Connect to using Putty or ssh, with xlogin and faculty/secondary password ssh labak faculty/secondary password cd /tmp mkdir your_uco cd your_uco Use WinSCP to copy directories examples, asn1 to your directory on labak. View ASN.1 structure of a file: unber csca.der




…. See the content of a certificate: openssl x509 -text -noout -inform DER -in csca.der Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 1 (0x1) Signature Algorithm: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.10 Issuer: C=CZ, O=Czech Republic, OU=Ministry of Interior, CN=CSCA_CZ Validity Not Before: Jul 24 00:00:00 2006 GMT Not After : Oct 24 23:59:59 2021 GMT Subject: C=CZ, O=Czech Republic, OU=Ministry of Interior, CN=CSCA_CZ Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption RSA Public Key: (3072 bit) Modulus (3072 bit): Convert certificate from DER to PEM: openssl x509 -out csca.pem -inform DER -in csca.der Prepare the C and H files for the ASN.1 structures: asn1c sod.asn1 Compiled AlgorithmIdentifier.c Compiled AlgorithmIdentifier.h Compiled LDSSecurityObjectVersion.c Compiled LDSSecurityObjectVersion.h Compiled DigestAlgorithmIdentifier.c Compiled DigestAlgorithmIdentifier.h Compiled LDSSecurityObject.c Compiled LDSSecurityObject.h Compiled DataGroupHash.c Compiled DataGroupHash.h Compiled DataGroupNumber.c Compiled DataGroupNumber.h Symlinked /usr/local/share/asn1c/ANY.h -> ANY.h Symlinked /usr/local/share/asn1c/ANY.c -> ANY.c Symlinked /usr/local/share/asn1c/INTEGER.h -> INTEGER.h Symlinked /usr/local/share/asn1c/NativeEnumerated.h -> NativeEnumerated.h Symlinked /usr/local/share/asn1c/INTEGER.c -> INTEGER.c Compile a sample DER-XML converter: gcc *.c -o LDSview -I. -DPDU=LDSSecurityObject unzip ./LDSview Sample_Data/lds.bin rm converter-sample.c Compile a sample application: gcc *.c -o LDStest -I.