Organizational information
Organizational information
- 12 teaching weeks + 1 week free (28. 10. 2016)
- 12 teaching weeks
- Team project on UML modeling, teams of 3 students (or less)
- Obligatory attendance (one absence ok) and weekly task delivery
- Simple test at the beginning of each seminar (starting in Week 03)
- Penalty for extra absence (-5 points) and late task delivery (-5 points)
- Seminar = project YES/NO, test points (20 points) and penalty recorded in IS notebook
- Exam = test (35 points) + on-site modelling (35 points)
- Grades: F<50, 50<=E<58, 58<=D<66, 66<=C<74, 74<=B<82, 82<=A
- Students may register to an exam term before their project is finalized, but they can only attend the exam if their project has been aproved by their seminar tutor as accepted, which must be recorded in the student notebook Seminar completion / Absolvování cvičení at least 24 hours before the exam.
Detailed schedule
Lectures (Friday, vacation on 28 October)
23.09. (Week 01) Software development, UML Use Case diagram.
30.09. (Week 02) Requirements specification, UML Activity diagram.
07.10. (Week 03) System analysis and design, structured vs. object-oriented A&D.
14.10. (Week 04) Object oriented analysis, UML Class, Object and State diagram.
21.10. (Week 05) Structured analysis, data modelling, ERD.
04.11. (Week 06) High-level design, UML Class diagram in design.
11.11. (Week 07) Low-level design and implementation issues, UML Interaction diagrams
18.11. (Week 08) Architecture design, UML Package, Component and Deployment diagram.
25.11. (Week 09) Testing, verification and validation.
02.12. (Week 10) Operation, maintenance and system evolution.
09.12. (Week 11) Software development management.
16.12. (Week 12) Advanced software engineering techniques.
Seminars (Monday, no vacation / Tuesday, no vacation / Wednesday, vacation on 28 September / Thursday, vacation on 17 November / Friday, vacation on 28 October)
19.09./20.09./21.09./22.09./23.09. (Week 01) Visual Paradigm introduction, project assignment.
26.09./27.09./05.10./29.09./30.09. (Week 02) Project start, initial Use Case diagram.
03.10./04.10./12.10./06.10./07.10. (Week 03) Detailed Use Case diagram, textual specification of UC.
10.10./11.10./19.10./13.10./14.10. (Week 04) Specification of use cases, Activity diagram.
17.10./18.10./26.10./20.10./21.10. (Week 05) Analytical Class diagram, Object diagram.
24.10./25.10./02.11./27.10./04.11. (Week 06) Analytical Class diagram, update of UC diagram, interaction of objects.
31.10./01.11./09.11./03.11./11.11. (Week 07) State diagram.
07.11./08.11./16.11./10.11./18.11. (Week 08) Data modelling, Entity Relationship diagram.
14.11./15.11./23.11./24.11./25.11. (Week 09) Design-level Class diagram, interfaces, implementation details.
21.11./22.11./30.11./01.12./02.12. (Week 10) Refinement of use cases with Interaction diagrams.
28.11./29.11./07.12./08.12./09.12. (Week 11) Finalization of Interaction diagrams, Class diagram update.
05.12./06.12./14.12./15.12./16.12. (Week 12) Packages, Component diagram, Deployment diagram.
Examplary UML model
Goal of the example:
The goal of the example is to demonstrate the usage of a number of UML diagrams on a common ground of a simple information system. The result can be viewed either as individual models (see the images below) or downloaded as a single project-report.pdf file.
Modelling environment:
The models have been created in the Visual Paradigm for UML & SysML CASE tool, which is accompanied with a number of tutorials online (in english) and here (in czech).
Study IS system specification:
Study information system is intended to support management of courses including electronic enrollment and course dropping. Management of the courses allows teachers to add new courses, remove courses and update course information, which includes a name, info, prerequisites, capacity, schedule and a distinction of full time and distance study courses. Students have an opportunity to electronically enroll at courses and drop a course (i.e. withdraw from it). Enrollment at courses is only allowed when the capacity of the course is not yet filled up. If the course capacity is filled up, the system notifies the teacher responsible for the course via email. One of the supplementary functions of the system is the support of adding of work reports about the worked hours of external teachers, who unlike internal teachers do not receive
monthly wage, but are paid solely for their worked hours.