1 Igor Peterlik October 2015 Modelling of Living Systems: Medical Images and Physical Models OUTLINE • Motivation – comparing images and models • Biomechanical modeling • Building a Model: Geometry – segmentation and meshing • Building a Model: Physics – elastic formulation, parameters – discretization, finite elements • Example: Linear elasticity over P1 elements • Numerical Solution – direct and iterative solvers – towards dynamics 2 FROM IMAGESTO MODELS (AND BACK) 3 m IMAGE ACQUISITION 4 MRI US CT DIFFERENT MODALITIES 5 n the this rmae 3D marks Feao the en to ature The SURF detector provides a measure of reliability for each extracted feature as the determinant of the Hessian matrix. We take advantage of this measure to associate each reconstructed 3D point with a quality q defined as the average reliability of its two corresponding features in the left and right images. Quality values are normalized so that q = 1 for the most reliable 3D point and q = 0 for the least reliable 3D point in y point set. We denote q the 3⇥m vector formed by all q values, assuming the quality is isotropic at each point. Note that other measures of reliability could be considered, such as euclidean distances of the matched descriptors or the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix on the reconstructed points. We used two sorts of stereo endoscope, the first one consists of two mounted endoscope from Karl Storz Endoscopy and the second one is the stereo endoscope from the Da Vinci robot illustrated in 4. Both camera lens generate radial distortion and have relative small baselines (respectively 16mm and 6mm). The cameras are calibrated following Zhang [40] approach and lens distortions are rectified before performing the tracking. We take the assumption that the stereo endoscope is fixed, which is the case when the surgeon manipulate the surgical instruments. Figure 4: Stereo endoscope used: on (left) a stereo endoscope of the Da Vinci robot and (right) different views of the two mounted endoscope from Karl Storz Endoscopy. . sentation of medical data of scanners MEDICAL IMAGING: PROS •direct output of a scanning machine • although already post-processed... •doctors are used to look at images • familiar representation •huge source of information • about geometry AND physics (elastography...) •statistical evaluation •(dis)-similarity • visually-based • stat/math-based 6 MEDICAL IMAGING: CONS •noise • loosing information due to modality •noise • loosing information due to motion •noise • loosing information due to post-processing •a set of pixels/voxels • no explicit physical meaning (although might carry enough information about physical parameters) 7 IMAGE PROCESSING •filtering • smoothing, denoising, edge-detection • see Slicer3D (an open-source software) •comparing: similarity metrics • mean absolute differences • summed squared differences • normalized cross-correlation • mutual information (different modalities)
 8 MEDICAL IMAGE REGISTRATION •minimizing dissimilarity •many criteria • inter/intra-patient • single/multi-modal • slice-slice, volume-volume, slice-volume • rigid, affine, deformable • intensity/feature based • model-based • others... •real-time in per-operational scenario 9 target. One can observe that the algorithm captured the surface shift and the ventricular thinning very accurately. The gray-level mean square difference between the target scan and the deformed original scan on the image regions covered by the mesh went down from 15 to 3. However, one can also notice that the left ventricle (lower one on the Figure) was not able to fully capture the thinning. This is due to the approximate model of the lateral ventricles we used in this experiment. a) b) c) c) Fig. 3. Slice 29 of a) initial scan b) target scan c)initial scan deformed using our algorithm d)difference between target scan and deformed initial scan. Figure 6 shows orthogonal cuts through the target intraoperative scan with transparently overlayed color-coding of the intensity of the deformation field. The arrows show the actual displacement of the nodes of the mesh. The extremely dense vector field in the neighborhood of the lateral ventricles is due to the adaptive refinement of the mesh at these locations. Figure 5a shows the obtained deformation field overlayed on a slice of the initial scan, and Figure 5b shows the same slice of the initial scan deformed with the obtained deformation field. Several landmarks have also been placed on the initial scan (green crosses) and deformed onto the target scan (red crosses), and these last landmarks have also been overlayed on the target scan for comparison with the actual deformed anatomy. Similar landmarks as those shown on Figure 5 have been placed on 4 different slices where the shift was most visible, and the distance between deformed landmarks and target landmarks (not represented here for better visibility) have been measured. The surface based landmarks on the deformed scan were within 1mm of the landmarks on the target intraoperative