MVC basics §Petr Svirák §2015 NuGets •Package manager in Visual Studio •3rd-party DLL dependencies in a project •Easy to add/update/remove •Use either UI (Right click on project → Manager NuGet packages) or console (Tools → NuGet Package Manager → Package Management Console) •Always check the license prior usage • • • • • § § §MVC basics § MVC Pattern •Model-View-Controller architectural pattern for user-interface design (1970 – 1980) •Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET MVC, Spring MVC, … • §Model – state of an aspect of the application §View – displays user interface using provided model §Controller – handles user interaction by amending model and passing it to a view § § § § §MVC basics File:MVC-Process.svg MVC web application •Application run in IIS (express) •Global.asax(.cs) – entry point for (any) ASP.NET application. •application-level and session-level events (Application_Start, Application_End, Session_Start, Session_End, …) •By default: routes, areas, filters and bundles registration •Startup.cs – entry point for the Katana (Owin implementation) run in IIS •Allows Owin modules configuration •By default: authentication configuration •web.config – main settings and configuration file for web application •Should contain DB connection string(s), application setting keys, assembly bindings, … § § § §MVC basics § Create new MVC application in VS, use .NET 4.6 – WebAppMvc •Show nuget packages •Show web.config •Be brief Routing •~/AppStart/RouteConfig.cs •Defines how user request translated to a controller and its action •sufix Controller is removed (for routing) •additional route parameters might be optional •Default route: “{controller}/{action}/{id}“ •{controllor} is placeholder for a class in Controllers folder (inheriting from Controller class) •{action} is placeholder for the controller‘s public method •{id} is placeholder for optional parameter carying object identifier •Example: “/Home/Detail/3“ • • § iew-cs § §MVC basics § Browse default UI showing controllers in action Create an route without controller (for HomeController) Controllers •Controllers folder •Scope •Each resource/entity is managed by a single controller [up to middle-size applications] •Each operation has a single controller [complex application] •Should NOT contain business logic •New instance for each HTTP request • • • • • § §MVC basics § Show folder structure (go to Actions) Actions •Public method of a controller •Any result is sent back to the user •even void methods are called •ModelState property – to validate model and/or report additional errors •Use most strict *Result available • ViewResult vs. JsonResult vs. RedirectResult vs. ActionResult... • § § § § § §MVC basics § Create an action returning string and int // Chosen by fair dice roll @ Guaranteed to be random. Create DoNothing method with thread sleep. Explain difference between ActionResult, ViewResult, Redirect, JsonResult Mention and demonstrate provided methods (View, Redirect) ModelState @ Model decorations Selectors and Filters •Attributes applied on Controller or Action •Selectors influence which method is invoked •ActionName, AcceptVerb… •Filters modify the way an action(s) are executed •Authorize, HandleError, OutputCache § § § § § ers-cs § § § §MVC basics § Create CurrentTime action with [OutputCache(Duration = 5)] attribute Models •Models folder •Represent state of a particuallar aspect of the application •Each controller should have a sub-folder for its models •Models are usually named by corresponding Actions •Always prefer strongly-typed model to a ViewBag or ViewData •Models should be POCO objects without any business logic § § § § § § § • §MVC basics § ViewBag usage in About/Contact action Create IndexModel (message + randomNumber ) for Index and pass it, make functions private (fill the properties). Run the app (no model seen) Views •Views folder •sub-folders per controller •Shared folder common for all controllers •Razor syntax – combines (native) HTML with (server-based) code in C# [*.cshtml] •Rendering is requested by a Controller‘s Action that also provides a Model to render •Should contain as few code as possible •ViewBag for carring view-specific data to its partial views and layout § § § § § § §MVC basics § Demonstrate view update in debug: Show model usage on Index view, use Html.Display and Html.DisplayName
@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Message) @Html.DisplayFor(model => model.Message)
@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.RandomNumber) @Html.DisplayFor(model => model.RandomNumber)
