PA165 Enterprise Java - Seminars
1st Milestone Project Requirements (M1)
1st Milestone Project Requirements
1st milestone project done: Mon 29.10.2018 23:59
1st milestone evaluation submitted: Fri 2. 11.2018 23:59
Project Requirements:
- create a project in a Github repository that is publicly accessible (for reading). Choose a short and descriptive name. Create some project wiki to publish other information for your project.
- on the project wiki there will be a project description, a use case diagram and a class diagram for the entity classes. There will be at least two user roles in the use case diagram. Associations between entities will be present in the class diagram.
- create 4 entity classes for your project.
- create a DAO layer interface (with proper javadoc).
- create the JPA implementation of the DAO classes (CRUD operations are enough for the first checkpoint).
- create unit tests for DAO classes (use in-memory database).
- every team member should work with different entities on different parts of the project (e.g. member 1 will create implementation of DAO for entity A, but member 2 will create unit test for entity A). In every class there will be javadoc @author with the name of the class author. Also you must commit into Git only the changes that you made yourself. If you commit on behalf of somebody else this will not be regarded as his work!
- show that you have been using pull requests in this milestone. The team leader will be responsible of managing pull requests.
- the project will be built using maven, and make sure you have all dependencies correctly configured, so it is possible to build it using just the command line.
Evaluation Checklist:
- You can assign maximum 5 points to the project you are reviewing.
- -3 points if it is not possible to compile the project using “mvn clean install”. You must either make this work or ask the team to fix this ASAP because it’s hard to check the code without this.
- -1 point for each minor occurrence of a team member not contributing enough.
- -1 points for incorrectly implementing equals/hash code.
- -1 points for every minor occurrence of missing methods/tests (e.g. missing important method on a DAO object or a missing test for that method).
- If a team member was not contributing at all, or very little, you should explicitly say this in your evaluation report. Tutor will follow up on this information.
- From this milestone your tutor will also assign you maximum 5 points based on the quality of the review that was submitted. So max you can get 10 points (5 your project evaluated + 5 project review written)