Requirements Specifications, Use Case Diagrams PB007 Software Engineering I Bruno Rossi 26. 9. 2016 Software Engineering I (PB007) Requirements, Use Case Diagrams 26. 9. 2016 1 / 13 Functional Requirements Functional requirements are the expression of what the system should do related to the functionality of the system. It is recommended to write it in the form: Examples: 1. The ATM verifies the validity of the inserted card. 2. The ATM verifies the PIN of the specified customer. 3. The ATM does not allow more than CZK 10,000 on one card within 24 hours. Software Engineering I (PB007) Requirements, Use Case Diagrams 26. 9. 2016 2 / 13 Non-Functional Requirements Non-Functional Requirements are in general constraints imposed on the system that are not strictly related to the functionality. We call these also quality requirements, generally we refer to performance, capacity, availability, security constraints. Examples: 1. ATM will be programmed in C++ language. 2. ATM will be in communication with the bank with 256-bit encryption. 3. ATM needs to take less than 3 seconds to verify the validity of one card. Software Engineering I (PB007) Requirements, Use Case Diagrams 26. 9. 2016 3 / 13 Use Case Diagram The Use Case Diagram is a method of graphical representation of functional requirements of a software system. It generally shows: Boundaries of the system and subjects; Actors; Use Cases; Relationships among entities; Software Engineering I (PB007) Requirements, Use Case Diagrams 26. 9. 2016 4 / 13 Use Case Diagram - Example Software Engineering I (PB007) Requirements, Use Case Diagrams 26. 9. 2016 5 / 13 Actors I An Actor is a role represented by an external entity to the system (user, another system, devices, time) that directly communicates with the system itself. Actors are always external entities to the system (this is why it is important to define the boundaries of the system). Actors interact directly with the system. Actors represent roles played in the system. As such, the same person can be represented by different roles (e.g. admin, standard user). One person can have more roles in the system and also such roles can change over time. Each actor must have an appropriate naming. Every actor shoul have a short description. Software Engineering I (PB007) Requirements, Use Case Diagrams 26. 9. 2016 6 / 13 Actors II Identification of actors: Who or what uses the system? Are there roles involved in the interaction with the system? What other systems work together with the system to reach the final goals? Who/what obtains/provides information from/to the system? Are there some events that occur periodically or at fixed periods of time? Software Engineering I (PB007) Requirements, Use Case Diagrams 26. 9. 2016 7 / 13 Use Cases I Each Use Case describes the behavior of the system in the interaction with external actors. These are all the activities that actors need to perform interacting with the system. The use cases always begin with some action from one actor (a primary actor). The interactions can subsequently involve also other actors (secondary actors). Use Cases are always seen from the point of view of the actors. Naming should conform to the conventions in the domain, to avoid misunderstandings. Software Engineering I (PB007) Requirements, Use Case Diagrams 26. 9. 2016 8 / 13 Use Cases II Identification of the Use Cases: What features are required by a particular actor of the system? Is there the need to store and/or retrieve some information? If yes, who will trigger such behaviour? What happens during different system status changes? How are actors informed? Are there external events that affect the system? what alerts the system for these events? Software Engineering I (PB007) Requirements, Use Case Diagrams 26. 9. 2016 9 / 13 Suggestion about the Steps to Follow When you create a Use Case diagram, the following procedure is recommended: 1 Define the system’s boundaries; 2 Find the actors; 3 Find the use cases; 4 Determine the relationships among use cases and actors; 5 Specification in more detail of the use cases identified; Software Engineering I (PB007) Requirements, Use Case Diagrams 26. 9. 2016 10 / 13 Useful Resources Software Engineering I (PB007) Requirements, Use Case Diagrams 26. 9. 2016 11 / 13 Tasks Create a new project in Visual Paradigm. Format of the project’s name: lastname1-lastname2-lastname3. Language: UML 2.x. Create a numbered list of functional and non-functional requirements as the main text in the documentation of the Use Case diagram. Define a list of Performance requirements based on user roles. Based on the functional requirements, give an initial Use Case model, i.e. add the actors, the use cases and the relationships. Look for gaps in project specifications and ask questions on the information that you are missing. Generate a pdf file and save the report to the homework vault folder for (Week 02). Deadline: Friday 30.09.16 23:59 Software Engineering I (PB007) Requirements, Use Case Diagrams 26. 9. 2016 12 / 13 VP Reports Customization Software Engineering I (PB007) Requirements, Use Case Diagrams 26. 9. 2016 13 / 13