Layouts •Default: ~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml (set in ~/Views/_ViewStart.cshtml) •Master page or template all views are rendered into •Contains HTML opening and closing tags, header and menu •Changeble per view by adding: @{ Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_CustomLayout.cshtml"; } •View in question is rendered by RenderBody(…) •Evaluation order: •_ViewStart.cshtml •.cshtml •.cshtml •_Layout.cshtml •.cshtml (e.g. _LoginPartial.cshtml) § § § § § § §MVC basics § Add menu items for DoNothing action Show ViewBag.Title Add @(String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ViewBag.SubTitle) ? "" : $" - {ViewBag.SubTitle}") to the layout, show it works on Index page Sections •RenderSection(…) in layout (usually) •Used for view-specific HTML that is not part of body (RenderBody()) •Side bars, adds, action-specific content •Scripts (~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml) •Not required to be defined in all views (usually, required: false) • § § § § • § § §MVC basics § Show scripts section Add to home: @section scripts { } Partial views •Html.Partial(…) – displays view of given name (no controller/action is called) •Html.RenderAction(…) – calls a controller‘s action, rendering its result •always use PartialViewResult •Usually view name starts with underscore § § § § § § § § § § §MVC basics § Show _LoginPartial Create Action PartialMessage in HomeController with _PartialMessage view Explain void methods in views View helpers •Html and Url helpers available •Methods to create application-specific HTML (e.g. action links/URLs, templated-display/edit, form elements for (model) properties) •Good points for extension methods (prefer over @helper syntax) •Keep code under compiler controll, better maintanablity and readability of code •Disposable pattern → tags with inner content (Html.BeginForm) § § § § § § § §MVC basics § Demonstrate view update in debug: Show model usage on Index view, use Html.Display and Html.DisplayName Write ~/Helpers/UrlHelperExtensions.cs – Image(contentPath, title = null) use an image (e.g. eight legged freaks cat)
@Url.Image(@"~/Content/cat.png", "What a cat!")
EntityFramework •NuGet package @ •Object-relational mapper to work with relational data using domain-specific objects •Eliminates the need for most of the data-access code •Code-first or Database-first •Quarable interface to work with DB § § § § § § § § § §MVC basics § Create solution (Games) with class library (Games.Entities). * classes: Game, Studio, Genre (enum: { Action, Adventure, Arcade, FirstPersonShooter }) * common base (Id, Name) * data provider interface create new MVC project (Games.Web) [individ. user accounts] * create ~/DataProviders/GamesDbContext.cs – imlementation of IGamesProvider, DbContext – : base("DefaultConnection") * Enable logging: DbContext ctor: Database.Log = (log) => Debug.WriteLine(log, "GameDbContext"); * extract applicationDbContext from ~/Models/IdentityModels.cs, rename it to ~/DataProviders/IdentitiesDbContext.cs * build! * enable-migrations (show error without parameters), ** enable-migrations -ContextTypeName GamesDbContext -MigrationsDirectory DataProviders\GamesDbMigrations ** enable-migrations -ContextTypeName IdentitiesDbContext -MigrationsDirectory DataProviders\IdentitiesDbMigrations * Seed both DbContext from and lecture2.identities.seed.cs * Add new GamesController using scaffolding (NOT WebAPI!, with actions and EF, use async) * update-database -ConfigurationTypeName GamesDbConfiguration – browse the created mdf file in AppData Decorating models •Applied on models •System.ComponentModel and System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespaces •Model-specific constrains or additional meta-information •Display, DisplayName, DisplayFormat, HiddenInput – how is a property presented to a user •Required, Range, DataType, EnumDataType, Key – property‘s limitations and DB specifications § § § § § § § § • §MVC basics § Decorate Game and Studio [Key], [Required], [Range], [DataType], [EnumDataType] Build! Create new Controller (use scaffolding!) for Games, add [Authorize], remove ID from Insert action Create new IndexModel without Published, decorate it with [DisplayName] and Id with HiddenInput(DisplayValue = false) Create new DetailsModel add long DisplayName, HiddenInput, DisplayFormat(DataFormatString ="{0:dd. MM. yyyy}") for Published Rewrite Index by hand (show bad model error on screen, EF error, anonymous object select (query in debug)) Delete Details view and add new using the DetailsModel Voluntary homework •Download Games web application from study materials •Create async Studios controller by hand •Create view model for each action •Decorate it with DisplayName and DisplayFormat (where applicable) attributes •Use Range attribute on FoundationYear property (in a view model, different range) •Make a Studio dropdown list in Create view for the Create action of GamesController •Pass the existing studios to the model for Edit action •Preferably transform collection of studios to a collection of SelectListItem first •Solve out problem with user entering invalid data and re-entering Edit view (from the post action) •Make it so no new game can be created without an existing studio selected • §MVC basics § Resources §MVC • • • • §EF • ty-framework-data-model-for-an-asp-net-mvc-application • • • • §MVC basics § Mention – if they happen not to know it