OUTLINE Models: General Overview Mechanics and Continuum Mechanics Mechanics of Solid Objects and Elasticity Kinematics: displacements, deformations, strains Kinetics: forces, pressures, stresses, tractions Linear Elasticity: continuous formulation, FEM, solution Hyperelasticity: towards non-linear models Co-rotational approach: geometry-based compromise MODELS A model is an abstract structure that uses mathematical language to describe the behaviour of a system. typical examples of models: – electrophysiological model: describes electrical properties of tissue (e.g. electrophysiological model of heart) – model of fluid dynamics: describes behaviour of liquid (e.g. cardiovascular fluid mechanics (blood circulation) – biomechanical model of an organ: describes elastic/plastic behaviour of tissues (e.g. hyperelastic model of liver) the mathematical language is usually based on differential equations – the behaviour is “a change of state” (derivative) MECHANICS area of science dealing with physical bodies subject to force and/or displacements classical (Newtonian) vs. quantum mechanics :-) – kinematics (geometry of motion): moving points/bodies without considering the causes of motion – (analytical) dynamics: relationship between motion of bodies and its causes CONTINUUM MECHANICS deals with the analysis of the kinematics and the mechanical behavior of materials modeled as a continuous mass rather than as discrete particles continuum hypothesis: well defined properties in infinitely small points (reference element of volume) solid mechanics: study of continuous materials with defined rest shape fluid mechanics: study of fluid materials (liquids, gases, plasmas) e.g. CFD (computational fluid dynamics) obeying common laws: conservation of mass, energy, [linear and angular] momentum SOLID MECHANICS studies the behavior of solid materials, especially their motion and deformation under the action of forces, temperature changes, phase changes, and other external or internal agents. elasticity: describes materials that return to their rest shape after applied stresses are removed viscoelasticity: elastic material with damping (hysteresis loop) plasticity: describes materials that permanently deform after a sufficient applied stress thermoplasticity: coupling between mechanics and thermal properties. ELASTICITY ability of a body to resist a distorting influence or stress and to return to its original size and shape when the stress is removed basically, it defines mathematic relation between displacements and applied forces kinematics: relates displacement to strain (geometry) kinetics: relates forces to stresses (e.g. equilibrium) constitutive law: relation between the stress and strain (the material) linear elasticity: keeping all relations linear (non-conservative!) hypoelasticity: extension of linear elasticity hyperelasticity: a family of models (materials), typically used for tissues TOWARDS THE LINEAR ELASTICITY VECTOR AND TENSOR FIELDS I continuum mechanics: body as a continuum set of particles (3D points) initial configuration X (X,Y,Z) vs. deformed configuration x (x,y,z) displacement – vector function in 3D defined for in each particle (vector field)
 elasticity theory formulated using tensors similarly as vector field, tensor field is a “tensorial” function defined in each particle (i.e., over the continuous domain) typical operators on fields: gradient, divergence, curl u(x, y, z) = (ux(x, y, z), uy(x, y, z), uz(x, y, z)) x = X + u VECTOR AND TENSOR FIELDS II Tensor notation: –summation over repeated indices –derivative using ‘,’ notation aijbj ⌘ X j aijbj fi,j ⌘ fi xj Vector-matrix notation: –using bold symbols: A, σ (matrix), v (vector) –derivatives written as operators: gradient: rf = ( @ @x , @ @y , @ @z )> f Example: –divergence of a vector field divu = (@ux @x + @uy @y + @uz @z ) = ( @ @x , @ @y , @ @z ) · (ux, uy, uz)> = r · u = ui,i u(x, y, z) = (ux(x, y, z), uy(x, y, z), uz(x, y, z)) Constitutive equation STATIC LINEAR ELASTICITY Kinematics Kinetics KINEMATICS: DEFORMATION deformation field: vector field defined in each point 
