PA196: Pattern Recognition 10. Clustering Dr. Vlad Popovici RECETOX Masaryk University, Brno Introduction • clustering: a collection of methods for grouping data based on some measure of similarity • technique for data exploration • tries to identify some groupings of data: a partition of the given data set into some subsets that are (more or less) homogeneous in some sense • different methods may lead to completely different partitions • can be used as a starting point in a supervised analysis: the cluster labels may guide classifier design Why clustering? Example: Eisen et al, PNAS 1998: "... statistical algorithms to arrange genes according to similarity in pattern of gene expression." Why clustering? Example: Adamic, Adar, 2005: the social network - email communication within a corporation Why clustering? Example: Mignotte , PRL 2011: image segmentation Why clustering? Example: Li et al., IEEE Trans Inf Theory, 2004 Two classes of algorithms • flat clustering the data space is partitioned into a number of subsets (the most "meaningful"); requires the number of partitions to be specified • hierarchical clustering: build a nested hierarchy of partitions Outline 1 Flat clustering Mixture densities K−means clustering Spectral clustering 2 Hierarchical clustering Linkage algorithms 3 Further topics Other methods Cluster quality Cluster validation Outline 1 Flat clustering Mixture densities K−means clustering Spectral clustering 2 Hierarchical clustering Linkage algorithms 3 Further topics Other methods Cluster quality Cluster validation Assume a generative model: • the observed data D = {xi|i = 1, . . . , n} originates from G groups • each group has a prior P(gk ), k = 1, . . . , G • the class-conditional probabilities are of some known parametric form p(x|gk , θk ) • the labels of the points x are unknown as are the parameters θk PDF: p(x|{θ1, . . . , θG}) = G i=1 p(x|gi, θi)P(gi) • this is a mixture density • p(·) are the mixture components and P(·) are the mixing parameters • the goal is to estimate θ1, . . . , θG Maximum likelihood estimates Let T = {θ1, . . . , θG}. The likelihood of the observed data is p(D|T) = n i=1 p(xi|T) The maximum likelihood estimate ˆT is ˆT = arg max T p(D|T) The maximum likelihood estimate is usually obtained through an iterative process: expectation maximization. Repeat until convergence: 1 Expectation step (E-step) compute the expected log-likelihood under current estimates ˆT(t) 2 Maximization step (M-step) find ˆT(t+1) that maximizes the expectation Gaussian Mixture Models • depending on how constraint is the model, different forms can be fitted • usually, the constraints are on the form of the covariance matrices: spherical, diagonal, full Example (from scikit-learn): Outline 1 Flat clustering Mixture densities K−means clustering Spectral clustering 2 Hierarchical clustering Linkage algorithms 3 Further topics Other methods Cluster quality Cluster validation • given are n data points x1, . . . , xn ∈ Rd and the number K of clusters • in the Gaussian mixture model, assume the covariance matrices to be identity matrices → the Mahalanobis distance becomes Euclidean distance • goal: find the K cluster centres (based on Euclidean distance) Overview of the algorithm: 1 choose randomly K cluster centres 2 assign all the points to the cluster defined by the closest centre 3 re-compute the cluster centres 4 repeat 2-3 until no more changes (or some other convergence criterion) [DHS -Fig 10.3] Example: Application of K−means clustering: vector quantization Goal: find a limited number of levels to represent a (possibly continuous) range of values. Example: color quantization. Reduce the number of colors in an image in an adaptive way. (From Wikipedia:) "Rosa Gold Glow 2 small noblue color space". Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons Outline 1 Flat clustering Mixture densities K−means clustering Spectral clustering 2 Hierarchical clustering Linkage algorithms 3 Further topics Other methods Cluster quality Cluster validation Some definitions • Graph: A (simple, unoriented) graph G is a pair of sets G = (V, E), where V is a vertex set and E is an edge set. • An edge (i, j) ∈ E is an unordered pair of vertices i, j ∈ V. • Oriented graph: A oriented graph G is a pair of sets G = (V, E), where V is a vertex set and E is an arc set. An arc (i, j) ∈ E is an ordered pair of vertices i, j ∈ V, with i called tail and j called head. Figure: A simple graph. Figure: An oriented graph. • A path of length r from i to j is a sequence of r + 1 distinct and adjacent vertices starting with i and ending with j. • A connected graph is a graph where any two vertices may be linked by a path. • A connected component is an