scan. The errors between the landmarks placed in between the midsagittal plane and the cortical surface were within 2-3mm from the actual landmarks. The largest errors were observed at the level of the mid-sagittal plane and ventricles, which can be explained by the fact that the surface matching of the ventricles was not perfect. Nevertheless, the algorithm reduced the distance between landmarks in the iniFerrant et al (2001): Registration of 3-D intraoperative MR images of the brain using a finite-element biomechanical model. (a) Source image (supine) (b) Warped image (c) Target image (flank) Fig. 5. Illustration of the accuracy of the registration for a cut in the source, warped and target volume. The supine and flank configurations are displayed on Fig. 6ab showing an important deformation of the liver and surrounding tissues due to the impor- MODELS • A model is an abstract structure that uses mathematical language to describe the behaviour of a system. •typical examples of models of living systems: •electrophysiological model: describes electrical properties of tissues •e.g. electrophysiological model of heart •model of fluid dynamics: describes behaviour of liquids •e.g. cardiovascular fluid mechanics (blood circulation) •biomechanical model of an organ: describes elastic (plastic) behaviour of tissues •e.g. hyperelastic model of liver •the mathematical language is usually based on differential equation •since the behaviour usually means “a change of state” 10 BIOMECHANICAL MODEL: EXAMPLE • medical image registration of volumes with important deformations • two volumes taken at different configurations (pre-/intra- operational data) • the goal is to align (register) the two images, i.e. match the voxels 11 • model based solution: an “energy-minimization” problem: •an “error energy” given by difference between the two data (similarity metric, difference in feature positions) •an “elastic energy” given by a regularization term provided by an elastic model 12 BIOMECHANICAL MODEL: EXAMPLE Vessel Tree in Body • the Bezier tree can be immersed into the 3D tetrahe IMAGE-MODEL COUPLING 13 ADVANCED MODELLING 14 ADVANCED MODELLING 15 N. Haouchine, J. Dequidt, I.P., E. Kerrien, M.-O. Berger, S. Cotin. Image-guided Simulation of Heterogeneous Tissue Deformation For Augmented Reality during Hepatic Surgery. In ISMAR proc. 2013 
 BUILDING A BIOMECHANICAL MODEL FROMTHE IMAGE DATA •two aspects: geometry (domain) and physics (formulation and parameters) •the two aspects are closely interconnected •geometry: •type of the geometry structure is given by the nature of the problem and the physical formulation (e.g. the basic “unit” is a tetrahedral element with 4 nodes) • particular realisation is extracted from the image (e.g. the domain covered by the elements is given by the shape of the organ) • physics: •formulation is given by a set of differential equations solved over the geometric domain (e.g. finite element formulation of hyper-elasticity over linear tetrahedra) • particular behaviour is determined by the physical parameters, usually obtained by a measurement [invasive, non-invasive] (e.g. stiffness of the liver parenchyma) 16 BUILDING A BIOMECHANICAL MODEL: GEOMETRY 17 GEOMETRY DISCRETIZATION: MESH •usual geometric representation is given by a mesh (discretization of domain) •a set of (connected) elements of given dimensionality and type •1D: line mesh, beam mesh, spline mesh •2D: triangular- and quad-mesh, shell mesh •3D: tetrahedral mesh, hexahedral mesh •mixed meshes •used in computer-aided design (CAD) for decades •many mesh generators from CADs •commercial solutions (Ansys) •open-source: GMsh,TetGen 18 MESHING OF MEDICAL IMAGES • classical mesh generation from images consists of two steps • segmentation: delimitation of the domain of interest in the image • meshing: discretization of the segmented domain 19 IMAGE SEGMENTATION I • manual segmentation (time consuming in 3D) • semi-automatic methods: – basic: histogram-based, edge detection, region-growing – PDE-based: active contours (snakes, subject ofTP), level-sets methods – graph-based segmentation: using graphs flows and cuts 20 IMAGE SEGMENTATION II • atlas-based methods – probabilistic methods (mean shape and possible variations) • methods based on training – neural-networks • many open-source programs: ITKSnap, 3DSlicer,TurtleSeg 21 MESHING OF SEGMENTED DOMAIN I • two-step approach: – first step: generate surface representation (triangular mesh) of the segmented domain (e.g. marching cubes) – second step: generate 3D volume mesh from the surface mesh (e.g.TetGen computing tetrahedral mesh from surface triangular mesh stored in STL) – surface meshes can be very dense or with holes: reparation must be performed before the second step (e.g. MeshLab) • direct approach: – direct generation of 3D volume mesh from the segmented domain: CGAL.org – can be problematic for sharp features (usually not crucial in medical imaging) and correct separation of boundaries (can be a problem, solution exists but is not implemented…) 