Agile / Scrum Pavol Sojčík Scrum Master Agenda ▪ What is Agile development? ▪ Why do we use it? ▪ Scrum Waterfall Project Management Triangle Agile What do you contract? Iron Triangle: If you make non-flexible agreement, you purchase non-flexible method of delivery! Time TimeScope Price Scope Price Traditional Timeboxed Fixed It works! Agile companies Agile Manifesto Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more. Scrum Framework Scrum principles Time-boxing Self-organized teams Substitutability Releasable increment Roles, Events & Artifacts Role • Scrum Master • Product Owner • Scrum Team Artifacts • Product Backlog • Sprint Backlog Events • Planning • Daily Scrum • Review • Retrospective Role – Product owner Role – DEV team Role - ScrumMaster Backlog • DEEP • Detailed Appropriately • Estimated • Emergent • Prioritized • Product Backlog -> Sprint Backlog User story • As a user I want to send email to more people at once • As a network administrator I want to see statuses of all my network devices, so that I can react to outages immediately AS A , I WANT SO THAT Planning poker Rules • Choose the reference stories and agree on their size • Take stories one by one and agree on their size • Exact match – write down the estimate • Two adjacent numbers – write down larger • Otherwise we discuss in the team and vote again • After 3rd unsuccessful voting, larger number wins • Estimates are compared to the reference stories • Scale Why? Start First round 133? 53 3 Second round 833 53 5 Third round 533 53 5 Sprint Planning & Review Planning ▪ Agreement between the team and PO about Sprint’s contents ▪ Commitment vs. Forecast Review/Demo ▪ Presentation of the Sprint results to the stakeholders/customers ▪ Always from user’s point of view Daily Scrum • 15-minute stand-up meeting • Same place & time • 3 basic questions • Sync for the team • Plan for next 24 hours • Sync about what has been finished • Forecast of what to do next Daily - 3 basic questions 1. What did I do yesterday? 2. What will I do today? 3. Are there any blockers that prevent me from finishing my tasks? Most common mistakes • Team members not listening others • Boycotting • Meeting longer than 15 minutes • Team reporting to SM/PO • Team dependent on SM being present • Team discusses only individual plan, not team plan • People not knowing what to work on • Team members discussing irrelevant stuff • Management participating and tracking progress • Answers not specific (“I’m working, I’ll continue working.”) Most common mistakes • Team members not listening others • Boycotting • Meeting longer than 15 minutes • Team reporting to SM/PO • Team dependent on SM being present • Team discusses only individual plan, not team plan • People not knowing what to work on • Team members discussing irrelevant stuff • Management participating and tracking progress • Answers not specific (“I’m working, I’ll continue working.”) Daily – example 1. Yesterday I came to work at 8:00, then I had a coffee, then I helped Ondra solved that problem and then went home. Today I will continue solving that problem. 2. I fixed that bug with Contact tracking and today I will test the user story about Campaigns. Also I forgot to mention that I’m on vacation tomorrow 3. I fixed some bugs yesterday, today I will continue, no issues. 4. I finished the email engine story, I would like to ask you for a code review. I’ll be studying in the afternoon and will also do some performance testing. If there’s enough time I will fix some priority bugs Daily – example 1. Yesterday I came to work at 8:00, then I had a coffee, then I helped Ondra solved that problem and then went home. Today I will continue solving that problem. 2. I fixed that bug with Contact tracking and today I will test the user story about Campaigns. Also I forgot to mention that I’m on vacation tomorrow 3. I fixed some bugs yesterday, today I will continue, no issues. 4. I finished the email engine story, I would like to ask you for a code review. I’ll be studying in the afternoon and will also do some performance testing. If there’s enough time I will fix some priority bugs Retrospective Retrospektíva Questions Contacts Pavol Sojčík – Scrum Masters Brno: Thank you