Logo DIAMOND-PATH FRAMEWORK © Leonard Walletzký Logo Outline * Introduction * Presentation aims * Motivation * Service Systems Reference Model * Organization * Predictive behaviour * Universal modelling * Meta-modelling * Context-specific classification * See – Recognize – Organize – Do * Reflexion * Usability * Follow-up Efforts * Logo Presentation Aims * Introduce Diamond-Path Framework as is * Initiate a discourse on usefulness * Show current follow-up efforts, state-of-the-art Logo Diamond-Path Framework What is it? * Paradigm aimed to help understand and act in a service-system environment * Theoretical concept * 4 diamond-shaped models Attention Focussing Cognitive Elements Agent-Team Organization Predictive Behaviour Logo Universal modelling •ad hoc, •non-formal •descriptions exists •experience from the past •base for process monitoring •comparing of projects •metrics for process and products quality measurement •capability of continual process improvement CMM How long does it take for regular ISs to adjust in order to support newly optimized processes? Logo Current Modelling Tools 1.Current CASE tools, BPMT, PMT, … allow to record only such objects and relationships, which had their creators in minds in the time when they were developing the tool. 2.Objects and relationships, we focus on when modeling various aspects of business, are continually changing. 3.Problem of effective communication within any IT project lies nearly always on boundaries of capability of a given modeling tool (… thus the model doesn’t represent the reality appropriately) 4.Except of some isolated cases, there are only few ways to extend used MT by constructs which are needed for current specific requirements. 5.A problem arises in integration of some partial views into one common view. Logo Meta-modelling * Ability to develop and adjust domain-specific modelling tools * Helps to construct the domain in terms comprehensible to domain experts * Hierarchy of modelling tools Logo Logo How do we model reality in our heads? •We identify... Object -s •...we find interesting Logo •Then, we find... Object •...between our... Relationship -s -s Logo •Each relationship can connect multiple objects... Object Relationship •...and each object can be present in multiple connections. Object Object Relationship Relationship Logo •Each relationship can connect multiple objects... Object Relationship •...and each object can be present in multiple connections. Logo •Which objects do we find interesting for modelling? Category Rule Relationship Operation Logo Category Rule Relationship Operation Object P R R R R MENTION – USE duality Logo Category Rule Relationship Operation Object P R R R R Diamond of Attention Focussing Logo Diamond of Attention Focussing * Objects and relationships between them * Mention-use duality * Modelling a modelling tool * Referring to itself Category Rule Relationship Operation Object P R R R R Logo Classification example Paris • Juliet Romeo In love with In love with killing killing killing Logo •We can see that some connections are somehow similar – they belong to the same category: Paris • Juliet Romeo In love with In love with killing killing killing Logo •It‘s possible to classify everything we see in the diagram. But how to classify our objects? Paris • Juliet Romeo In love with In love with killing killing killing Logo •We could certainly divide the objects to men and women: Paris • Juliet Romeo In love with In love with killing killing killing Logo •But won‘t it be more useful to show, which chatacter belongs to the house of Montague and which one to the house of Capulet? Paris • Juliet Romeo In love with In love with killing killing killing Logo •It probably depends on a context – a mental model we want to build. Sometimes, both categorizations may be useful: Paris • Juliet Romeo In love with In love with killing killing killing Logo Classifications are blurred Good or bad? Logo CI-connection Category Item Certainty ´Items (= objects as such, not their constructs) belongs to a category with a given certainty Logo CI-connection Category Item Attention * The fact is manifested with a certain attention in a given context Context Manifestation Logo Romeo killing Romeo Romeo belonging to Monteques Juliet killing Juliet Juliet belonging to Capulets Romeo in love with Juliet and and Resulting in Fact1 Fact2 Fact3 Story plot Belonging to ´In some cases, it might be also useful to mention non-trivial concepts – contexts, categories, classifications or manifestations R-edges Logo CI-connection Category Item R-edges Context R R R R Manifestation Logo CI-connection Category Item Context base * Context serves as a model. The base edge defines the set of categories to classify its items to Context R R R R Manifestation Logo Entity Attribute Cardinality Participants Associative entity Entity attributes Name Relationship Example modelling tool: ERD Logo •Forms category base for: Entity Attribute Cardinality Participants Associative entity Entity attributes Person Name Date of birth Phone no. Name Relationship Logo •Here is a little more complex example of a model created in modelling tool above. Entity Attribute Cardinality Participants Associative entity Entity attributes Person Name Date of birth Phone no. Name Relationship Working in Company Name Id * * Logo Customer -name: string -address: string -invoices: Invoice[] Invoice -cust: Customer -good: string -amount: int -singlePrice: float -getTotal (): float -print(): void 0..* 1 Customer Invoice Invoice: Item Entity: Category Class: Category Invoice as Class: CI-connection Invoice as Entity: CI-connection Class diagram 1: Context ERD 1: Context Class diagram 1 ERD 1 Inv. As Class in CD1: Manifestation Inv. As Entity in ERD 1: Manifestation Interconnected models ´The same object classified to different categories, manifested in different context Logo Diamond of Agent-Team Organization Goal Activity Agent Logo Action Flow organizer member organizer member Goal Activity Agent Logo Action Flow organizer member organizer member Goal Activity Agent Logo Action Flow organizer member organizer member Goal Activity Agent GBS composite Logo Action Flow organizer member organizer member Goal Activity Agent GBS composite R22 R11 Logo Action Flow organizer member organizer member Goal Activity Agent GBS composite R22 R11 Logo Diamond of Organization Summary * Matrix-based organization: Action vs. Flow * Activity vs. Action / Flow * R-edges Action Flow organizer member organizer member Goal Activity Agent GBS composite R22 R11 forming / formed by occuring within solved by fulfilling addressing recorded in Identified within Model records. Agent wishes, defines, does. Composites R-edges Logo Diamond of Predictive Behaviour * Depicts the motivation of agents to DO * Everything can be seen as a requirement * Forming and being formed by behavioral patterns * Models as a system memory Logo Diamond-Path Framework Overview Attention Focussing Cognitive Elements Agent-Team Organization Predictive Behaviour CI-connection Category Item Context R R R R Manifestation Category Rule Relationship Operation Object P R R R R Action Flow organizer member organizer member Goal Activity Agent GBS composite R22 R11 Logo Reflection * Do you find it interesting? * And useful? * Why has it remained a pure theoretical concept? * Is it too complex? Logo Follow-up Efforts * Several academical works, none has made it to the business practice ´...with one exception Logo GridMind * Simulation environment designed to benchmark technological solutions of future-energy grids * Combines objects on various levels of abstraction ´Comprises a number of mental contexts: distribution network, communication network, information scope, devices, technical processes, ... ´Very complex, difficult environment – worth systematical thinking