22 23 MESHING OF SEGMENTED DOMAIN II BONUS:VARIATIONAL IMAGE MESHING 24 6 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING, TMI-2010-0299 PREPRINT (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Fig. 5. Mesh optimization on a 2D MR image slice (a) of brain ventricles. Initial (b) and optimized (c) discretizations with 59 nodes; initial (d) and optimized (e) discretizations with 111 nodes. The finer optimized mesh is seen as overlaid on image (f). (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Fig. 6. Mesh optimization on a 2D CT image slice (a) of the kidney. Initial (b) and optimized (c) discretizations with 61 nodes; and initial (d) and optimized (e) discretizations with 338 nodes. GOKSEL AND SALCUDEAN: IMAGE-BASED VARIATIONAL MESHING 9 modulus distribution, E(x), within the domain M is known a priori. There exist several methods in the literature for the acquisition and derivation of tissue elasticity, see [39] for a review. Consequently, the material stiffness matrix in the element can be formulated as C(x) = E(x) Cj. Substituting this in (10) yields: Ej strain(uj ) = 1 2 ujT BjT CjBj uj j E(x)dx . (14) For the discretization within each element to be optimal, these two energy formulations in (13) and (14) should be equal, leading to: ˜Ejvj = j E(x)dx (15) which is satisfied when ˜Ej is the mean of the distribution within element ⇥j . To demonstrate mesh optimization from mechanical tissue features, the method was applied to prostate elastography images acquired using the vibro-elastography technique of Salcudean et al. [24]. Elastography is the technique in which tracked localized displacements in response to a mechanical excitation allow for the identification of mechanical tissue properties [39], [40]. For the purpose of this paper, a 2D sagittal transfer function image of the prostate is meshed. The prostate, which is typically stiffer that its surrounding, is seen in Fig. 11. The optimized meshes and their corresponding discretizations are also shown in this figure. D. Connectivity and Node Updates For the case where the objective function is purely geometric, i.e. = 0, EG has a simple algebraic (quadratic) definition as in (3). This can also be observed for relatively small values of as in Fig. 3(b). For EG alone, a geometrical closed-form expression of its critical-point within each 1(a) (b) Fig. 11. Meshing of a transversal (a) and a para-sagittal (b) slice from prostate vibro-elastography. The prostate is the darker oval structure in the center. is found using numerical integration over the voxels, during which the enclosure of voxels by elements is determined using • Orcun Goksel and Septimiu E. Salcudean, "Image-Based Variational Meshing", IEEE Trans Medical Imaging 30(1):11-21, Jan 2011. • direct generation of meshes from the image – no segmentation needed – initial regular mesh is adapted to the image – works for limited range of intensities DISCRETISATION METHODS •wide range of algorithms • Tesselations (tiling of a plane) • Delaunay triangulations [DT] (no point of the triangulation lies inside any circumcircle of any triangle of the triangulation • Voronoi diagrams (dual to DT) 25 DISCRETIZATION QUALITY •quality of elements is a crucial in physics-based applications (vertex Jacobian) • degenerated elements result in numerical instability (singularity of the Jacobian) •various measures of element quality: • smallest angle/largest angle (2D) • dihedral angle (3D) • determinant of vertex Jacobian • ratio of inscribed/circumscribed radii • others (edge ratio, Frobenius aspect etc) 26 defined an e⇥ciency index ⇤ [13] as ⇤ = exp 1 ne neX e=1 ⇤e ! with ⇤e = le 1 if le < 1 and ⇤e = 1 le 1 if le ⇥ 1. The e⇥ciency inde and should be as close as possible to ⇤ = 1. For measuring the quality of elements, various element shape measure literature [33, 27]. Here, we choose a measure based on the element rad between the inscribed and the circumcircles. If K is a triangle, we have the following formula K = 4 sin ˆa sinˆb sin ˆc sin ˆa + sinˆb + sin ˆc , ˆa, ˆb and ˆc being the three inner angles of the triangle. With this defin triangle has a K = 1 and degenerated (zero surface) triangles have a K For a tetrahedron, we have the following formula: K = 6 6 Vk 4X i=1 a(fi) ! max i=1,...,6 l(ei) , with VK the volume of K, a(fi) the area of the ith face of K and l(ei) the C. GEUZAINE, J.F. REMACLE aluate the adequation between the mesh and the prescribed mesh size field, we iency index ⇤ [13] as ⇤ = exp 1 ne neX e=1 ⇤e ! (2) 1 if le < 1 and ⇤e = 1 le 1 if le ⇥ 1. The e⇥ciency index ranges in ⇤ ⇤ [0, 1] as close as possible to ⇤ = 1. g the quality of elements, various element shape measures are available in the 27]. Here, we choose a measure based on the element radii ratio, i.e. the ratio cribed and the circumcircles. ngle, we have the following formula K = 4 sin ˆa sinˆb sin ˆc sin ˆa + sinˆb + sin ˆc , g the three inner angles of the triangle. With this definition, the equilateral K = 1 and degenerated (zero surface) triangles have a K = 0.