 deformation gradient: 2nd order tensor defined in each point
 decomposition of deformation gradient to rotation and stretch tensors right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor (square of local change)
 alternative: left Cauchy-Green deformation tensor F = I + ru C = F> F = I + ru + ru> + ru> ru x = X + u(x, y, z) F = RU = V R : R 1 = R> B = FF> = I + ru + ru> + ru> ru KINEMATICS: STRAIN strain: a description of deformation in terms of relative displacement of particles in the body that excludes rigid-body motions different measures of strain: Green, Biot, Almansi, logarithmic strain Green strain tensor:
 E = 1 2 (C I) = 1 2 (ru + ru> + ru> ru) geometric non- linearity " = e = 1 2 (ru + ru> ) KINEMATICS: STRAIN components of strain: diagonal + shear strains:
 Constitutive equation ELASTICITY-BASED MODELING Kinematics Strain – Displacement Kinetics " = 1 2 (ru + ru> ) KINETICS: STRESS stress: internal forces that neighboring particles of a continuous material exert on each other Cauchy (true) stress tensor: 2nd order tensor that completely define stress at a point relates a unit length vector and stress vector: the components of stress vector (surface traction): t = n ti = dgi dS STRESS TENSOR stress: internal forces that neighboring particles of a continuous material exert on each other Cauchy (true) stress tensor: 2nd order tensor that completely defines stress at a point conservation of linear momentum: in static equilibrium, it satisfies equilibrium equation in each point (b being the body forces)
 conservation of angular momentum: symmetry (6 components instead of 9) ij = ji ⌧xy = ⌧yx ⌧xz = ⌧zx ⌧yz = ⌧zy div + b = 0 i.e., r · + b = 0 i.e., ij,j + bi = 0 Constitutive equation ELASTICITY-BASED MODELING Kinematics Strain – Displacement Kinetics Stress in static equilibrium " = 1 2 (ru + ru> ) r · + b = 0 t = n CONSTITUTIVE EQUATION Cauchy elastic material: stress is a function of strain linear elasticity: stress is a linear function of strain Hooke law: the relation between stress (2nd order tensor) and strain (2nd order tensor) is a 4th order tensor
 in general, C has 81 components: however, symmetry of strain and stress reduces the number of components to 21 for isotropic and homogeneous material, number of parameters is reduced to two Lamé coefficients: = Itr(") + 2µ" ij = Cijkl"kl i.e., = C : " MATERIAL PARAMETERS in tensorial notation (with Einstein summation convention):
 Lamé coefficients: the second is sometimes called shear modulus (G) 
 where E is the Young’s modulus [Pa]: stiffness of the material nu is the Poisson’s ratio: incompressibility of the material <0,0.5 = Itr(") + 2µ" ij = ij"kk + 2µ"ij = ijuk,k + µ(ui,j + uj,i) C100 = µ C200 = ⌅ + 2µ 8 C010 = µ 3 (2.2 ere µ and ⌅ are Lamé material constants. The energy function W is then given as follow W = ⌅ 2 ii jj + µ ij ji. (2.2 ng the relation 2.20, the stress/strain relation is linear: ij = ⌅ mm⇥ij + 2µ ij (2.2 refore, the only non-linearity in the StVenant material is given by the displacement/str tionship shown by the Eq. 2.7. The two Lamé coefficients from the Eq. 2.23 are define ⌅ = E⌃ (1 + ⌃)(1 2⌃) µ = E 2 + 2⌃ (2.2 ere E is Young modulus and nu ⇥ (0, 1 2) is the Poisson ratio which determines th ompressibility of the material. The values of both E and ⌃ has been determined exper ntally for various types of materials and they can be found in literature. Second, in the case of Mooney-Rivlin material, Cijk = 0 except for C100 and C010. Th ed energy function W is determined as ⇥ Constitutive equation ELASTICITY-BASED MODELING Kinematics Strain – Displacement Kinetics Stress, static equilibrium = Itr(") + 2µ" Stress-strain relation " = 1 2 (ru + ru> ) r · + b = 0 t = n Navier-Cauchy equation (see the proof performed by components on LinearElasticity@Wikipedia): PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER " = 1 2 (ru + ru> ) = Itr(") + 2µ" tensor notation: per component: K 2 {x, y, z} r · + b = 0 t = n ( + µ) @ @K ⇣ @ux @x + @uy @y + @uz @z ⌘ + µ ⇣ @2 uK @x2 + @2 uK @2y2 + @2 uK @z2 ⌘ + bK = 0 ( + µ)r(r · u) + µr2 u + b = 0 ( + µ)uj,ij + µui,jj + bi = 0 the body given by a continuous domain with boundary Navier-Cauchy equation holds for every point of the domain 
