One-sheet summary / executive summary / one-pager Title: Genre: Big Idea: Synopsis of your content (story, character, worlds) and gameplay. One or two paragraphs. Target Audience: Who is your game for. Category: Similar to genre. e.g.: An open world building game that combines resource gathering and hand to hand combat. Something like Minecraft meets Dark Souls. If you have a unique gameplay feature or other hook. This is where you feature it. Don't forget to include if it's singleplayer or multiplayer (local, co-op, worldwide) Platforms: mobile, consoles, PC Play Mechanic: Briefly describe the core mechanic of the game. For example a racing game's core mechanic is driving. Technology: list engines, middleware etc. (do not describe it) Key Features: List of unique selling points. „Ups“ of your game. If you want you can include SWOT analysis to understand the strengths and weaknesses.