Due by 30/10/2016.
Complete exercises and replicate outputs. Note that only PDF and HTML formats will be accepted. All R code you used to generate figures should be included in the document.
There are plenty of options for creating PDF documents with inline R code such as knitr, sweave, sense.io, jupyter, Anaconda cloud or simply save the plots as .png images and add them manually to your document together with R code.
Your output can be stylistically different from the outputs below (e.g. vectors or matrices will show up with row/column numbers). This doesn't matter as long as you have the correct numbers, labels and graphs.
Note. If you decide to use Jupyter Notebook, run command options(jupyter.plot_mimetypes = 'image/png')
in the first cell to get around bug with SVG images.
Load fivemin.csv
dataset with network usage data recorded every 5 minutes over 8 hours. Select data for type=Server
and do the following tasks:
commands or put all characteristics in a dataframe or list and print that)Let $X$ be a random variable representing number of sessions
for type=Server
from the previous exercise. Answer the following questions
Answer these questions using two different approaches:
Finish exercise 9 and deploy your app to shinyapps.io. Here's a tutorial to help you get started http://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/shinyapps.html.
For this task please submit your app in zip format and include link to your app in the PDF.