 (fi being body forces per unit volume)
 essential boundary conditions has to be defined on a part of the boundary (to choose the particular solution of N.-C. PDE 
 natural boundary conditions can be defined on a part of the boundary (i.e., tractions T along normal n in point p)
 THE PROBLEM TO SOLVE ˜⌦ Tp i = ijnp j for p 2 ˜N where ˜N ⇢ ˜ and ˜ = @ ˜⌦ up i = ¯up i for p 2 ˜E where ˜E ⇢ ˜ and ˜ = @ ˜⌦ ˜ = @ ˜⌦ ( + µ)uj,ij + µui,jj + bi = 0 the only feasible way – discretization: approximate the original continuous quantities by discrete (piecewise) functions: central role of the interpolation (basis, shape, blending) functions required properties: local support:
 the function is non-zero
 only inside the element bound to a node n:
 CONTINUOUS VS. DISCRETE SOLUTION II CHAPTER 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 13 x 0.8 -0.4 0.5 1 0.4 -0.5 0-1 0 (a) -1 -0.5 y0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 x0 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 (b) -1 -0.5 y 0 0.5 1-1 -0.5 x 0 0.5 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 (c) Figure 2.2: Illustration of shape functions over finite elements. Both linear and quadratic functions over one-dimensional domain are shown by (a). Linear shape function over 2D rectangular element is depicted by (b) and the same 2D element is used with quadratic shape function at (c). u(x) ⇡ X n Un'n(x) @u(x) @x ⇡ X n Un @'n(x) @x 'n(xm) = nm FINITE ELEMENT METHOD First appeared in 40s and 50s (civil engineering, aeronautics). 1. Weak formulation of the continuous differential problem – integration over domain and multiplication by test functions 2. Discretization 
 – discretization of the domain by the elements – discretization of the variable and the operator – integration over element volume (quadratures) 3. Global assembling of the algebraic system of equations
 – imposing the compatibility between the elements 4. Imposition of the essential boundary conditions 5. Numerical solution of the algebraic system EXAMPLE: STATIC LINEAR ELASTICITY (SLE) ij,j + bi = 0 eij = 1 2 (ui,j + uj,i) ⇤ij = ⇥ekk ij + 2µeij Given relations (in tensor notation) Newton’s law (kinetics) linearized strain (kinetics) linear material (constitutional law) ij,j + bi = 0 eij = 1 2 (ui,j + uj,i) ⇤ij = ⇥ekk ij + 2µeij Given relations (in tensor notation) Newton’s law (kinetics) linearized strain (kinetics) linear material (constitutional law) Weak form of the Newton’s equation (Lax-Milgram lemma) –integration over the volume 
 –multiplication by a test functions wi The integral over volume allows to distribute the derivatives –application of chain rule
 –divergence theorem – no derivative of the stress tensor 
 – the only derivative applied to the test function on the left side – ti: tractions defined over the surface (natural boundary conditions)@⌦ Z ⌦ ( ij,j + bi)wid = 0 Z ⌦ ijwi,jd⇥ = Z ⌦ biwid⇥ + Z ⌦ tiwid SLE: DISCRETIZATION AND GALERKIN METHOD Galerkin method: use the same interpolation functions to discretize the test functions w and the solution u over an element e: Z ⌦ ijwi,jd⇥ = Z ⌦ biwid⇥ + Z ⌦ tiwidThe actual weak form: Domain discretization by elements e:
 – element e given by N nodes
 – each element “equipped” with interpolation functions 
 – index n: node of the element (therefore N interpolation functions per element) where: ⇤ij = ⇥ekk ij + 2µeij eij = 1 2 (ui,j + uj,i) en (x, y, z) wi = en Wen i ui = en Uen i Example of derivative: (note: no summation over e!) ˜⌦ ⇡ ⌦ = U e ⌦e wi,j = 'en ,j Wen i SLE: GALERKIN METHOD II Discretized week form: where: ⇤ij = ⇥ekk ij + 2µeij eij = 1 2 ( en ,j Uen i + en ,i Uen j ) Galerkin method: the equations hold for any virtual displacement Wi: X e Z ⌦e ij⇥en ,j d⇥ Wen i = X e ✓Z ⌦e bi⇥en d⇥ + Z ⌦e ti⇥en d ◆ Wen i X e Z ⌦e ij⇥en ,j Wen i d⇥ = X e Z ⌦e bi⇥en Wen i d⇥ + Z ⌦e ti⇥en Wen i d For each element e, we have the local equation: Z ⌦e ij⇥en ,j d⇥ = Z ⌦e bi⇥en d⇥ + Z ⌦e ti⇥en d where: ⇤ij = ⇥⌅ne ,k Une k ij + µ(⌅en ,j Uen i + ⌅en ,i Uen j ) SLE: THE ELEMENT EQUATION Z ⌦e ij⇥en ,j d⇥ = Z ⌦e bi⇥en d⇥ + Z ⌦e ti⇥en d where: ⇤ij = ⇥⌅ne ,k Une k ij + µ(⌅en ,j Uen i + ⌅en ,i Uen j ) Right-hand side: – we consider tractions to be zero and – body forces to be constant w.r.t. space Left-hand side: – clearly linear in U being the unknown displacements in nodes n=1...N Z ⌦e ⇥⇤ne ,k Une k ij + µ(⇤en ,j Uen i + ⇤en ,i Uen j )⇤en ,j d – since linear, the left-hand side can be re-organized to Ken ij Uen j bi Z ⌦e 'ne d⌦ VOIGT NOTATION Left-hand side: – the tensor notation has been useful to derive the final form – for implementation purposes, Voigt notation is usually employed where 3x3 symmetric 1-order tensor is stored as 6x1 vector: Z ⌦e ij⇥n ,jd⌦ ⇤ij = ⇥ekk ij + 2µeij eij = 1 2 ( n ,jUn i + n ,iUn j ) with SLE: STRESS-STRAIN MATRIX D Applying the Voigt notation to the stress–strain relation
 results in following matrix equation (derivation is straightforward:
 The matrix in the middle is 6x6 stress-strain matrix (denoted further as D).
 Before encoding the rest into matrices we have to choose the interpolation functions! Z ⌦e ij⇥n ,jd⌦ Note that only derivatives of interpolation functions appear in the formulation. 0 B B B B B B @ ⇥11 ⇥22 ⇥33 ⇥12 ⇥13 ⇥23 1 C C C C C C A = 0 B B B B B B @ + 2µ 0 0 0 + 2µ 0 0 0 + 2µ 0 0 0 0 0 0 µ 0 0 0 0 0 0 µ 0 0 0 0 0 0 µ 1 C C C C C C A 0 B B B B B B @ e11 e22 e33 2e12 2e13 2e23 1 C C C C C C A ⇤ij = ⇥ekk ij + 2µeij eij = 1 2 ( en ,j Uen i + en ,i Uen j ) P1: TETRAHEDRAL LINEAR ELEMENT – tetrahedral: simplex in 3D having four nodes – linear since we choose linear interpolation functions: (a general linear function in 3D) – how to find the coefficients a,b,c,d? Recall the basic property of an interpolation function: (the value of an interpolation function associated to a node i is 1 when evaluated in that node [xi, yi, zi] and zero in any other node [xj,yj,zj]) ⇥i (xj, yj, zj) = ij i, j 2 1, . . . N (x, y, z) = a + b(x) + c(y) + d(z) SLE&P1: COMPUTING THE SHAPE FUNCTIONS Linear P1 (Lagrangian) tetrahedral element – putting the condition into a matrix form gives: – denoting V the matrix on the left (nodal matrix), 4 instances of coefficients corresponding to 4 interpolation functions (associated to each node) can be computed as columns of the V–1 (recall the requirements for mesh quality!) – recall also that only derivatives of interpolation functions are present in the formulation (so only coefficients b,c,d) will be used 0 B B @ 1 x1 y1 z1 1 x2 y2 z2 1 x3 y3 z3 1 x4 y4 z4 1 C C A 0 B B @ a b c d 1 C C A = 0 B B @ 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 C C A SLE&P1: STRAINDISPLACEMENT MATRIX B Using the Voigt notation and assuming the linear P1 tetrahedra used for discretization, the left-hand side can be rewritten in matrix form as: Z ⌦e ij⇥n ,jd⌦ De = 0 B B B B B B @ + 2µ 0 0 0 + 2µ 0 0 0 + 2µ 0 0 0 0 0 0 µ 0 0 0 0 0 0 µ 0 0 0 0 0 0 µ 1 C C C C C C A Z ⌦e B> e DeBed⌦ Be = 0 B B B B B B @ b1 0 0 b2 0 0 b3 0 0 b4 0 0 0 c1 0 0 c2 0 0 c3 0 0 c4 0 0 0 d1 0 0 d2 0 0 d3 0 0 d4 c1 b1 0 c2 b2 0 c3 b3 0 c4 b4 0 d1 0 b1 d2 0 b2 d3 0 b3 d4 0 b4 0 d1 c1 0 d2 c2 0 d3 c3 0 d4 c4 1 C C C C C C A ⇤ij = ⇥ekk ij + 2µeij eij = 1 2 ( en ,j Uen i + en ,i Uen j ) SLE&P1: LOCAL STIFFNESS MATRIX What about the integration? – recall that only derivatives of shape functions appear in the formulation – since interpolation functions are linear, only coefficients b,c,d appear in the matrices – therefore, the integrand is constant (does not depend on x,y,z) – integration of a constant over a tetrahedron is computed by multiplication of the constant by the volume of the tetrahedron – the volume of a tetrahedron is given by determinant of nodal matrix:
