Seminar Groups Introduction PB007 Software Engineering I Bruno Rossi 18. 9. 2018 Software Engineering I (PB007) Seminar Groups Introduction 18. 9. 2018 1 / 10 Schedule of Seminar Sessions 1. Visual Paradigm introduction, project assignment. 2. Project start, initial Use Case diagram. 3. Detailed Use Case diagram, textual specification of UC 4. Specification of use cases (textual if not finished, Activity diagram). 5. Analysis Class diagram, Object diagram. 6. Finalization of analysis Class diagram, Use Case diagram update. 7. Data modelling, Entity Relationship diagram. 8. Design-level Class diagram, interfaces, implementation details. 9. State diagram. 10. Refinement of use cases with Interaction diagrams. 11. Finalization of Interaction diagrams, Class diagram update. 12. Packages, Component diagram, Deployment diagram. 13. Project evaluation. Software Engineering I (PB007) Seminar Groups Introduction 18. 9. 2018 2 / 10 Requirements for the Exercise Groups Attendance Mandatory participation; max one unjustified absence (1. exercise is not counted); in case of two or more absences: -5points in the evaluation exam; Project each week upload the project increment in the IS; deadline 48h before the next session; -5points for late submission; completing the project is a necessary condition to go to the final exam; Various each week there will be a test on the lecture’s material: each student can get 0-2points; obligatory to do it as the lab session starts; There will be bonus points (0-3points) for students that perform *exceptionally* during the semester; Software Engineering I (PB007) Seminar Groups Introduction 18. 9. 2018 3 / 10 Visual Paradigm File download for Visual Paradigm 15.1 Standard Edition (IMPORTANT: the license key will only work with this version) In case of need, you can find old versions at License Key Serial number: - intended only for educational purposes! generally you need to be connected to download the license key Software Engineering I (PB007) Seminar Groups Introduction 18. 9. 2018 4 / 10 Visual Paradigm - installation When starting VP for the first time choose academic license either from the main screen or from Windows->License Manager...; Insert the given license key and your email address and choose Activate - check your email client to receive a verification code - it might require some time (5-10 min. - check the SPAM folder as well!); insert the verification code; Software Engineering I (PB007) Seminar Groups Introduction 18. 9. 2018 5 / 10 Visual Paradigm - configuration of reporting Software Engineering I (PB007) Seminar Groups Introduction 18. 9. 2018 6 / 10 Useful Resources tutorials to work with Visual Paradigm tips to improve the style of your UML modelling Software Engineering I (PB007) Seminar Groups Introduction 18. 9. 2018 7 / 10 Useful Resources II UML 2 and the Unified Process UML 2 and the unified application development process Jim Arlow, Ila Neustadt clearly explains in detail the various diagrams examples, useful suggestions ... The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual (2nd Edition) James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, Grady Booch the semantics of each UML element Software Engineering I (PB007) Seminar Groups Introduction 18. 9. 2018 8 / 10 Beginning with the Project This year, the project is about supporting a pastry shop with an online Information System; We will create groups of two or three students; Next time we will start with the creation of the Use Case diagram of your project; Software Engineering I (PB007) Seminar Groups Introduction 18. 9. 2018 9 / 10 Tasks Analyze the description of the project to understand the problem domain - prepare questions for parts that are unclear; Think about functional and non-functional requirements (in terms of the different user roles); Experiment a bit with VP by using some simple tutorials (e.g. how to create a project, a use case); Software Engineering I (PB007) Seminar Groups Introduction 18. 9. 2018 10 / 10