MA010 Tutorial 4 Frederic Dupuis This tutorial covers material from lectures 4 and 5. Problem 1 In class, it was claimed that it can make a big difference to look for the shortest augmenting path when running the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm for finding the maximum flow. Here we will see what can happen when we don't do this. Consider the following graph: where X » 1 is some very big number, and tp = ^(V5 — 1) as 0.618034, chosen so that 1 — ip = ip2. Consider also the following augmenting paths: A B C D (a) Suppose we run the Edmonds-Karp algorithm on this graph (i.e. by always taking shortest augmenting paths). What is the resulting maximum flow? What is the corresponding minimum cut? (b) Suppose instead that we start by taking path D. What are the residual capacities of the three horizontal edges? (c) Now, suppose that the residual capacities of the three horizontal edges are tpk~1, 0, ipk, and that we take augmenting paths B,C,B,A (in that order). What are the residual capacities at the end? How much flow was added by taking these four steps? (Remember that 1 —