induced subgraph maximal that is connected. • The degree di of a vertex i is the number of incident edges to i. • The in–degree d (i) i of a vertex i is the number of arcs ending with i. The out–degree d (o) i of a vertex i is the number of arcs starting with i. Figure: A graph with 2 connected components. Graph isomorphism Two graphs G1 and G2 are isomorphic if there exists a bijection ϕ : VG1 → VG2 such that (i, j) ∈ EG1 iff (ϕ(i), ϕ(j)) ∈ EG2 . Adjacency and incidence matrices The adjacency matrix A(G) = [aij] of a graph G is a |V| × |V| 01−matrix, with aij = I(i,j)∈E. The incidence matrix B(G) = [bij] of a graph G is a |V| × |E| matrix with bik = −1 and bjk = 1, where k = (i, j) ∈ E. Properties: • for a graph G: BBt = diag(d1, ..., d|V|) − A • let G1 and G2 be two isomorph graphs; then det(xI − A(G1)) = det(xI − A(G2)), so, they have the same spectrum. • the number of paths of length r from i to j is given by (Ar )ij. Laplacian of a graph The Laplacian of the graph G is the matrix L(G) = BBt , where B is the incidence matrix of G. Properties: • Lij =    di if i = j −1 if i j and (i, j) ∈ E 0 otherwise • L is symmetric (by construction) positive semi–definite • L1|V| = 0 so the smallest eigenvalue is λ1 = 0 and the corresponding eigenvector is 1|V|. • the number of connected components of G equals the number of null eigenvalues. Warning: there are various other variants of L’s definition (e.g. admittance matrix, Kirchhoff matrix). Generalizations: • A is replaced by a weight/similarity matrix W (still symmetric) • the degree of a vertex i becomes di = |V| j=1 wij • the Laplacian becomes (see its properties): L = D − W, where D = diag(d1, ..., d|V|) • the normalized Laplacian is defined as D−1 2 (D − W)D− 1 2 . Overview of spectral clustering Spectral clustering: partitioning the similarity graph under some constraints: Figure: Where to cut?? • balance the size of the clusters? • minimize the number of edges removed? • . . . Let A, B be the two clusters/subgraphs and let s(A, B) = i∈A j∈B wij. Objective functions: • ratio cut: J(A, B) = s(A,B) |A| + s(A,B) |B| , i.e. minimize similarity between A and B • normalized cut: J(A, B) = s(A,B) i∈A di + s(A,B) i∈B di • min–max–cut: J(A, B) = s(A,B) s(A,A) + s(A,B) s(B,B) , i.e. minimize the similarity between A and B and maximize the similarity within A and B. All these lead to finding the smallest eigenvectors/eigenvalues of L = D − W. Figure: Adjacency matrix and the 2nd eigenvector Spectral clustering - main algorithm • input: a similarity matrix S and the number of clusters k • compute the Laplacian L • compute the eigenvectors vi of L end order them in increasing order of the corresponding eigenvalues • build V ∈ Rn×k with eigenvectors as columns • the rows of V are the new data points zi ∈ Rk to be clustered • use k−means to cluster zi Example: Outline 1 Flat clustering Mixture densities K−means clustering Spectral clustering 2 Hierarchical clustering Linkage algorithms 3 Further topics Other methods Cluster quality Cluster validation Hierarchical clustering A nested set of partitions and the corresponding dendrogram: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5 9 10 7 8 6 11 12 3 4 • the height of the descendent segments is proportional with the distance/similarity between the partitions • the ordering is irrelevant (i.e. you can swap left and right sub-trees without altering the meaning) • it can be seen as a density estimation method There are two main approaches to construct a hierarchical clustering: • agglomerative: initially, each point is alone in a cluster; the closest two clusters/groups are merged to form a new cluster • divisive starts with all points in a single cluster, which is iteratively split Outline 1 Flat clustering Mixture densities K−means clustering Spectral clustering 2 Hierarchical clustering Linkage algorithms 3 Further topics Other methods Cluster quality Cluster validation Linkage algorithms • bottom-up/agglomerative strategy • start with each point in its own cluster • merge the two closest clusters • continue until there is only one cluster • Johnson: Hierarchical clustering schemes. Psychometrika, 2:241-254, 1967 • many applications, including phylogenetic trees • the key is to define a distance over clusters space • single linkage: δ(C1, C2) = min x∈C1,z∈C2 d(x, bz) • average linkage: δ(C1, C2) = 1 |C1||C2| x∈C1,z∈C2 d(x, z) • complete linkage: δ(C1, C2) = max x∈C1,z∈C2 d(x, z) • other variations... Comments: • single linkage tends to produce non-balanced trees, with long "chains" • complete linkage leads to more compact clusters • single linkage: minimum spanning tree (cut the longest branch in MST and get the first two clusters) • sensitive to outliers • does not need a pre-specified number of clusters - but often you have to cut the dendrogram and to decide how many clusters are in data • the clustering tree is not unique Example: discovery of molecular subtypes in CRC See Budinska et al, J Path. 2012 Outline 1 Flat clustering Mixture densities K−means clustering Spectral clustering 2 Hierarchical clustering Linkage algorithms 3 Further topics Other methods Cluster quality Cluster validation Outline 1 Flat clustering Mixture densities K−means clustering Spectral clustering 2 Hierarchical clustering Linkage algorithms 3 Further topics Other methods Cluster quality Cluster validation Other methods: information-theoretic methods • idea: construct a clustering the preserves most of the "information" in data • hence, you need a cost function (distortion function) • density estimates based on frequencies (counts) • no notion of similarity • example: Information Bottleneck Other methods: iterative refinement • Karypis, Kumar: multilevel partitioning of graphs, SIAM J Sci Comp 1999 • start with a large graph • merge nodes in "super-nodes" (coarsen the graph) • cluster the coarse graph • uncoarsen again: refine the clustering Other methods: ensemble methods • produce a series of clusterings based on perturbed versions of the original data (resampling, different parameters, etc) • use the ensemble of clusters to decide for the final clustering • see Strehl, Ghosh: cluster ensembles, JMLR 2002 Other methods • support vector clustering • subspace clustering • co-clustering (bi-clustering): obtain a clustering of rows and columns of the data matrix • etc. etc. Outline 1 Flat clustering Mixture densities K−means clustering Spectral clustering 2 Hierarchical clustering Linkage algorithms 3 Further topics Other methods Cluster quality Cluster validation Cluster quality • some cluster methods (e.g. k-means) define an objective function as the goal of the clustering • there are quality functions that are algorithm independent (many!) • two quantities are usually accounted for: • within-cluster similarity (cluster homogeneity): should be high • between-cluster similarity: should be low • while mathematically attractive, they usually lead to an NP-hard problem • the choice of quality function is rather ad-hoc Cluster stability and optimal k General idea: • start with a data set D = {xi} and some clustering algorithm A • for various number of clusters (e.g. k = 2, 3, . . . , K: • draw subsamples from D • use A to cluster them into k clusters • compare the resulting clusters by using a distance between clusterings and compute a stability index describing how variable/stable the clustering distances are • choose k that gives the best stability Distances between clusterings of the same data: let f(1) and f(2) be two clusterings and define Nij as the number of pairs (x, z) for which f(1)(x, z) = i and f(2)(x, z) = j, for i, j ∈ {0, 1}. Similarity/distance functions (some of many): • Rand index: (N00 + N11)/[n(n − 1)] • Jaccard index: N11/(N11 + N01 + N10) • Hamming distance: (N01 + N10)/[n(n − 1)] • information theoretic distance: Entropy(f(1)) + Entropy(f(2)) Mutual information(f(1), f(2)) What if the clusterings are not defined on the same data? • far from being trivial • idea "extend" clustering f(1) to D2 and f(2) to D1 • some clustering algorithms are easily extended: k−means just requires assignment of new data to the defined clusters, etc. • other clustering algorithms are not so flexible (e.g. spectral clustering) • use some classifiers for extension... what about classification errors? • what if the 2 datasets are not exactly "aligned"? How many clusters? • most flat clustering algorithms require k • the hierarchical clustering usually is cut at some height to yield the final number of clusters • e.g. image segmentation k =? • one way, use cluster quality to choose best k • or use the stability approach • or use "gap statistic" - see Tibshirani et al, J Royal Statist Soc 2001 Outline 1 Flat clustering Mixture densities K−means clustering Spectral clustering 2 Hierarchical clustering Linkage algorithms 3 Further topics Other methods Cluster quality Cluster validation Cluster validation • given a clustering, how confident are we that it represents "real" groups of points • if a new data set is available, would we obtain the same clusters? and as many as before? • complication: in real applications, data may not always come from the same conditions (e.g. change of measurement device, etc) • maybe the original data set does not capture all the clusters that could arise in data • no clear method for validation, but the ideas are the same as for cluster stability and quality Example (Budinska et al, J Path 2012):