Adobe Systems Service System Service dominant logic * The emphasis is not on tangible product * Is on services the customer can get * No matter if the service is realized through the product or someone else to perform the service * Ownership is not important * The customer obtain benefits by renting to: * use a physical object * hire the labour and expertise * pay for access to facilities and networks Service dominant logic * Customers do not buy goods or services * They buy offerings which render services that create value * Traditional division between goods and services is outdated * Activities render services * Things render services * The shift in focus to services leads to shift from producer perspective to customer perspective Basic Service Economy Paradigms * Service is the fundamental basis of exchange * The customer is always a co-creator of the value * All social and economical actors are the resource integrators * Value is always uniquely and phenomenologically determined by the beneficiary Advanced SDL Paradigms * Indirect exchange masks the fundamental basis of exchange * Goods are distribution mechanism for service provision * Operant resources are the fundamental source of competitive advantage * All economies are service economies * The enterprise cannot deliver value, but only value proposition * A service-centered view is inherently customer oriented and relational }A service is an action bringing something usable. The mode of „use“ is unavoidable }A bearer of service is either an individual, or a group of individuals possibly in a way organized, or a tangible product the use of which provide a service }In modern age of information intangible products could be bearers of service } }During a life-cycle of an organization or organized group or an individual these are only two important things: ◦Services, as something useful for the receiving subject ◦Bearers of those services that can be individuals / organized groups / products }Service and non-service is a point of view and not essential categories of things in our world }Service is some kind of action bringing some usefulness to receiver of this action. }Purpose and/or goal of this action must be the use (usage) of the action results or outcomes }Provided actions are strongly connected (related) to knowledge and information. }Knowledge - information and final usefulness are positively correlated }Provider – somebody / something that perform the action and by this provide the service }Client – somebody / something that receives results of this action }Where somebody / something could be ◦Individuals ◦Organized group of individuals ◦Technology assembled and organized into value adding application ◦Any combination of previous items }Target is the part of the reality to be transformed or operated for the sake of client }It could be practically anything ◦An individual ◦A group of individuals ◦An organization ◦Computer network ◦Technology }It is the „source of the problem“ } }A service can be one shot or repeatable }Each service is connected with shared information }Each service is connected with shared knowledge }The key value is the performance (actions) of the services ◦Done now ◦Or promised in the future } Service system * Provider * Individual * Organization * Any of previous combined with the technology and/or piece of environment * Technology that provider is responsible for * Client * Individual * Organization * Any of previous combined with the technology and/or piece of environment * Portion of reality owned by Client * Target * The reality to be transformed or operated on by Provider for sake of Client * People, dimensions of business * Dimensions of products, technology artefacts & environment * Information, codified knowledge Service system Provider Client Target Forms of ownership Forms of relationship Forms of responsibility Client – Provider Relationship * Information Sharing * Knowledge Sharing * Negotiations * Balancing and establishing Value Proposition * Repetitive reviewing of previous items * In Mention Mode Client – Target connection * Client owns the Target * Client owns rights to use and/or manipulate the Target * Client has (owns) problem lClient recognizes a problem on the Target lClient is willing to invest to the problem solution * The solution involves an operating and/or transformation of the Target * Relation is in Use mode Provider – Target Connection * Kind of competence * Provider knows and is able to operate on the Target * Provider knows how and is able to transform the Target * Provider understands the Target and is able to plan operation on transformation of it * Provider improves in a way the Target for its better utilization by the Client (benefit for the Client) Value creation * What is the value? * Sake of client? * The benefit of the client * Value is strongly related with the target * Value is created by both (client + provider) * Value is co-created * Value can be created only if Client wants (or needs) an added value on Target * Identifying a gap Value proposition * The most important connection between C and P * The offer done by provider to the client * What he/she is able to do with the target to increase beneficiary of the client * Based on * Knowledge about target * Information about client * Similarities on the market * What we can do for what price Value proposition Provider Client Target Forms of ownership C is owner of T or C needs an added value on T Forms of relationship value co-creation value proposition information sharing Forms of responsibility P is responsible for the actions with T Mentioning and Using * Mentioning * To think about future actions * What / how / who / where / when / why / for how much * Negotiation between client and provider * Using * Use our capabilities to do some action to bring a value * Duality between mentioning and using * Each entity can mention, use or make both * Project management * Application of the principle of mention / use Mention - Use Mention Provider Client Target Forms of ownership C is owner of T or C needs an added value on T Forms of relationship value co-creation value proposition information sharing Forms of responsibility P is responsible for the actions with T }Service features and properties }Service modelling }Service system }Relations between items of service system }Mention / use principle }Examples mentioned during presentation