IA168 — Problem set 3 Problem 1 [8 points] Find a perfect-information extensive-form game with pure strategies only where all of the following conditions are satisfied: • there is a strategy profile whose outcome is for both players better than that of any Nash equilibrium; • there is a Nash equilibrium whose outcome is for both players better than that of any subgame-perfect equilibrium; • there are exactly two subgame-perfect equilibria s, s , and the outcome of s is for both players better than that of s . Problem 2 [8 points] For a strategy profile s of an imperfect-information extensive-form game G with pure strategies only, consider the following property (∗): For every information set I, there exists a node h ∈ I such that sh is a Nash equilibrium in Gh . Prove or disprove the following two propositions: In every imperfect-information game where no path leads twice through the same information set, it holds that: a) every subgame-perfect equilibrium satisfies (∗); b) every strategy profile which satisfies (∗) is a subgame-perfect equilibrium. Problem 3 [4 points] Consider this strategic-form game G: A2 B2 C2 A1 (x, x) (0, 0) (10y, 0) B1 (0, 0) (3x, 3x) (0, 0) C1 (0, 10y) (0, 0) (y, y) Consider game Gt-rep. Find the necessary and sufficient condition for x, y, t so that there is an SPE τ such that u1(τ) > 3xt. Shortly explain why your answer is correct.