 – the final form is therefore: – the local matrices Ke are assembled into a global matrix K – the contribution from different elements to the same node are added (globalization matrix) Ke = Z ⌦e B> e DeBed = |Ve| 6 B> e DeBe Ve = |Ve| 6 ASSEMBLING THE GLOBAL SYSTEM the procedure now gives 12x12 matrix (4x4 block matrix where each block (i,j) corresponds to stiffness relation between nodes n and m (n,m=1…4) global assembly: mapping for each node from local to global indices: (e,n) -> n the block (n,m) from matrix associated to element e is added to the global block at position (n,m) in the global matrix usually is done directly during the computation of local matrix the global matrix is a 3Nx3N block matrix where N is the total number of DOFs (and 3N is thus the number of degrees of freedom) BOUNDARY CONDITIONS choosing a particular solution (otherwise K singular) several options to impose a Dirichlet boundary condition ui=V elimination (projection):
 — left side: K(i,k) = K(k,i) = 0 for all k ≠ i, K(i,i) = 1
 — right side: f(i) = V (“pseudo-loads”)
 — not very flexible and difficult to parallelize penalization: adding a penalization term to impose the boundary condition (reduces the “quality” of matrix in terms of the condition number) Lagrange multipliers: changes the properties of the matrix (larger, possibly indefinite) THE GLOBAL STIFFNESS MATRIX linear relation between forces (f) and displacements (u): encoding relations between nodes highly sparse (<3% of non-zero) non-zero blocks only for combinations
 of nodes connected by a mesh edge suitable representation [i j Kij] efficient matrix–vector multiplication regular after the imposition of boundary conditions symmetric, positive-definite, sparsity pattern depends on node numbering (can be improved e.g. by Metis) Ku = fCHAPTER 2. THEORETICAL BAC (a) Figure 2.3: Illustration of the sparsity straints applied (b) boundary condition and boundary conditions applied via L PRACTICAL MATRIX MANIPULATION sparse matrices generated from the FE formulation only a small fraction of entries non-zero (<3%) system of N nodes in 3D results in size of (3N)2 practical example: 10000 nodes in double (4B): 3.4GB but 3.3GB are zeros... common format: i j Aij (137MB, 2 x int + 1 x double) row vs. column compressed sometimes storing both representations can be practical SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS scalar case: ax = b x = b a vectorial case: Ax = b x = A 1 b properties of A (considered being a square matrix) regular matrix: inverse A-1 exists symmetric: equals to transpose, AT = A positive-definite: zTAz is positive for a vector z (eigenvalues) orthogonal matrix: AT = A-1 (representation of rotations) DIRECT SOLUTION OF LINEAR SYSTEM solution x = A 1 b direct solutions: the inverse A–1 computed explicitly as factorization for cases when you need to recompute Ax=b’ for another b’ 2 phases: decomposition (factorisation), solution (back-substitution) Cholesky decomposition: A = LLT (L lower triangular matrix): symmetric positive-definite matrices, most optimal (num. of operation) LDL decomposition: A = LDLT (D diagonal), works for some indefinite matrices where Cholesky fails LU decomposition: (U upper triangular matrix), general case, modified Gaussian elimination (Doolittle, Crout algorihms, pivoting) ITERATIVE SOLUTION OF LINEAR SYSTEM solution will depend on properties of A x = A 1 b iterative solutions: the inverse A–1 is not assembled explicitly start with an estimation x(0) and iterate until |Ax(i)–b| < e (stopping criterium usually more complicated, absolute vs. relative residual ) conjugate gradients (CG): for symmetric, positive-definite matrices (see Shewchuk: Conjugate gradients without agonizing pain) bi-conjugate gradient (BiCG): generalization for non-symmetric generalized minimal residual (GMRES): any regular matrix preconditioned versions: approximation of A–1 ISSUES WITH LINEAR ELASTICITY after imposition of the boundary conditions, 
