PV217 Service Oriented Architecture
Week 10 - Case Studies presentations from students
Presentation of Case Studies by students
- Groups of 3-4 students;
- you can choose from more "technical" (e.g. why a specific SOA architectural choice was made) or more "business-oriented" (e.g. how services were derived from the organizational context) case studies;
- better also to link some of the experiences from the case study to the content of the course;
- around 10-15 minutes per group;
Students Presenting:
- Group 1 (Lean service architectures with Java EE 6):
- Oliver Pentek (396100)
- Dominik Szalai (359775)
- David Štípský (410140)
- Tomáš Vestenický (448272)
- Group 2 (SOA implementation at Credit Suisse) [moved to next week]:
- Vladimír Eliáš
- Milan Matijka
- Tereza Kazickova
- Jakub Kríž
- Group 3 (Amazon Product Advertising API):
- Paolo Bustreo
- Matúš Moravčík
- Ahmad Mohammad Suleiman Al-Zoubi
- Group 4 (SAP NetWeaver Process Orchestration):
- Filip Bogyai <395959>
- Michal Holič <386013>
- Jakub Samuel Paulovič <422425>
- Group 5 (My Fit Lunch(MLF))
- Dea Maze
- Diogo Costa
- Diogo Magalhães
- Zdenek Skerik
- Group 6 (JBoss Enterprise Service Oriented Architecture Platform in Red Hat)
- Andrej Halaj
- Milan Dolezal
- Lenka Horáková
- Group 7 (Service Oriented Architecture on eBay)
- Martin Spišiak
- Lukáš Budáč
- Andrej Kiripolský
- Group 8 (SOA in JBoss Fuse)
- Jozef Marko
- Marián Macik