Vlad PA196: Pattern Recognition Model selection Learning curves Bias-variance trade-off Some methods for model selection AIC - for classifiers AIC(α) = Err0(α) + 2 d(α) n ˆσ2 ǫ α is some meta-parameter of the classifier (e.g. polynomial degree for a polynomial kernel SVM, or k in k−NN etc.) d(α) is the corresponding complexity AIC(α) is an estimate of the test error curve best model (in AIC-sense) is the one with α minimizing AIC(α) ˆσ2 ǫ can be estimated from mean squared error of a low-bias model Vlad PA196: Pattern Recognition Model selection Learning curves Bias-variance trade-off Some methods for model selection Example Hastie et al. Elements of Statistical Learning, fig.7.3 Vlad PA196: Pattern Recognition Model selection Learning curves Bias-variance trade-off Some methods for model selection BIC - Bayesian Information Criterion In general, for log-likelihood-maximization settings, BIC = −2 × log-likelihood + d log n which, for a classifier, can be written as BIC = n ˆσ2 ǫ Err0 + log n · d n ˆσ2 ǫ BIC penalizes more heavily complex models (than AIC) the best model (in BIC sense) is the one that minimizes BIC Vlad PA196: Pattern Recognition Model selection Learning curves Bias-variance trade-off Some methods for model selection MDL - Minimum Description Length MDL leads to a formally identical criterion to BIC, but comes from a totally different theoretical framework the classifier is seen as an encoder of the message (data) the model is the encoded message to be transmitted - hence we want it to be parsimonious (sparse) and with limited information loss Vlad PA196: Pattern Recognition Model selection Learning curves Outline 1 Model selection Bias-variance trade-off Some methods for model selection 2 Learning curves Vlad PA196: Pattern Recognition Model selection Learning curves Learning curves a "diagnostic" for classifier training can be used to estimate/approximate the sample size needed for a given problem ♥  ✁✂✄☎✆✝ ✁✞✟✝✠ ❊✡✡☛✡ ❚✝✁☞ ✝✡✡☛✡ ❚✡✂✞♥ ✝✡✡☛✡ Vlad PA196: Pattern Recognition Model selection Learning curves Example: Popovici et al, Effect of training-sample size..., BCR 2010 breast cancer gene expression data problems: prediction of ER status, pCR and pCR within ERthe performance (AUC) is estimated for increasing sample size the following learning curve model is fit (Fukunaga): AUC(n) = a + b/n Vlad PA196: Pattern Recognition Model selection Learning curves Vlad PA196: Pattern Recognition