Write two simple programs using OpenSSL library on Linux. 1) Create a simple program that encrypts/decrypts a file with AES-128 in CBC mode (using OpenSSL library) with fixed key: 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff (in hexa) and fixed IV: 00000000000000000000000000000008 (in hexa). Hints: - file name can be hardcoded (you can use memory buffer holding the whole file content) - to access file you can use OpenSSL BIO functions or any other functions Deadline: November 8, 2017, maximum is 5 points. 2) Create a simple program that generates 4096 bit RSA key with public exponent 17 and prints private and public output to the screen. Hints: - Use RSA_generate_key_ex() function. - Use PEM_read/write_PrivateKey or BIO based PEM_read/write_bio_PrivateKey (the same for public key). Deadline: November 8, 2017, maximum is 5 points. Your submitted archive should contain *two* C programs above. The source code must be compilable on the provided virtual machine (Linux Fedora) or on aisa server.