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Seminar group PV226 Seminář Laboratoře softwarových architektur a informačních systémů
Week 5 - Javascript Libraries for User Interfaces: the REACT.JS Framework (Tomáš Skopal, ROI Hunter)
Javascript Libraries for User Interfaces: the REACT.JS Framework
Speaker: Tomáš Skopal, ROI Hunter
Thursday 20th October, 10:00, Room A318
The presentation will deal with an introduction of the React framework. It will put React into the context of other web technologies. Furthermore, React is just one library and it can be considered not sufficient to build whole applications so the presentation will introduce other libraries (Redux, Immutable, Flow, Webpack) and standards (ES6) which together with React can serve as a complete tool-box.
About the Speaker
Tomáš Skopal is currently working as developer at ROI Hunter a.s. He started as Java back-end developer and then switched front-end development. He is currently part of a team that is building a large web application (c. 130,000 LOC) supported by mostly three technologies (libraries): React, Redux and Immutable.js. Before the actual position Tomáš worked as back-end Java developer at Student Agency k.s.
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