MA010 Graph Theory (an online guide)

Lecture 10*: Width measures and minors


  • Solving hard problems on special graphs
    why NP-hard problems have efficient solutions on special graphs, e.g. colourability or independent set on interval graphs, on trees, and on chordal graphs in a more general setting
  • Tree decompositions of graphs
    four distinct (and equivalent) views of graph tree-width, some other "tree-shaped" decompositions
  • Efficient algorithms on tree-shaped decompositions
    independent set, matching enumeration, EMSO problems, etc
  • Minors in graphs
    the Graph Minors theorem of Robertson and Seymour, and efficient algorithms (just a very short outline)


This lecture briefly outlines the following algorithmic phenomenon - many NP-hard problems can be efficiently solved if we restrict the input to graphs of certain global structure, usually to be "tree-shaped" in a particular sense. Such an input structure allows to apply the dynamic programming paradigm and obtain more efficient algorithms. Moreover, this topic is very closely related to a deep theory of graph minors, one of the deepest parts of modern discrete mathematics.


[BOOK]Generally, the additional topics are not covered at all by the course textbook, and only online materials are presented.

Alternative book: [Reinhard Diestel: Graph Theory, electronic edition 2005]

Study in section 12 of the book (quite advanced reading, though).

Further study: Interested students can take the subject MA052 at FI, focused on interesting advanced chapters in structural graph theory, i.e. extending all the topics of this lecture.

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

Briefly showing an example of a tree-decomposition of the depicted graph.

The three-element bags of the decomposition are shown below, together with a colourful illustration of the interpolation property.