MA015 Graph Algorithms

Lecture I - Minimum Spanning Trees


19. 9. The classic algorithms: Kruskal, Jarník, Borůvka
26.9. The advanced algorithms: Ford-Fulkerson, Gabow et al.
4.10. Randomized algorithm of Karger-Klein-Tarjan; Arborescences and Edmond's algorithm


J. Eisner: State-of-the-Art Algorithms for Minimum Spanning Trees: A Tutorial Discussion (1997) [PDF]

Marvelous survey of algorithms which appeared before 1997. See chapters 3 (Kruskal, Jarník), 4 (Borůvka and contractions), 5 (Fredman-Tarjan; Gabow et al.) and 7 (Karger-Klein-Tarjan)

H. Gabow, Z. Galil, T. Spencer, R. Tarjan (1986). "Efficient algorithms for finding minimum spanning trees in undirected and directed graphs". Combinatorica 6 (2): 109. doi:10.1007/bf02579168

Very clear presentation of the algorithm of Gabow et al.

T. Chan: Backwards analysis of the Karger-Klein-Tarjan algorithm for minimum spanning trees (1998)  doi:10.1016/S0020-0190(98)00129-X

The simple proof of the sampling lemma used in Karger-Klein-Tarjan.

J. Kleinberg, E. Tardos: Algorithm Design [Section 4.9] [PDF]

Read this for the Edmonds' branching algorithm for min-cost arborescences.

Historical references


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