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Seminar group PV226 Seminář Laboratoře softwarových architektur a informačních systémů
Week 11 - Smart Cities Reliability (Stanislav Chren, FI MU)
Smart Cities Reliability
Speaker: Stanislav Chren, FI MU
Thursday 1st December, 10:00, Room A318
About the Speaker
Stanislav Chren received his master's degree in computer science (with specialization in information systems) from Masaryk University, Czech Republic, Brno. Currently, he is a PhD student at the same university. He is a member of the Lab of the Software Architectures and Information Systems (Lasaris) in which he pursues a research in areas of software reliability, uncertainty analysis and smart grids modelling and simulation. He has participated in several larger projects with industrial involvement in the domain of smart grids with focus on the load management (LODIS) and grid infrastructure. He has been also acting as a reviewer for several conferences (QoSA, WICSA, DOCEIS, ASWEC).
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