Convex hull in 2D Before we start … • Link to study materials of Geometric algorithms course • tricke-alg/index.html Convex hull • Set M is convex if a line segment connecting its two arbitrary points fully lies inside M • Convex hull of a set of points X in the Euclidean space corresponds to the smallest convex set containing X Convex hull • Input: n points on a plane Convex hull • Convex hull in 2D: = convex polygon - Represented by an ordered sequence of vertices (counter clockwise) • Convex hull in 3D: = convex polyhedron - Represented by a planar graph Convex hull – algorithms • Gift Wrapping (Jarvis March) • Graham Scan • Incremental algorithm • Divide and conquer Gift wrapping (Jarvis March) • Resembles wrapping gifts, proposed by Jarvis (1973) • Simple implementation and extension to 3D • Assumption: set X does not contain three colinear points • Complexity: Preprocessing O(n), algorithm O(n2) Gift wrapping (Jarvis March) • Principle: – Find pivot q (q = max(yi)) – Add q to the convex hull H – pj-1 = arbitrary point on x axis, pj = q, pi = pj-1 – Repeat until pi ≠ q: • Repeat pi ∉ H and points pj-1, pj : – Find pi for that the angle Θ = min(Θi) • Add pi to H • pj-1 = pj, pj = pi ∀ Gift wrapping (Jarvis March) pj-1 pj = Gift wrapping (Jarvis March) pj-1 pj Implementation • We find point P with the highest x-axis value – this is one of the vertices of the convex hull • In this point P we determine so called separating line (often parallel to y axis). All points in the input set lie in the same halfplane, determined by the separating line Implementation • From P we shoot rays heading to all other points of the input set Implementation • We select a ray which has the minimal angle with the first (separating) line. We have next vertext of the convex hull (2) Implementation • New edge of the convex hull is 1-2 Implementation • Repeat this until we will reach the first point P again Implementation