Numerical methods - lecture 4 Jiří Zelinka Autumn 2017 Jiří Zelinka Numerical methods - lecture 4 1/14 Repetition Newton method f {x) = 0, xk+1 = xk - k = 0,1,2,... 9 Jiří Zelinka Numerical methods - lecture 4 j "O c^ (|v 2/14 Fourier conditions O Let f has continuous the second derivative in [a, 6], f (a) • f(b) < 0. O Let Vx e [a, b] : f\x) ^ 0 and doesn't change its sign in [a, b] Let's choose x0 G {a, 6} such that f (x0) • f" > 0. Then the sequence generated by Newton method converges monotonously to x. 3/14 Secant methods Method regula falsi xk+1 = xk xk - x£ k — 1,2,... f(xk) - f(xs) wher s is the largest index for which ŕ(x/c)ŕ(xs) < 0 Jiří Zelinka < S" ► Numerical methods - lecture 4 5/14 Order of the convefgence Let p > 1, xk —> x, ek = xk — x. If k-too ek+i p C < oc then p is called the order (rate) of the convergence of the sequence (xk)^=0. If the sequence (x^)^ is generated by the numerical methods, then p is the order (rate) of the method. p = 1 —)► linear method p = 2 —>> quadratic method □ umerical methods - lecture 4 6/14 Theorem Let the derivatives of the iteration function g be continuouns to order q > p. Then the order of the convergence of the sequence (x/c)/£=o generated by the iteration process xk+i — §{xk) is equal to p iff g(x) = x, g>(x) = 0, g"(x) = 0.....g^(x) = 0, g{p)(x) / 0, Orders of methods: Fixed point 1 Newton 2 Secant ^ = 1.618 Regula falsi 1 Example: geometric sequence 7/14 Acceleration of convergence - Aitken č2-metho Geometric derivation Let e{xk) = *k- */c+i, s(xk+1) = xk+1 - xk+2- Points [x/f, s(xk)], [xk+1, s(xk+1)] are connected by the line. Its intersection with the axis x is the approximation of the limit of the sequence xk. 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 -0 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 Jiří Zelinka N umerical methods - lecture 4 8/14 The equation of the line: y - e(Xk) = £M ~ ^(x - x») *k — xk+l The intersection with the axes x: ~ _ _ s{xk){xk - xk+1) _ xk — Xk , . . . — Xk e(xk) - £{xk+1) (xfc+i - xk) xk+2 - 2xk+1 + xk Jiří Zelinka Numerical methods - lecture 4 9/14 Theorem Let {xk}™=0, lim xk = x, xk ^ x, k — 0,1,2,..., be a sequence and let Xfr+i-x = (C+7/c)(x/c-x), k = 0,1,2,..., \C\ < 1, lim 7* = 0. /c—S-oo Then Xk = Xk (xk+1 - xk) xk+2 - 2xk+1 + xk is defined for k enough large and lim ^4=0, /c-^oo Xk — X i.e., the sequence {x^} converges to x faster than {x^} 10/14 Ordinary differences: Axk = xk+x - xk A2xk = Axk+1 - Axk = xk+2 - 2xk+1 + xk A3xk = A2xk+1 - A2xk Xk = Xk (Axky A2xk Jiří Zelinka □ S1 Numerical methods - lecture 4 11/14 Steffensen method Let g be iteration function for the equation x = g(x). Let's put Yk = gM, zk = g(yk), _ {yk - Xk)2 *k+i — xk---—■—. zk - 2yk + xk This method id called Steffensen method and it can be described bz the iteration function ip: Xk+l = vixk), for