HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION PART 4 HIGH-FIDELITY PROTOTYPING HIGH-FIDELITY PROTOTYPE shows a lot more detail shows more functionality shows how real UI elements might look like PRINCIPLES OF USER INTERFACES DISCOVERABILITY user is able determine what he can and cannot do user should not get lost AFFORDANCE possible interactions between user x interface affordance might differ between different cultures x antiaffordance (disabled btns, hiding input fields) FEEDBACK full (after an action) x continuous (state of interface) eg. label ‘Successful‘ after completing order, completing input field after selecting a date in datepicker SIGNIFIERS indicators on interface elements which shows their behaviour/actions very often comparable to real life (bookmark, files and folders) CONSTRAINTS limitations for users to be able to take an action Interlocks x Lock-Ins x Lock-Outs CRAP! Contrast Repetition Alignment Proximity CONTRAST elements which have different meaning/purpose should not look the same contrasts are attractive, help people get oriented it’s not just color contrasts REPETITION repeat visual elements through whole app people should recognize your app thanks to uniform design colors, shapes, fonts, structure... ALIGNMENT each element should have visual connection to another one elements should not be placed randomly leave whitespace white PROXIMITY elements which are related should form a visible group elements which are not related should be separated NOW! 1. find 4 websites containing some of the principles we have mentioned in today’s lecture and describe the principles into a text document 2. test your prototypes with classmates 3. check software for your homework we will check all required parts of your homework you’ll get the points HOMEWORK! upload your prototype or a link to Homework Vaults until the next seminar using Adobe XD (or your favorite software) prepare high-fi y prototype of your semestral project