Exercise  Suppose we are given a predicate flight(From, To, Time, Price) containing information about direct flights including the starting airport, the destination, the flight time, and the price of a ticket. Write a Prolog program computing a predicate travel(From, To, Stops, Time, Price) indicating all possibilities to travel from one city to another using one or several flights. Exercise  Write a Prolog predicate fib(N, X) computing the Fibonacci sequence. Evaluate fib(, X) and fib(N, ). Exercise  Write Prolog definitions of the following predicates. length(List, N) N is the length of List . append(X, Y, Z) Z is the concatenation of the lists X and Y . reverse(X, Y) Y is the reverse of the list X . map(X, Y) maps a list X = [X, . . . , Xn] to Y = [f (X), . . . , f (Xn)] . fold_left(X, Y, Z) maps Y = [Y, . . . , Yn] to Z = f (⋯f (f (X, Y), Y)⋯, Yn) . fold_right(X, Y, Z) maps Y = [Y, . . . , Yn] to Z = f (Y, f (Y, . . . , f (Yn, X) . . . ))) . The Prolog notation for lists is as follows: [] [X, Y, Z] [X Y] [X, Y Z] . Exercise  Write a naive sort function naive_sort(X,Y) :- permute(X,Y), sorted(Y). by implementing the relations sorted(X) checks that the list X is sorted. insert(X, Y, Z) if the list Z is obtained from Y by inserting X at an arbitrary position. permute(X, Y) if the list Y is a permutation of X . Implement merge sort using a relation merge(X, Y, Z) merges two sorted lists X and Y into Z . split(X, Y, Z) splits the list X into two lists Y and Z . Exercise  We consider directed graphs of the form ⟨V, E⟩. Express the following relation in relational algebra. (a) x and y are not connected by an edge. (b) The edge ⟨x, y⟩ is part of a triangle. (c) x has at least two neighbours. (d) Every neighbour of x is also a neighbour of y.  Exercise  Evaluate the following Datalog program on the tree ⟨V, E, P⟩ to the right. U ← S(x, y) ∧ W(x) ∧ W(y) W(x) ← P(x) W(x) ← E(x, y) ∧ W(y) S(x, y) ← E(z, x) ∧ E(z, y) ∧ x ≠ y R(x, y) ← P(x) ∧ x = y R(x, y) ← E(x, z) ∧ R(z, y) R(x, y) ← R(x, z) ∧ E(z, y)         P P P 