Asynchronous programming §Tomas Hruby §2015 - Time consuming I/O op. or Web Request - Synchronous calling blocks possible execution of independent code § § Async-Await •Put async-await only across the whole application •Don’t mix manipulation with threads with async-await •Blocking context threads causes deadlocks •To use async code from normal method use Task.Run •Method can continue in a different thread after awaiting •Don’t depend on the thread context •HTTP context copies context information to new thread from the thread pool • • • • • § § §MVC basics § Show deadlock when blocking the context thread. REST APIs §Tomas Hruby §2015 Describe REST application role. The brightest future of .NET •REST API is in fact the only thing that for example a React application needs as a backend. •REST API is platform agnostic •REST API is easy to read and edit/debug •.NET accelerates development of REST APIs •Programming—Web API, Newtonsoft.Json, OWIN, … •Deployment—Microsoft Azure •Scalability (horizontal) •Stateless services + REST API + Azure §MVC basics Basics revisited •Stateless HTTP communication (Request-Response) •URL identifies an object •~/api/users/ngk67 •~/api/users/ngk67/roles •Use plural for endpoints (/api/users, /api/projects) •Method identifies action (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE) •GET ~/api/users (get all users) •DELETE ~/api/users/ngld456 (delete user with given ID) •Request body represents the object identified by URI •POST ~/api/users (object in request body is inserted as user) •Server answers with HTTP Status Code and response body containing requested object(s) • §MVC basics § HTTP Status Codes §401 – Unauthorized §500 – Internal Server Error §429 – Too many requests (response should contain time of renewal) • § §MVC basics § Method URL pattern Statuses (Notes) GET /api/users 200 GET /api/users/{id} 200, 404 POST /api/users 201, 400 201 – Created PUT /api/users/{id} 200, 404, 400 400 – Bad request DELETE /api/users/{id} 204, 404 204 – No content Browse default UI showing controllers in action Create an route without controller (for HomeController) Filtering & Paging •Filtering using query parameters •GET ~/api/students?semester=spring •Filtering using query objects •GET ~/api/students?filter={“subjects”=[“PE”,“maths”],”age”=18}} •REST calls remain the same even if new filter is added (forward compatible) •Easy to write by hand in browser URL bar •Paging request •GET ~/api/students?pagesize=10&page=3 •Paging responses •Pagination info in header (X-Total-Count, X-Page-Size, X-Current-Page) •Pagination envelope •{ “total”: 40, “pageSize”: 10, “page”: 1, “data”: […] } •Cursor based pagination (link to next page) • • • • §MVC basics § Versioning •Using URL prefixes •~/api/v1/users •Using HTTP headers •X-API-Version: 7.1.3 • • • §MVC basics § Special actions •Don’t use special query parameters (as flags). Use special endpoints •~/api/students/{id}/disable •~/api/users/resetpassword • • • • §MVC basics § Few other design tips •Use pretty printed JSON in responses •Put examples into documentation •Use projections (do not return all attributes in case of large objects) •Implement only necessary methods § § § § § § § § §MVC basics § ASP.NET WebAPI 2 •Uses the same engine as MVC (controllers, filters, …) •Controllers inherit from System.Web.Http.ApiController •Has different types of action results •Has similar request lifecycle • • • • • • • § §MVC basics § Explain key stages in lifecycle