MESSIF 3.0 Almost there... MESSIF: General Information ● An open-source library developed at DISA ● Mainly for prototyping of indexing, search, retrieval algorithms ● Statistics: ○ almost 15 years ○ 460 classes ○ 84000 lines of code Motivations for MESSIF 3.0 ● organization of code (minimize duplications) ○ e.g., separate data and distance function ● standard formats for communication ○ JSON representation of data objects and operations ● operation processing cleanup ○ separate operation, answer, processors Data Objects ● MESSIF is tight with metric-based algorithms ○ data object + distance ● Lastly, we also work with different data types ○ keywords, sequences, simple attributes ■ distances not always natural ○ one “data object” often combines several features ■ one data collection, but various indexes & storages ● Different distance functions for the same data ○ combining & weighting distances ○ index provides candidate set, then filtering & reranking Data Objects: New Design ● All data objects “are JSON” ○ named fields ○ data types: int, float, String, int[], float [], String [] ○ data ID (locator) - is just a field “_id” ● We need just one class: DataObject ● Distances are independent classes Let’s see the code... ● Distances work with the data Distances: New Design Let’s see the code... Data Objects: Reading & Writing ● MESSIF had its own format for reading/writing data into text ○ see example ● Now, we use standard JSON format ○ self-describing, flexible, less prone to errors ○ easy to use by external tools ■ standard readers/writers for all languages ○ see examples JSON (de)serialization ● package messif.json ○ the core taken from org.json, a free implementation Let’s see how to work with the data & distances Binary Serialization ● MESSIF has its own system for efficient binary serialization (of data objects, etc.) Binary Serialization: New Design ● Serialization of the JSON Record Let’s have a look at the serialization and disk buckets Operations ● Operations form the basic communication interface with a MESSIF “algorithm” ○ update data (insert, delete) ○ search: kNN, range, join ● Operations are POJO classes Operations (cont.) ● Operation classes contain: ○ input parameters (given in operation constructor) ○ answer (output) ○ additional parameters (in Parametric) ■ can be both input and output ○ helper methods for operation processing ■ building answer Operations: Goals of New Design ● separate ○ operations (input parameters, immutable) ○ answers (output params) ○ operation processing methods ● use the flexibility of Record (named fields) ○ easy adding index-dependent parameters ● ...but keep the power of ○ checking mandatory parameters (and their types) ○ and convenient access to parameter fields Operations: New Design ● Operation parameters are stored in a Record ● Operations are interfaces ● We exploit java.lang.reflect.Proxy ○ to wrap Record as a given interface ○ e.g. method float RangeOperation.getRange() is internally translated to Float Record.getRequiredField(“range”,Float.class) See example of an operation and its usage Operation Processing ● In MESSIF 2.0, operations could have been executed on the algorithms: ○ by directly calling method using Java reflection MyAlgorithm.myMethod(KNNQueryOperation op) ○ or via NavigationProcessor & NavigationDirectory ■ for given operation, algorithm creates a new object of type NavigationProcessor ■ and the processor is used step-by-step Operation Processing: New Design ● Always use the concept of Processors ● Operations provide certain “helpers” that are used by the specific processors ● One can execute the operation on algorithm ○ Really as the wrapper class (InsertOperation) ○ or as a Record with type specified in field “_type” ● Algorithm has support for matching processors on operations Application: Writing Config Files ● MESSIF Application ○ manage one or more running algorithms ○ allows to write a text configuration file ■ to create and execute operations ■ print the answer and statistics, etc. ● This concept is the same ○ the only change: creation of operations See an example TODO ● Remove “extractors” ○ and replace them by RecordProcessors ● AlgorithmObject: DataObject + Filters ● Management of “subdistances” Where & How ● MESSIF is in GIT: ○ branches: master (version2), version3 ● We use Maven for packaging ○ mvn install produces ■ messif-2.3.8-DEVEL.jar ■ messif-3.0.0-DEVEL.jar ● All other DISA projects are also at