HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION PART 2 — PROTOTYPING SKETCHES fast, cheap, easy to present wireframes, simulation of functionality imperfect and colorless — true feedback sketch — test — record — throw away and repeat it’s important to test ideas with real users as early as possible CARD SORTING organize content into categories open/closed card sorting creating the web/app structure labeling categories and navigation what category would you put the melon in? PROTOTYPES holdable prototype (paper, plastic, cardboard...) fast testing of “real” use (imperfect & colorless) horizontal — broad view of an entire system vertical — detailed view of one function (scenario) VIDEO! NOW! sketch app which controls air fresheners in your house, test it with classmates we will check all required parts of your homework you’ll get the points HOMEWORK! 1 — sketches on paper 2 — holdable prototype* *one horizontal & two vertical prototypes for chosen scenarios