Service and System thinking Department of Computer Systems and Communications Academic Year: 2016-2017 Francesco Caputo Decisions and patterns of Service Thinking … the ability to produce a core solution excellent Core product perspective … the ability to offer the lowest prices Price perspective … the ability to create a value higher than that of the core product Image perspective … the ability to develop each element of customer relations Service perspective The adoption of one perspective does not exclude the consideration of the other. It is a question of perspective Service Perspective 1. SERVICE CONCEPT Benefit to the client 2. SERVICE PACKAGE CORE SERVICE Service that is the basic reason for which a company operates in the market. FACILITATION SERVICE Goods or services necessary for the use of the core service SUPPORT SERVICE Services or goods that increase the value of the offer or differ from those of competitors 3. BREWING PROCESS ü How to make a service ü Strong element of differentiation from competitors ü Supply side tends to be more important in the perception of the customer ü It includes variable delivery, in addition to the '4 P' of traditional marketing The service perspective A service is … from transaction ü It is extended in time ü The payment does not involve the acquisition of the ownership of an asset ü The payment does not always happen simultaneously with the use of performance ü The performance arises from interactions more or less significant ACTS OR MOMENTS OF TRUTH EPISODES SEQUENCES RELATIONS A service is … 1. The quality of the individual act impacts on the: ü Perception of the quality of the episode ü Perception of the quality of the sequence ü Expectations relating to the next sequences Perception of the overall quality of service 2. It can orient … … the planning of the activities of the staff of contact … the definition of business activities to be attached to the customer 3. It helps to bring out the connections between internal business processes and relationship The �rules’ of service perspective Client Capabilities Competences Time Experiences Energy Willingness Partecipation Role Behaviours Service Script Partecipation of client Peculiarity Does not always coincide with the consumption activities of the service. It is not comparable to the 'involvement' of the customer, referring to the interest of the customer for a service Advantages for firm Increased productivity Expansion of service provision Increased loyalty Advantages for client Increased satisfaction Feeling influence the outcome Partecipation of client Factors of customer satisfaction Efficiency (speed of settlement) Ease of Use Accuracy and dependability Perceived control Convenience (continuous access to the service) Service operation Personal factors Factors of customer dissatisfaction Malfunction of the service attribute to the system TECHNOLOGY READINESS Customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction Propensity to embrace and use new technologies for accomplishing goals in home life and at work (Parasuraman, 2000) Individual factor is not manageable by the enterprise Substantial factor of the SST, which would not exist without the participation of the client Moderating factor for the adoption of SST Factor influencing satisfaction Factor from ductile components, which can be the subject of management action Technology readiness Servicescape ü Physical environment that frames a story. ü Social environment in which they occur relational dynamics between the actors. ü The environment helps to give a positive or negative product theatrical Theatre ü Physical or virtual environment that frames service experience. ü Social environment in which takes place the process of interaction enterprise – customer. ü The environment contributes, with different ways and degrees, to the achievement of the success of the service Aim ü Creating an environment where the customer: ü Lives an experience not limited to products (flagship store). ü It interacts with facilities, staff, other customers Servicescape Versus Theatre ROLES OF SERVICESCAPE Agent of socialization FacilitatorInfluencer Communicator Stimulant of conginitive answer Differentiator Role of Servicescape DIMENSIONS OF SERVICESCAPE Temperature Light Sound Music Profum Design Form Space Signs, symbols, artifacts Funcionality Spatial Layout Dimensions of Servicescape Service blueprint Linea of interaction Line of sight Line of interactionProcesses of support Procedural Flowchart that describe in detail all the activities necessary for the creation of a service, distinguishing the activities that are above or below the line of sight of the customer Service Blueprint Rules ü Indication of the time sequence ü Identification of the sequence of steps/Episodes of the service with the associated input / output ü Indication of the degree of tolerance acceptable for not compromising on quality Criteria ü Complexity: representation of documents and process sequences ü Divergence: variability permitted acts and process sequences ü It facilitates training and learning organization. ü It offers a clear design of the production of the service and the size that have an impact on the quality. ü Guide in the proper work. ü It facilitates comparison of the design of the existing service with other alternative. ü It promotes the development of a new or changed service Advantages Service Blueprint Questions ???