Knowledge Management Department of Computer Systems and Communications Academic Year: 2016-2017 Francesco Caputo Knowledge Management: What is new? Really new or déjà vu? New Old New: ü There are many investments in production and sharing of knowledge. ü The costs to decode, share and acquire knowledge are reducing. ü There are more opportunities to acquire new knowledge. The news of knowledge society The increasing relevance of intangibles Japan United States Different approach to the same values The capability of knowledge to produce new value is strictly related to the time. New paradigms emerge only in a long time through long periods of transaction. It is a question of time Some researchers refuse the idea that we are in the knowledge era because they affirm that: ü Along the time, knowledge was ever been a central element in human life and in the economy. ü The changes in managerial and business models imposed by the knowledge refer only to the domains with a “high level of knowledge”. ü Only some kinds of work positions require a high cognitive involvement. We are really living the post-modern era? More specifically, the reductionist view is based on the past experiences and it pays few attention to the possible future evolutions. Against, the knowledge society is based on the future. The reductionist approach is showing an increasing useless in supporting understanding and managing of emerging dynamics. The ‘old’ reductionist approach The emerging economy is totally cognitive. Almost all the value is produced or mediated by the knowledge. A work not based on the knowledge, in the 90% of the case, does not produce new value. The cognitive economy ü Productivity: the knowledge management offers the opportunity to use new source of value. ü Quality: the economy and the society is acquiring a new form as consequence of the emerging role of knowledge as first element of production. Industrial economy versus cognitive economy The cognitive approach emerges when the economy becomes to use cognitive works based on the contamination among different skills, competence, and capabilities. The knowledge overcomes the limitations imposed by the time and the space We are not working to quickly produce new knowledge, but we are working to create new knowledge that we will use in the next future. A radical change in perspective The causes for the increasing relevance of knowledge are: ü The increasing use of artificial energy. ü The enlargement in the immaterial consumption. ü The experiential economy. ü The multiplier due to the knowledge sharing. ü The ‘sendipity’, related to the opportunity to find new things different form the things that we are searching. The causes of the increasing relevance of knowledge In the cognitive economy they emerge new actors. Market relationships are more personal and individualistic. The new economy is based on the people and not on the individuals. A new role for human resources ü New rules for the proprieties. ü An active role of territories in supporting the generation of new knowledge. ü A different role of people in the production and use. ü A different conception of time. ü An increasing flow of externality and asymmetries due to market relationships ü The increasing complexity of social and economic dynamics. The futures of knowledge society The complexity is showed by: ü A variety that overcome our capability to understand, classify, and manage all the variables that affect a problems. ü A variety that evolve faster than our capability to develop new interpretative schemes. ü A indeterminacy that obstacle the opportunity for forecast and plan the evolutions of programs and actions. The emergence of complexity