HTTP Introduction §Slavomír Moroz §2015 Topics •HTTP methods •Query string •HTTP statuses •HTTP headers •Cookies •Session •HTTPS •REST services •Developer tools § §HTTP Introduction HTTP •HTTP works as a request-response protocol between a client and server. •A web browser may be the client, and an application on a computer that hosts a web site may be the server. • §Request format: •A Request-line (request method, URI & protocol version) •Zero or more header •An empty line indicating the end of the header fields •Optionally a message-body • • §HTTP Request Methods: GET and POST •Two commonly used methods for a request-response between a client and server are: GET and POST. •GET - Requests data from a specified resource •POST - Submits data to be processed to a specified resource § § - Compare GET vs. POST § §HTTP Introduction § Show GET & POST demo on sample web app during next slides •Simple GET request in cmd •GET with browser + debug tools •Describe request structure – head, body •Show POST in browser GET method §The GET method is used to retrieve information from the given server using a given URI. Requests using GET should only retrieve data and should have no other effect on the data. § §GET /hello.htm HTTP/1.1 §Host: §User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE5.01; Windows NT) §Accept-Language: en-us §Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate §Connection: Keep-Alive § §HTTP Introduction § Run demo, telnet localhost [port], ctrl + ], set localecho, enter, GET / HTTP/1.1, enter, Host: localhost:[port], enter, enter GET in browser with developer tools Post method §A POST request is used to send data to the server, for example, customer information, file upload, etc. using HTML forms. § §POST /cgi-bin/process.cgi HTTP/1.1 §Host: §User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE5.01; Windows NT) §Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded §Content-Length: length §Accept-Language: en-us §Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate §Connection: Keep-Alive § §[BODY] §HTTP Introduction § Show in browser + dev tools / fiddler (raw body – show query string) Demo URL: /submit Query string •Contains data sent to server. •The query string can be sent to the server using either HTTP GET or POST request method. § §GET /test/demo_form.asp?name1=value1&name2=value2 § §POST /test/demo_form.asp HTTP/1.1 §Host: §name1=value1&name2=value2 § §URL encoding (also known as Percent-encoding) •used to deal with special characters that cannot be part of the URL (GET method). •encoding of POST data is determined based on "Content-Type" header. • §?first=this+is+a+field&second=was+it+clear+%28already%29%3F § §HTTP Introduction § Show query string with GET /Submit?text=[text] Show encoded query string with GET - /Submit?text=Ahoj%20Svet Mention that GET Query string has limited length Mention security risk of GET methods for CRUD operations HTTP response statuses •Each HTTP response contains completion status information. •First line of the HTTP response is called the status line and includes a numeric status code (such as "404") and a textual reason phrase (such as "Not Found"). § §Status categories: •1xx Informational •2xx Sucess •3xx Redirection •4xx Client error •5xx Server error • § § § • §HTTP Introduction § Demo URL: /status •Show 200 request •Show 302 request (redirect) •Show 500 request •Mention 404 HTTP headers •HTTP header fields are components of the header section of request and response messages in the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). They define the operating parameters of an HTTP transaction. • §Host: §User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE5.01; Windows NT) §Accept: text/html §Accept-Language: en-US §Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate §Cache-Control: no-cache §Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded §Content-Length: 348 §Connection: Keep-Alive • § § § §HTTP Introduction § Demo: •User agent of browser •Accept-language with demo app returning two different language version variants – URL: / •Show browser culture settings •Accept – URL: http://localhost:8367/api/ + header Accept: application/json OR Accept: application/xml REST •REST (REpresentational State Transfer) is an architectural style, and an approach to communications that is often used in the development of Web services. •Alternative to SOAP. • •HTTP verbs tell the server what to do with the data identified by the URL. •The most important verbs for building RESTful API are GET, POST, PUT and DELETE. § §GET /clients HTTP/1.1 – receives a list of clients §GET /clients/anne HTTP/1.1 – receives detailed information about client with identifier anne §DELETE /clients/anne HTTP/1.1 – deletes client with identifier anne §PUT /clients/robin HTTP/1.1 – creates new client with identifier robin (client data are included in the request body) § § § §Api example: § §HTTP Introduction § Talk about REST Show API example (link in slides) HTTP session state •HTTP is a stateless protocol. A stateless protocol does not require the HTTP server to retain information or status about each user for the duration of multiple requests. • •Web applications implement states or server side sessions using for instance HTTP cookies or Hidden variables within html forms. • §HTTP Introduction § Demo hidden variable Demo URL: /StateHiddenField HTTP cookie •Is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser while the user is browsing that website. •Every time the user loads the website, the browser sends the cookie back to the server to notify the website of the user's previous activity. •A cookie consists of the following components: name, value and zero or more attributes. • §Server response setting cookies §HTTP/1.0 200 OK §Content-type: text/html §Set-Cookie: theme=light §Set-Cookie: sessionToken=abc123; Expires=Wed, 09 Jun 2021 10:18:14 GMT § §Browser request providing previously stored cookies §GET /spec.html HTTP/1.1 §Host: §Cookie: theme=light; sessionToken=abc123 § § § § § §HTTP Introduction § Demo cookie Demo URL: /StateCookie Web session •Server side feature. •In general session is a data container containing data that were used during previous requests of the same user. • §ASP .NET session •ASP.NET session state identifies requests from the same browser during a limited time window as a session, and provides a way to persist variable values for the duration of that session. •By default, the session identifier is stored in a non-expiring session cookie in the browser. § § § § § §HTTP Introduction § Explain how session works, show demo. Demo URL: /StateSession Explain session storing – how long session exists, InProc & session state server (mention web farms, data serialization) HTTPS •HTTP within encrypted connection •Uses symmetric encryption. •Secure connection is handled by web server, no special actions are required from web developer. •Web server must be configured to allow HTTS requests. An encryption certificate must be installed on the server. •If certificate is not signed by trusted authority, connection is considered as dangerous and client may refuse this connection (common problem in development environments). •Default port of HTTP protocol is 80, for HTTPS it’s 443. • § § § § § §HTTP Introduction § Mention self-signed certificates and managing trusted certificates (dev environment). Resources & tools §HTTP • • § §Tools • • • • §HTTP Introduction §