 the system can be solved iterative: even the matrix K does not have to be assembled direct: the both K and K–1 are assembled and stored explicitly, so u can be updated for any new f CHAPTER 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 8 (a) non-linear (b) non-linear (c) linear (d) linear Figure 2.1: Illustration of the difference between the models employing non-linear strain tensor (figures (a) and (b)) and linear strain tensor L (figures (c) and (d)). The figure (d) is scaled by factor CHAPTER 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 8 (a) non-linear (b) non-linear (c) linear (d) linear Figure 2.1: Illustration of the difference between the models employing non-linear strain tensor (figures (a) and (b)) and linear strain tensor L (figures (c) and (d)). The figure (d) is scaled by factor CHAPTER 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 8 (a) non-linear (b) non-linear (c) linear (d) linear Figure 2.1: Illustration of the difference between the models employing non-linear strain tensor (figures (a) and (b)) and linear strain tensor L (figures (c) and (d)). The figure (d) is scaled by factor EORETICAL BACKGROUND (b) non-linear (c) linear (d) linearlinearized Green strain does not work for large deformations Ku = f TOWARDS NONLINEAR: COROTATIONAL FORMULATION an extremely successful approach in soft-tissue modeling allowing for large displacements (but supposing small strains) C.Felippa: A systematic approach to the element-independent corotational dynamics of finite elements, 2000 uses the linear-elasticity 
 but co-rotational strain the simulation is performed 
 in small steps and in each step: the actual deformation of every element e is decomposed into rigid and deformable components w.r.t. the initial configuration the rigid component is given by a rotation Re of the component the local stiffness matrix Ke is updated as R> e KeRe Matthieu Nesme, Yohan Payan & Franç matrix: J = e0 1 e0 2 e0 3 −1 [e1 e2 e3], with respect to the tial state, where the e0 i are the initial edge vectors and th are the current ones. Matrix J is then decomposed in o to extract separately a rigid rotation R applied to the elem and a deformation E as shown fig. 1. This decompositio not unique and several approaches can be considered. in the initial local frame at rest form deformed and replaced R E J=RE deformed and displaced Figure 1: An initial tetrahedron is deformed by the trans mation J composed both a rigid motion R and the defor tions are contained in E. Polar decomposition Etzmuß et al [EKS03], followed other authors [HS04, MG04], presented a method ba on the polar decomposition using eigenvalues and eig vectors. The polar decomposition of a square matrix c putes the nearest orthogonal frame to the given colu CO-ROTATIONAL FORMULATION II the matrix K is not constant anymore ( K => K(u) ) the rotational matrices Re(u) depend on the actual u in each step, Newton-Raphson method should be performed, actually, works quite stably even if only one iteration is performed the decomposition can be performed by various methods choosing the basis polar(1), QR(2), SVD although the large deformations are simulated realistically, only small strains are handled correctly more information about the implementation in SOFA: M.Nesme et al.: Efficient, physically plausible finite elements, 2005 sme, Yohan Payan & François Faure / Efficient, physically plausible finite elements 2 e3], with respect to the iniitial edge vectors and the ei s then decomposed in order ion R applied to the element g. 1. This decomposition is es can be considered. deformed and replaced R b c z a y x d (1) c b d z x y a (2) Figure 2: the local frames. (1) Polar decomposition: singl frame reflecting best the matter, nearest to the edges. (2) QR decomposition: the first axis is the first edge ab, the second axis is orthogonal to the first on plane (ab,ac), and the las axis is obtained by construction of an orthonormal frame. 2.2. Newton’s law Newton’s law on linear acceleration relates the acceleration Nesme, Yohan Payan & François Faure / Efficient, physically plausible finite elements e2 e3], with respect to the iniinitial edge vectors and the ei is then decomposed in order ation R applied to the element fig. 1. This decomposition is hes can be considered. deformed and replaced R b c z a y x d (1) c b d z x y a (2) Figure 2: the local frames. (1) Polar decomposition: singl frame reflecting best the matter, nearest to the edges. (2) QR decomposition: the first axis is the first edge ab, the secon axis is orthogonal to the first on plane (ab,ac), and the las axis is obtained by construction of an orthonormal frame. 2.2. Newton’s law Newton’s law on linear acceleration relates the acceleratio