Time Management & Effectiveness PV236 Ing. Michala Kozinova, MBA. Metodologies & Tools Getting Things Done Pomodoro Popcorn, Eat the frog and other ways to trick your brain Trello CoachMe What’s IN Students sharing their implementations of time managements techniques and tools • Several years in a row, Trello seems to be very popular both among students and IT staff GTD The most spread methodology Elaborated, sophisticated system First published in 2001, translated to 28 languages According to Forbe’s: one of the Top5 Exec Coaches in US http://www.davidco.com Requires quite some maintenance, not for everyone GTD Flowchart Pomodoro Created in 1980s by Francesco Cirillo to improve his own study habits Book for free download Start in two pomodoro units (2 x 25min), 7 to 20 days to mastery) Pomodoro World Community Popcorn We often postpone things we don’t feel like doing, procrastinate, get frustrated with them ever hanging on our to do list. Popcorn technique is based on a recent research that suggest that the most difficult thing is to start. It suggest we trick ourselves by giving ourselves the freedom to stop working on a task after five minutes. Chance are that once we start, we will simply dive into it and get it off the table. Eat the Frog If you had to finish your plate and you had your favorite meal on it + the frog, would you eat the frog first or leave it as a last bite? Alexis Solanas • Implementation of time management techniques and tools on technical support job, GTD combined with Pomodoro • Shares his tips with the team twice a year • Title of his presentation: Increase your productivity in just a few simple steps • /whois Alexis? ● Senior Technical Support Engineer ● Nr. 1 productivity star of the team ● Happy person, on the job for six year without motivation drop ● Synchronizes his Pomodoros with colleagues and even girlfriend:) GTD top hints for me RULE: Free your mind so you can focus and be in control 1. Throw away what you don’t need 2. Finish all under-two-minutes tasks 3. Delegate all you can delegate 4. Put reminders of more-than-2-minutes tasks in your organizer 5. Make an overview of all projects (complex commitments) Pomodoro RULE: Free your mind so you can focus and be in control 1. Throw away what you don’t need 2. Finish all under-two-minutes tasks 3. Delegate all you can delegate 4. Put reminders of more-than-2-minutes tasks in your organizer 5. Make an overview of all projects (complex commitments) Building habits CoachMe app works well for me: - reminders on frequency you commit to - peer accountability - free trials for inspiration What if you are always late? Question: I am always late. At first I have plenty of time so I start one more thing and then I don’t have time to finishing it AND I am late. Best tip is to leave when you have plenty of time. You can always start one more thing while waiting, meet people, chat, browse, call your mom…. Brainstorming How do you trick you when lazy? What are your productivity hacks? ● ●