Course guide PB007 Software engineering I
4. Object oriented analysis, UML Class, Object and State diagram
Object oriented analysis lecture
Slides of the lecture - download here
- UML Best Practice: 5 rules for better UML diagrams
- Five Reasons Developers Don’t Use UML and Six Reasons to Use It
UML Class and State diagram
Class diagram:
UML Class diagram is used to describe the static structure of the system, on multiple levels of abstraction. The first step after identification of analytical classes is the analytical class model, which is being later refined with implementation details and gradually transformed into a design class model.
Example: Analytical class diagram
State diagram:
State diagram is used to model life cycle of a selected object, component or system. Here we illustrate its usage on a life cycle of a course, which can be empty, partly full, full, closed or terminated.
Example: Life cycle of a course